Friday, December 30, 2011

Project:Bane Military press

Military Press


Seated DB press

60/15, 10



Rear delt db flyes

40/12, 10

Face Pulls

80/15, 10

Triceps Pressdowns


Close Grip Bench Press
225/10, 8

Lots o volume today and it felt good. Had some good food after and will do some pulling tomorrow. Checking out Edge strength and conditioning in Cary, IL owned by Mike Spagnola. Looking forward to a good deadlift session. Cant wait to get it in!

Video tomorrow!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Project: Bane bench day


275+2 sets of chain/3
275+4 sets of chain/3

Speed Bench


Chest Supported Rows


Rolling Triceps Extension


Machine Laterals

80/12, 12, 14

Lots of volume today. Getting work done so it can culminate in something big on the horizon. Me, Troy and Gregg are gonna put up some big numbers this coming year.

Project: Bane is under wraps for right now, you know what up soon enough.

Video of the benching coming soon.........if youtube don't delete the damn music I put in.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Squats and Project Bane

Hit lower body today and squats were the order of the day along with a little bicepticuls



Speed Squats:

315/2,2,2,2,2 (done with 45-60 seconds rest in between sets and as explosive as possible)

RDL's 135/12, 225/10,10,10

Leg Curls:80/10,10,10,10

Abs and biceps after

Project Bane is named after Batmans enemy in the Dark Knight Rises. Anyone who knows who Bane is know will see why 2012 contest prep is called that. Leaving no stone unturned and gonna get strong QUICK!

Doing work and doing it right!

Bench on Wednesday

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Last weeks training

Work Sets listed only






Military Press



Fridays deadlift workput stunk as I didn't have enough food in me for the session. So I did deads, some hamstring work and left to go and eat. Not sure if it was my set up or what, but I really felt my hamsstrings work on my final set of deads

The best workouts were yesterdays military press session, Wednesdays bench and Monday's squat. Slowly upping the volume on everything so thats gonna require more food and more rest.

Semester went ok, although there was one class that I could really care less for, which was photography. I'm all for iphone photography, but not a bunch of stuff with an actual camera.

Mountain Dog training was not stuck with. I'm just gonna trust my own instincts and piece some things together. I will use concepts from it though.

Love how Christmas fell on a Sunday this year. Means that squats on Monday don't get interrupted!.

Merry Christmas all!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Another catchup post

Been super busy with finals and such. So here is Tuesday's and Wednesdays training.

Squat: Tuesday:felt beat down on Monday


Other leg stuff

Wednesday: Bench at the WORLD FAMOUS QUADS GYM!


Incline press:

Flyes: 3 sets of ten.

Going to get some good work in the weightroom done here and take a academic deload. Cant wait to fix some issues with my squat and get it moving in a good direction again.

Also great to be back in the city! Missed it here.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Catch up with training

Have not posted since last Monday because the past week has been a bit of a blur.

Wed: Military press: 120/5, 40/5, 160/5
Machine laterals:3 sets
Hang and swings:4 sets

Friday: Deadlift:340/5, 390/5 430/5

Meadows Rows:3 sets
Pullovers: 3 sets

Saturday:Bench:210/5, 240/5, 270/5
Machine press:4 sets
Flyes:3 sets

Everything is feeling good. I think I'll up the volume a bit and try to get a deeper pump. Last training day here in Lincoln before I go back home to the crib and put in some good work there.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Leg day

Squat: work sets only

Leg Curls: 3 second negatives

Dumbbell stiff leg deadlifts:

Hack Squat: pause at the bottom on third set:

1 plate:10

Did some single leg squats with my left leg after all the other work. This is an imbalance that I need to fix in order to progress on the platform more. While not competing in March kind of stings me a little, I cant perform at the level I want without addressing weaknesses.

Here is how I'm also addressing my weaknesses in the gym. Doing extra workouts. Heres one of my techniques

I'm being facetious of course, but was it too much to ask for the brother to clean his porch off? I'm assuming it was.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Back training/Deadlift day

Did rows first as I did not want my lower back fried from doing deadlifts first. Worked out ok. 470 went a bit slower than it should have, but whatever.

One arm barbell rows:


Concentrated on getting a good stretch and pull all the way up to the top without using a whole lot of bicep power

* denotes warmup sets

Bench pullovers

Did these the mountain dog way by hanging my head off the bench and pulling it up to my forehead before going back down again. Here's a video with a better explanation.

Deadlifts: Work sets listed


I definitely feel it in my back today the effects of putting rows first. Right now for the first three weeks its low volume, but it gets ramped up after the initial 3 weeks.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Shoulder Training

Doing some new stuff with shoulders. Combined 5/3/1 and mountain dog training, a system that was developed by John Meadows. You can find more info and videos at his website .

Overhead Press:


Lateral "swings": 40/12, 50/12, 60/12

"Over and Backs"95/6, 7, 5

What are over and backs? Heres the video

Rear delt machine: 50,35, 35/35, 45/22

John Meadows suggets you do high reps for for rear delts. I tried and got my ass beat. I couldn't even do the last set. I'm going to have to find a different rear delt exercise though. The rear delt machine in the rec center sucks balls.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Squat day and program re-evaluations

As normal Monday is squat day, but I did high bar olympic style squats to hit the quads more. Here is the breakdown.


Hack squat: 1pps(plate per side)/12, 2pps/6,6,6
Leg Press: 3pps/12, 4pps/10,12,10
Leg Curl: 80/12, 95/10, 125/10,7

Ideally I wanted to do more hamstring work, but I had a prior engagement that I need to take care of.

Okay........brand new programming parameters.

1: My main work will still consist of the 5/3/1 percentages, set and rep scheme however I'm thinking of just using weeks one and two for a little while. I havent decided what i'm going to do, but I'll decide before the end of the week.

2:The focus is now to build muscle. I'm doing it because I want more muscle and I wanted a different challenge. I wanted to bring up some weaknesses and go from there. Right now, quads are a weakness and I want to get them bigger. I have other stuff in mind, but it all points to gaining more muscle.

3: Assistance work is more bodybuilding focused. Slowly building up my volume as my endurance sucks cow dong right now.

3: No real bodyweight goals. If I can get to a halfway decent 250 then I'll be happy for right now.

No more prep for the International open. Just can swing it cost wise. I'll look to something in the summer or fall maybe.

Off to do homework.............ugh.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bench Training


Did face pulls, press downs and dips afterward. Nothing fancy. Just work. Going home next week and looking forward to some heavy pulling and getting stuff done.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Military Press and Squat Training

Military press on last Saturday


Plate Raises:25/15, 45/12,12
Chins: BW for three sets of max reps which weren't very much.
Facepull:60/20, 80/12,10
Bent Laterals:40/12,12,12

Squat Monday:


Hack Squats and leg presses were supersetted them to build up my massive quadricep dominance so I look good standing in underwear. I then went on to do leg curls for hamstrings and buns of chocolate steel goodness.

Actually I wanted to do Romanian deadlifts but ALL the squat racks were taken at that time. Guess everyone wanted to get big legs.......or not. I saw a guy use the pussy pad for 95 lbs.Not cool young man in Under Armour shirt. Not cool.

I also saw some of the most abysmal ass bench pressing on international bench day. This saddens the Larry.

Bench on Wednesday. Must build the pecs up.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Bitchin ass deadlifts

Deadlifts:225,270,350,405,460 were all done for sets of 5

Bent rows: 225/4 sets of ten


Felt real solid today overall going into overhead presses tomorrow. Wanna get some gun show in too.

Had an interesting conversation with a strength coach today and he brought up that no one knew who Joe Weider is. Back in the day EVERYONE knew who Joe Weider was.

Nowadays I see people not wanting to lift and be strong or big. Everyone wants to be "cut". You know what.......fuck you and your cuts.

I am hearing bodybuilders....GOOD bodybuilders wanting to do fucking crossfit? CMON MAN!!!! How do you expect to get better at your craft if you don't want to practice it. Sorry to sound off but this whole "I wanna lift and not be big and strong" shit is grating my last fucking nerve and I think it's fucking stupid. Women too.......quit being all danty and shit, put some muscle on and get sexy.

Now that this rant is over, I feel better.

Fighting skinny jeans one set of squats at a time.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bench day recap



Close grip speed bench press: 225:3,3,3,3,3,3
Tricep Pressdown: 90/15,15,15
Triceps Extensions: 40/10, 50/10, 60/6

Did a lot more triceps work than what i normally do and I needed it as it is a weak point in my bench and needs to come up. So I made sure I did a decent amount of volume for them. I also did them for speed so it was a bit of a different twist as I havent done speed work in quite a while.

Deads tomorrow. Should be good!

Here is a video to show why why I love deadlifts. It's the purest form of a brute strength lift. The word "Cock Strong" applies to it.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Had some lower back tightness and went in to get it done anyway. Meet prep starts in December and entry fee gets sent in also so I'm getting excited.


Romanian Deadlifts: 135/5, 225/5,5

Abs and sled pulls after.

I just need to do everything better. Better technique, better resting, better foam rolling, better eating. I could go on but you all get the drift.

RIP to Joe Frazier. 67 is too young and that "c-word" he had has no love lost with me. Hate it with a passion.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Military press training

Still not strong enough on the military and the Huskers lost .Oh well. Gonna have to pull down this training max also. Guess I'll do it next week or tough out this cycle. I'll decide soon.

Military Press:


Laterals and some face pulls after.

Nothing crazy but I still feel good and I'm gonna keep on pushing for quality gains. Keeping it rolling

Got something i want to experiment with also so I cant wait until next Monday!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Bench and Deadlift training

Brought my training max down for both lifts. 340 lbs for bench and 540 lbs for deadlifts

Bench: 135/5, 170/5, 205/3, 240/3, 275/3
Followed by dips and triceps extensions. Getting the triceps stronger will be a priority through out the rest of the offseason and throughout prep for the meet. This workout was done on Tuesday

Deadlifts: 225/5, 275/5, 325/3, 380/3, 430/3, 495/3

Followed by bent rows and pulldowns for some more lat work.

I hate deadlifting with iron grip plates. Thankfully there were some olympic style 45 lb bumper plates so it elevated the height a bit where the iron grip plates weren't that big of a deal, but I still felt thrown off a bit during the movement.

Bench went well and my setup is still evolving too. Like I said earlier I need, REALLY need, to address my triceps strength (or weakness) and have my bench shoot up. I cant be trying to get a 425 bench with 225 lb triceps strength.

All in all a good week! Cant wait to pull at Quads Gym in a couple weeks! And this is my new song for deadlift day.

The first verse pretty much reflects what i think of a lot.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sqaut Monday Training

455 training max


Good Mornings:135/10,10,10
Weighted abs: 70/20, 110/20, 110/15

Nothing crazy. Added in some extra sets of low reps with an easy weight for some extra volume. Felt pretty good and it did what they were supposed to do because my legs are pretty damn sore.

Bench later.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Goings on.......

No training, just some rest and recovery. However I have been requested to put up more life stuff than training stuff. Training is life and life is training! Just kidding (kinda) but here is whats going on. If youre a classmate and this shit flies over your head, you'll be alright


Its going. I feel pretty encouraged with everything here in Nebraska. Everyone here is pretty nice and things are smooth. People want to get better at whatever they do and that motivation they have will carry over into their lives as well. Got a good group of people here in the dorm where I stay at and we tend to go out every so often (like tonight). I will say that my awesome old-schoolness can put off some of these young whipper snappers I have class with though.


Lexen xtreme, Columbus Ohio, first weekend in March. Feeling good, and just gonna do some hard training with no bullshit. I have numbers in mind and while I'm flexible with them, I still have what I want to do in the back of my head. 5/3/1 continues to work. I have had to "tweak" it a bit as far as assistance work goes, but the bottom line is that I have to work hard. It's going to suck and thats fine.


I'm looking to say in Lincoln over the summer. Mainly for the whole in state tuition thing. If I pull an internship in Chicago, fine, but I woud rather stay here. Plus the thought of working over by Wrigley again with a bunch of fans and drunks that like a baseball team i cannot stand does not appeal to me. Like the bar I usually clock in at though.

Not much more. Just grinding it out. Kicking ass and taking names.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bench deload

Bar/a bunch
95/ a bunch

Incline DB press: 50/15, 65/12, 80/8

Pressdowns: 80/20, 100/20, 130/20


Short and sweet. Training Friday and taking the weekend off to eat, rest and get after squats. The heavy stuff returns.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Saturday Training

Military press was the order of the day.
185/2 rest paused 1 rep.

Laterals: 20/15, 30/10, 40/10, 50/6

Pressdowns 80/20, 20

supersetted with

Machine Curls: 80/17, 17

DB Curls: 30/10, 40/10, 40/10

Gonna have to bring down my training max some as I'm not making a whole lot of progress on this lift, so i may have stalled. No biggie. Drop it a few pounds and work my way back up.

Deload this week.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Deadlift training


Work sets:


One arm rows: 80/10, 100/10,10,15(done with straps on the last set)

The video should be posted on Twitter and Facebook soon. Halfway point in the semester and training is good and school work also. Things can be improved on both so more work remains. Half the battle is done if you just show up to the gym and class, then you just simply "do".

Military press and gun show tomorrow. Trying to get my Arnold/Thomas Jones on.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bench day recap

Bench Press otherwise know as "The Rock Workout" as I am on my way to becoming a Brahma Bull


Incline Press:135/10, 185/10, 225/8
Rolling tricep ext: 40/10, 50/10,10
Pressdown 3 sets of 20 with weight that wasnt too heavy because I got 20 reps

Building blocks here in the offseason.

"Husker Power" Deadlifts on Friday. 540 for a triple. I'm calling it now

Larry "Looks like another Love TKO" Brown

Monday, October 17, 2011

Back at it.

Squat Mondays, because benching on Monday's unless it's a very weak lift means you have a small scrotum. 180/5 225/5 275/3 330/5 380/3 420/1 Romanan Deadlift: 135/12, 185/10, 225 x 4 sets x 10 reps Single leg curls: 50/12, 60/10(right leg) 12(left leg), 60/12 (both legs So I'm not in limbo in regards to what meet I will be doing next. I'm actually getting excited about it already. It is the XPC International Open in Columbus, Ohio. It will be the same weekend as the Arnold Classic but won't be in the same venue as the expo. Go to XPC is 3 different federations doing one meet. I expect some VERY heavy hitters in multiply and gear to show up and put on a show. Looking forward to it. I have numbers in my mind of what I want to hit at that meet at a new bodyweight of 220. Squat:650-700 Bench:405-425 Deadlift: 625-675 Last July's USPF Nationals was a shit show for me and I just didn't mentally have it once my knee went. Programming myself to keep the positivity flowing in each training session in that sessions may not go as well as I want, but it's all building blocks. Giving your all in a training session is better than not training at all. Bench on Wesnesday. I want 355 for 3........or more. LB

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Past weeks training

Monday squat: 320/5, 360/3, 405/2 Wednesday bench: 275/5, 315/3, 345/2 Friday Deadlift and Military press: Deadlift: 410/5, 470/3, 520/3 Military press: 140/5, 160/3, 175/5 Saturday beer consumption: I plan to PR Actually I don't, but I will have a good time. Class workload is getting a bit heavy, so thats why I smashed on Friday so I dont have to train Saturday. I was walking around "Downtown" Lincoln and you can feel a calm before the storm. I expect today to be crazy and fun. But knowing how beer makes me sleepy, I'll probably just take a nap after the game. This phenomena of getting old is real. Later.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Past couple days training.

Wednesday bench:

255/3, 290/3, 330/3

DB Press: 70/15, 90/12, 110/12
CG Incline Press: 185/10, 6, 6

Friday Deads:

385/3, 440/3, 495/3
No assistance work

Saturday Military Pres:

130/3, 150/4, 165/5
One arm standing db press: 50/12, 12, 12
One Arm Rows: 70/10, 90/10, 125/12
Seated Rows: 130/12, 180/12

Next cycle some things will be changed around in terms of lifts. I need to put squats on Wednesday and Deads on saturday. Thats about it. Still putting in work. Next move is unknown. Until the meantime, lots o studying and lifting.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Return to action

So I put in some work on Saturday at the Rec center at Nebraska and it went pretty well as I pulled 440 for 3. Did that just to get a feel for the platform I would be on and to get a general layout of the weightroom where the bulk of my training will take place. I tried to find another gym, however after talking with an alumni who works at a Max muscle Nutrition store, the rec center is the best game in town. No worries. I did some work today anyway.

Squats: Top sets listed only

340/3 (both sets done beltless)
380/4 (with belt)

Nautilus leg press: 4pps/12, 15, 4pps(+50lbs)/15, 5pps/12

Good Mornings: Bar/12, 135/12, 185/7

Leg Curl: 110/12, 125/12, 160/12

Squats felt great today and really focused on exploding on the way up. After that, everything was cake. Good to break a good sweat in there too. Pretty warm weightroom had something to do with me having a good session also. Nothing was cold and just went in to smash.

As far as this rugby thing I've been talking about, that may or may not happen. My class schedule conflicts with the season calendar. I will try and make a couple practices and hopefully they can work with my schedule. If i play, I'll be one of the bigger guys on the team. Not sue if that will help, but if I go to London someday, at least I'll sound cool saying I played rugby while drinking tea and crumpets.

Bench on Wednesday. Very encouraged!.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Post meet Wednesday Training

Olympic Squats: bar/10, 135/9,5, 185/8,5, 225/5

Leg Press: 3pps/15, 5pps/10,6

Leg Curl: 45/12,12 90/8,8

Wanted to get a pump going and break a good sweat. Came a little bit late so I didn't get what I really wanted to do done, but I got in there.

Chest and back in a couple hours and then more video editing. This time at Caribou coffee. Their slogan..........."Summer is short, stay awake for it."

Yes Caribou Coffee. You can take my money with slick and cheesy marketing like that.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

USPF Nationals reflection

Well, the day came and went and here is how it went down

Weigh-in: Came SUPER early to weigh in and I was dead tired but stayed to watch my buddy Troy lift. After weighing in about 234 (I was super tired, I facebooked I weighed in at 231) I went to watch the action. Now Troy is a 165 lb guy who busted his ass all the way up to this meet and ended with a 314 bench, 400+(not sure of the number) squat and a 545 pound deadlift all raw. He placed first in his class and got best lifter in the lightweight raw category. Afterwards me and my other training partner Greg went home so we could rest up for Saturday

Saturday: I was in the 242 lb weight class along with Greg and there was some good lifting. Ed Coan was there coaching about seven or more guys including this one freak who is 23 and had a raw squat of 700+. All of Ed's guys finished the day pretty strong and made a good transition from bench only.

Greg had a good day. He made a 70 pound weight drop over the past year and a half and he put up some good numbers also. He made a 460+ squat, 360+ bench and a 500+ DL. He may be on his way to the 220 lb class also.

As for me. Our team is called Ironeaterz, but I dont think I ate much of shit. Didn't want to push my knee, so I passed on my third and settled for a 440 something squat, a 365 bench(pissed about that) and a 606 dl which broke a raw american record in the USPF. Placed second in my class which is cool. I wanted first but just didn't have it.

Observations: My boys Dominic Rivera and Paul Houmpavlis did good yesterday. It's good to see young powerlifters get on the platform instead of being involved in some stupidity.

Ellen Stein did a raw meet in the USPA last week and then did the Nationals. Who doe's that?! She did and set a WPF world record in the squat!

Ed Coan is STILL thick as a brick and was involved in giving good advice to not only me but other lifters in the area. Great man to talk to.

Matt Gary is a COACH! He timed everything down to a T for Greg and he gave a great performance. He did the same for Ellen also.

Guys from Wisconsin eat cheese and are strong! Mat Gunville is one of them and Scott Lade is the other

Pat Cameron and the crew from Michigan are some really good people! I hope Pat can get back to the platform soon.

Personal lessons:

Get under the bar more. Irregardless of my knee I should have done at least some box squats.

Heavier weights and more volume. I'm taking a tip from Chad Smith and a guy from and not really limit my offseason volume. It prepares you for big numbers and the extra volume gets you in shape.

More emphasis on nutrition. Not to go all psycho but limit the bullshit I eat. Cook more at home and eat more fats and clean carbs. This may pose a problem when I get to Nebraska but I'll figure something out.

Thanks to first off My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I can be a tool sometimes, but I'm a redeemed tool. I could have had a MUCH worse injury, but only by grace I didn't.

Greg and Troy. They are not only solid training partners, but people who I would stand by any day of the week. On to the next one fellas! Whenever that is.

Mike Salazar: You've helped me more than you know. And for that, I'm thankful to you! Thanks for being there

Club 162 in Wrigleyville for paying my entry fee! Wish I couldve done more, but it is what it is. Thanks again!

Lance Karabel: Thanks for running an awesome meet! You were everywhere and had a great word for everyone!

All my family and friends online and in person! You guys kept me going when I wanted to stop. Hope you have some saved up. I'm debating between two meets right now! LOL

Well, thats it! Back in the lab tomorrow, and we'll see what the future holds!

Everyday I'm shuffling!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Wednesday Bench: 135/10,5, 225/3, 290/3,3,3, 275/3, 315/2,2, 345/2,1

Hammer Strength One Arm rows: 75/12, 100/12, 115/2

Just wanted some extra volume on the main lift and one assistance exercise. Assistance work at this point (at least to me) should just be there to balance out the main work

Friday: Deadlifts (at Powerhouse Gym in Downtown Tampa)

Was in Tampa for the the Pro Bodybuilding Weekly Championships and got in my last heavy deadlift session at Powerhouse Gym in Downtown Tampa. A phenomenal gym that is now home to IFBB Pro Ben Pakulski.

Deads: 135/10, 5, 185/5, 225/3, 275/3, 315/3, 365/3, 405/1, 495/1, 550/1

Some back assistance work.

Felt strong on these and enjoyed getting in my last workout. I feel confident as I am in the final two weeks. Light work this and next week. Lots of foam rolling and stretching. Cant wait for this to go down!

Here is the video from Friday.

Working with Muscular Development Magazine over the weekend was once again a phenomenal experience and I was glad to be apart of it. There is just too much to type so I'll list highlights.

-Working with Shawn Ray who is someone I looked up to for the longest.

-Meeting with 1982 and 1983 Mr.Olympia Chris Dickerson and Samir Bannout

-Meeting Lee Labrada.

-Working with George Farah

-Seeing Al Auguste bring home a win in his Pro Debut in his home state.

-Seeing Marius Dohne win and bring home a victory to South Africa. Home of the Legendary Bodybuilder Reg Park.

There were more, but this was only the tip of the iceberg!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Squat Training

Squats from today.


Leg curls after.

I was not going to take 455 and unracked it and racked it back. But then I had my training partner Troy and a top level national female bodybuilder look at me like I was retarded so I went under the bar and got it. It was not a pretty sight but fuck it. I'm glad I did it because I hurt my knee at 430 and I handled 25 lbs more. I have paid to do a full meet, but I will take it week by week and let my body tell me what it can handle (a lot) I also need to keep reinforcing technique with the little while I have left. I'm not going to have a week where I pull openers as I have a pretty good idea of where I stand with that.

Feeling good right now. Off to eat, shower, read and then sleep.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fridays Training

Doubled up on Friday with Deadlifts and Military presses. Did some extra back work also

Deads: 135/6,5 185/4, 225/5, 275/3, 315/3, 365/3. Really focused on technique with these and making my head go up instead of staying neutral.

Military press: Bar/12, 65/12, 95/8, 135/5,4. I'll be making these a priority in my next training cycle in really trying to push up the reps and weight. I need bigger and stronger shoulders for what I'm trying to accomplish which is pushing my bench press up.

Bent Rows: 135/12,10, 185/10, 225/10, 275/8
Seated Rows: 120/12, 150/12, 195/8

The last few days I have been running around for Muscular Development Magazine and loving every minute of it recording and interviewing people for the Jr.Nationals. It ended at the right time, so I can focus on the task at hand.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This weeks training thus far.

Mondays squats went well. Only went up to 390. Felt slow, and I didn't video tape so I have no idea of the actual speed.

Yesterdays Bench

405/2 misses.

I can make up a myriad of reasons as to why I can't get 405 up but I'll go with the simplest reason. I'm simply not strong in the right areas and I got lazy with some exercises that were vital to benching. And after talking with a friend I'm going to have to put size on my back and shoulders even more. So me moving up a weight class may be coming. Going back to bodybuilding training for a little afterwards. Just need a break and I want to put some size on also

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Deadlift training

I won't go too much into the workout. I went up to 605 and tried it four times. Everything leading up to it was light which was

135/6, 6
605/ all missed

I may have done a bit too much leading up to that 605. I've pulled 611 so strength is not a big issue. I still have time and 550 went VERY well. I take openers in a couple weeks so we'll see what happens.

Knee is feeling great again! Helped my buddy Mike move AC units and it didn't even get sore or stiff. Great fucking sign in my opinion. Heavy squats on Monday it is and it's going down. I'll be purposely listening to the most violent music I have on Monday.

There is a mobile template for this blog read. You have no excuse. You don't read, I'll come and get you..........WHILE YOU SLEEP!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 1st Bench training

Bench: 255/5, 295/1, 320/1, 365/miss, 1, 315/2 (paused)

Chest supported row: 90/10, 135/10, 185/6

Pressdowns: 3 light sets of fifteen.

Went into this one feeling pretty good and wanted to test the limits. I handled 375 after missing it once, and 385 proved to go the same way. I was stoked because this is only 6 lbs off a competition best of 391 lbs. I am on my way to a 400+ bench and I'm stoked. Deload week next week for all lifts and I have one more heavy cycle and openers with a 10-14 day deload. The reason I deload for so long is that I'm usually pretty beat by the time the meet comes around with a week deload. Last meet I did it for two weeks and PR'd in two of my lifts. So I will do the same this time.

I am excited for Friday, not only is it Friday and payday, but X-men First Class comes out and I'm super excited!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Progress, frustration and a shitshow all in one. Mondays "squat" session

Squats: Top set was 365 /2

Thats all I'm listing as that is all I could really take. No, scratch that. Thats all my knee, or what I perceive my knee could take. I wanted to go to over 500 but it was not to be I guess. I tried to take 405 but I just couldn't get through it. I felt that knee tighten on me and I just came right back up. Didn't even hit parallel. To have this happen and have only a few weeks before Nationals is incredibly frustrating. Am I doing all that I can in my squat, or am I just being a bitch about the whole thing and not pushing myself to the limits I'm capable of.

I was reminded by Gregg that aches, pains, and injuries happen. This is something I'll need to work through. I am deadset on a 700 squat, but if i don't have it the day of the meet, then I just don;t have it. I have to remember to play it smart and not get pissed off to the nth.

My warmup sucked also. I HAVE to warmup properly, if I don't then I'm shit. Period. Putting in goblet squats in my warmup also. If it takes 15 to warmup, then it takes 15. I did a warmup when my knee popped and up until that point, I was moving shit like a freight train. I felt great, form was tight and I was explosive. So when I get away from a proper warmup then I quickly get reminded of why I need to do one.

Good thing is that my job is paying my entry fee into the Nationals. So thats money I don't need to worry about paying.

Hope everyone had a Great Memorial day, but lets not forget why we celebrate it. It's more than a day off from work or time for barbeques and all that.

Bench on Wednesday, work at three, so I'll be looking at videos like these today.

Getting after it!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Past couple days training.

Friday- Deadlifts: Was supposed to go up to 460/5 but my knee was acting a bit buggy, so I only went up to 315.


Leg Curls: two sets for weight not even worth mentioning. Just a bit frustrated with my knee bothering me,

Saturday: Bench assistance, press day or whatever you want to call this concoction.

Military press: 65/5, 95/6,5, 135/3, 4, 155/2,2 (paused slightly above my clavicle with no leg drive)

CG Press: 135/10,10, 185/10, 225/3, 4

I had chains on for all these sets. Started off with one set of chain on the sets with 135 and went up to two with 185 and above.

Lat pulldown for 3 sets of 12.

Another heavy week coming up and we are 40 days away from USPF Nationals. Can't wait!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bench Training

Bench Training

Bench: 225/5, 255/5, 295/5, 315/1, 365/1, 335/2(paused)

One Arm Rows: 100/8, 105/8, 120/8, 135/5

Paused Incline Barbell: 185/8, 5, 225/5, 6

Banded Pressdowns: 3 sets of 20

Rear laterals: 20/15,15,15

Good day in the gym today. I wasn't going to go that heavy on the bench, but I had some agression to workout and I believe that training is supposed to have a therapeutic effect when you need it regardless of what you are preparing for. It felt good to hit 365 after missing 375 once and then taking it again and nailing it.

We had a bit of a stupid thing go on today. We had a one arm row challenge with 150 lb dumbbell. We had to row it for as many times as possible and the highest rep count wins. It didnt matter if you had ten reps with your left and fifteen with your right, fifteen was the winning number. I was able to get 10 with my right arm and thought I was safe, until the rules were changed and you could do a deadstop row. BOOOOOOOOOOO. I lost to my training partner Greg by one damn rep. Smart thing to do, no. But fun.

Did 35 minutes of cardio after and felt pretty good. Deadlifts on Friday


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mondays Training

Squats: 135/5,5 , 185/4,4, 225/5,3,3

Attempted deadlifts but the knee started acting a little funny, so I iced it a bit after.

Back raise: BW/10, (PINK BAND)10,10

20 mins of cardio.

Bench is tomorrow, looking forward to it.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Saturdays training

Saturdays training was the same as Wednesdays bench training in which I went up to 305 on the bench for three reps. However I didn't do any singles and did some seated military press after and headed into work.

No training on Sunday, just church and a surprise party that was orchestrated by my sister. I've never had a surprise party before so this was......well......a surprise! So thanks to my sister and ALL my family who showed up!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bench day recap

So by now I'm sure that everyone has looked or at least heard of my debacle with my knee on Monday. It's good to go as in it's not as stiff as it was Monday and Tuesday. Just a bit sore and I'm sure I'll be able to resume some light -moderate squatting the week after next.

On Wednesday I went in to bench and was surprised my boy Greg showed up early. He's being coached by Matt Gary out of Maryland so our sessions are to push each other and coach each other and shoot the shit. I very much look forward to these sessions because it's largely a de-stresser for us although we try to smash pr's.

Bench for me went like this: Warmups, 250/3, 280/3, 305/3, 325/1, 350/1, 375/ miss, 1

I missed 375 the first time because i just wasn't tight enough. The second time I took it, I remember the setup Frey had me do at Learn to Train and the adjustments Greg had me do and I got it up. I was reminded of what Julia Ladewski said to me at the seminar in that you have to strain because you may get that lift thats a grinder and last 5 seconds, so I need to learn how to do that. I also need to not fear the weight and keep my steup TIGHT. Gonna get the back bigger too.

I've learned that bench is just not my specialty lift, and that I'm going to have get insanely strong to handle any decent amount of weight. And my ultimate goal is to have a raw press of 500. Long way to go, but it's about the journey.

No deadlifting but back and plenty of hamstring work and the same goes for next Monday. I'll resume deadlifting next Friday but for reps. Upward and onward!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Part 2 of the learn to train seminar

Saturday comes and that means day 2 of the learn to train seminar and without a doubt this was where the action took place. We were put into groups based on strength so I was with the beefy crew who resembled washed up NFL defensemen. First station was the Q/A table with Matt Ladewski, Julia Ladewski and Landon Evans. There was a wealth of information there and i wasted no time in picking their brains about programming and nutrtion. Landon Evans said something that most people will not agree with. That meal frequency does not matter. There is more to it, but he believes in the leans gains approach. You can find out more at

After the q/a table, it was on to the squat station with Brian Caroll coaching us on squats. Brian is a beast on squats and hit I believe a 1030 squat that morning before coaching us, so not a bad guy to learn from. Made some tweaks and I'm confident I'll hit what I want to hit in July. Yes Greg, I know you told me first.

Next was the assessment station with Mike Robertson and Dr. Ryan Smith. It was rough, I hated it, hardest station of all, but I needed to see how my mobility was. It stinks like donkey ass is the short answer. It will get better though with time and patience.

After the assessment was the Bench Press station coached by Joey Smith, Jeremy Frey and Steve Diel. Biggest thing that was affected was my arch and grip on the bar. I caught a hard cramp during my first set because I honestly do not remember my set up being THAT tight. I was out of breath with just the bar. But Joey Smith said that none of this is supposed to feel good so get that shit out your mind.

Bench was done and my group went on to the deadlift which was coached by powerlifter/bodybuilder Matt Kroc. He explained the differences between sumo and conventional and we worked up to 405. I didn't want to go heavier because I had strongman next but we talked a bit about nutrition, how bodybuilding and powerlifting training are pretty well close in terms of training, and his future plans in bodybuilding.

The strongman station was next and Steve Pulcinella and Andy Deck had that station. I was throwing around the idea of doing a strongman meet in my mind, but after this station of log press, axle press and farmers walks, I decided against that. I will say that it will be useful in my training, The over head pressing also showed me how weak my triceps are and how that cannot be tolerated in the grand scope of things.

I have to say that it was a great weekend. I will try and make the next one and hopefully learn even more on my quest for elite status.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

This past week

As a lot of you already know, I graduated from Harold Washington College this week. I won't harp on it too much but I will say that it was a journey that took 3 years and it finally setting in that I graduated. I have to thank everyone that was there for me including my sister Tracey, Miguel, Kenisha, Tom Hagler, Greg, Troy, Big Mike and a host of others, but most importantly I have to thank God because it was through His strength I was able to finish.

After the ceremony on Wednesday, I was on the road on Thursday with Dominic Rivera and we rolled to London, Ohio for the EFS Learn to Train Seminar. For those that don't know Elite FTS is a strength training website that has a roster of athletes that have a background in primarily powerlifting, but are also versed in bodybuilding and nutrition. The people that are apart of the team helped lecture and coach on all things related to programming, movements, business, the history of the company, powerlifting gear usage and life in general.

The first day was lectures and I was looking forward to James Smith (Otherwise know as The Thinker of EFS) presentation of The Block Periodization Training Methodology: Application and Adaptability. Block Periodization has been something I have been interested in for awhile mainly because of the results that people have gotten from it. James went through 39 slides that were each well explained and broken down into terms that anyone could understand. Long story short, I wanted to try a block model for my training but I found out that looking at the numbers I currently have and seeing that Block Periodization is mainly for the elite athlete, I'm not ready for it just yet. James also answered questions that I had on putting together a Block model for when I am ready and he pointed me to different resources in which to find out more about it.

The next presenters were Jeremy Frey and Brian Caroll who Went through a Q/A about the squat, bench and deadlift. Premise of the hour without going into minute detail was that you need to be strong. Shut up and do work if you want to be good, and it dont matter if youre a raw or multiply gear lifter, you still need to be strong.

Mike Robertson and Ryan Smith showed up and gave us a talk about corrective exercise and it's impact on our total. We had a few messed up bodies there so this one was all ears by everyone. They went in-depth about mobility and stability in regards to warm-ups and we went through some sample exercises on Saturday which I'll save for another post.

Steve Pulcinella and Andy Deck did a presentation on Strongman and Pulcinella was hilarious! Andy and Steve went into their background and how to train for strongman. I was curious about trying to do strongman and quickly reversed my decision about that after an axle press on Saturday. I was surprised at how big Andy Deck is. He is a SOLID 240 and my 240 is not like his! Mine is sexier though!

Matt Kroc went into nutrition and here is the bottom line. You dont have to be fat to be a powerlifter, lose some weight, gain some mass and train.

After all that, we had and open Q/A with Jim Wendler and Dave Tate. I have to say that if you have an opportunity to hear either gentleman speak, DO IT! As far as what was said, if you weren't there, then you just wont know. ;-)

Ill have more tomorrow as Saturday was a training day.....that I am currently feeling right now in my entire posterior chain.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Way overdue update

Well, I was going to put up this past weeks training, but I realized that I left my log back in my locker. But I can give rough estimates of where my top sets were for this week

Squat: 405/5


Deadlift: 460/5

With that being said, this is my "light" week in which I only go up to 85% of my training max which is 90% of my actual max (or somewhere in that ball park). I have a busy week next week and will have to put gas on. I have.....

-Spanish test on Monday

-Business Law test that I could really give to damns about. I should've never taken the class anyway in hindsight.

-Paper due in ethics

-at some point I have to wash my clothes so I don't have the scent of "Urban Musk" or otherwise known as funk.

I have military presses later in the afternoon if youre reading this and i have work at 7pm and then Sunday at 3pm.

Hitting a rough spot financially, but we all do at some point. But responsibilities come first as much as we don't want to take care of them. And if it looks like you take two steps forward but four back, just know that even in the rain, God is still shining.

95% week next week. And I will post a bench video. I have put it in my mind I will NOT have anymore bad bench sessions. The bar will move the way I want it to move and as fast as I want it moved. I will press 425 in July. PERIOD!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fridays deadlift training and Mondays Squat training

April 8th Deadlift training:

Combined deadlift with military press after

Deadlift:345/5, 405/5, 450/5

GHR: BW/10,6,10,8

Military Press: 120/5, 140/5, 160/5

Some assistance work.

April 11th Squat day

Squats:345/5, 390/3, 440/1, 495/1, 520/1

Reverse Hypers: 100/10, 150/10

Felt good putting that much weight on my back and handling it pretty well.

Program points:

Cardio on a more consistent basis

Better nutrition through more foods. That means getting my ass over a stove a get to cooking more

Dropped to 3 days a week right now for lifting. Took a clip out of a strong man competitors play book. Clint Darden from combines his overhead pressing after deadlifts. That way I can recover over two days and comeback fresh on Monday.

13 weeks.............

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bench Training

Worked up to 280 for 5 reps. I really did 6 though. I took a wider grip on the bar and utilized my fat gripz also. Fat Gripz are attachements you can put on a dumbbell or barbell and it mimics the effect of a fat bar. Fat bars take stress off the elbows a bit (at least for me) and gives you a stronger grip over the long haul. I bought them after reading an article by Charles Poliquin on the the effects of using a fat bar. I'll be using these attachements on the regular as I am having elbow issues. And I'll also use them for arm exercises as you get more fiber recruitment using a fat bar with barbells and dumbbells.

It's nothing really heavy this week. I work up to 95% of my training max next week and I need my head in the game. Gonna get a nice bloat going for squats on Monday so I can work up to around 500.

This is a video of Dave Ricks. International level powerlifter. And he's over 55. Whats your excuse? Thats dont have one

Squat Monday

Worked up to 390 for 5. Used a belt and felt good and fast. Also bought some Rehband knee sleeves and took those for a ride today. The heavy knee sleeves I use from are illegal in competition or the federation I compete in.

No words can describe this video.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Bench Training from Wednesday

This was one of those things that started out as a good idea, but as things went on, things went a bit south. Not that it was a bad thing, but I'll get into that in a moment. But right now, lets break the workout down.

405/ two misses

This workout was still a success in my eyes in that it showed me I'm have a long way to go and made my weak points even more apparent.

Weakness one: Set up and technique are the things that come to my mind first. I lose tightness and fall out of the groove in the bench.I need to learn how to keep my shoulder girdle tighter also.

Weakness two: Weak triceps and some forearm and elbow pain have been getting lately. I will have these area worked on soon. I'm gonna go H.A.M on triceps training now. Close grip, board press, floor press, extensions. You name it, I'm doing it( except kickbacks because I'm positive that they serve no purpose at all for bodybuilding, powerlifting or general strength and fitness training and because they aren't manly)

Weakness three: Mental. I need to learn how to come back strong after a "defeat". My head wasnt right after that missed attempt and I let the first miss get to me in the head. This has even affected me in meets. I cant let it go on.

Onward. I'm only as strong as my weakest link and my weakest is my bench.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Squat Training

Went into a new training phase. Decided against truly max out, but getting close to 90% and above in my poundages.

Squat: Top sets were 420/3, 460/1

The 460 felt really good and fast despite a messed up setup and even i was surprised a bit I would've went up to 500, but I decided to shut it down. Next time I'll make an attempt hopefully. I wasn't at my best because I was dealing with some stress and had a pounding headache and was moving a bit slower throughout the workout. I didn't make excuses though and decided to squat hard and roll out the gym.

I am of the realization now that I have to get to the gym earlier so I'm not late for class. I can see the finish line here and I don't want to mess up any chances i have of getting into either Iowa or Nebraska.

Come to think of it, i have a pretty focused schedule going on that won't allow for much BS'ing like last summer. Even though I had summer school and work, that ended pretty quickly. I have the Nationals in July, I graduate in May, and I start back work on Friday. And when Nationals is over, I have to get ready to go wherever I'm going. And saving money is a must, so the late nights will come, but i have to afford it in my budget first. Plus I have an idea for another training cycle after Nationals, and i still don't know what type of gym I'm dealing with when I get to my University. But the primary goal of the next training cycle is to put on some solid size and obviously gain more strength.

Here is a link to the program I'm following. It's a variation of 5/3/1 that has weeks 2 and week 1 switched around. it's called "5/3/1 for Powerlifters" in the article.

Me and my training partner Mike made tremendous progress with the original 5/3/1 which is available here......

Thats it from me. Going to try for a 405 bench. I need to get to that big weight, and I havent had to press 405 in awhile, so lets see where it goes.

Monday, March 21, 2011


This is the post of stuff. A little bit of life, a little bit of training, a little bit of commentary. So enjoy my stuff

Training: It's coming along good. I'm not sure if those are pr's I have hit so I would have to look back on my logs to see if I have hit either weight or rep pr's in the squat and deadlift, but offhand, I'm going to say no. I don't think I have set any significant weight or rep pr's. While I am making progress, it's just slow progress. And I'm alright with that seeing as that i want to be in this for the long haul and stay competitive. However, I'm going to have to give a bit more of myself on the gym floor. Do any of us ever give enough of ourselves to the gym in regards to improving. No, but we all come close. Our bodies quit before we do.

One thing I need to do is to leave the outside of the gym on the outside. Once I step inside, there should be nothing else going on. No phone calls, no texts, no bullshit. Just me, my partners, the weight and violence. Thats it! While the Nationals are in July and it's only late March, thats not a lot of time. So focus and intensity is of the utmost importance.

I'm making a contract with myself from here on out. Once I step in the gym, the outside ceases to exist until the last rep of the last exercise. No phone, no texts, no nothing. I just want weight. I'm leaving my problems at the door. They aren't going anywhere so they can wait a few.

Life: School is going. Spanish and business law are works in progress but I'm plugging at them nonetheless. Not really a whole bunch to say about school as if you are a student or have been at any point in your life, you know what I'm talking about.

I will say that I am going to embrace the night a bit more for studying. I function better at night as far as school goes and thats when my purest thinking comes. So these 3-4 am mornings will start to be commonplace for the remainder of the semester. As long as I have soe music and food, I can do work

Thats it on my end for right now. I just want to keep rolling and finish this semester off to go on the other academic pastures.

Persistence is nothing more than consistency with a few rough patches.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Top set only


Reverse Hypers: 200/12

Cardio: About 20 minutes

Bringing the camera out next week and it will be mainly for technique check. I hope it's all up to snuff.

Military press tomorrow. I've went against the template a bit and just doing my own thing on that.

3's wave, Intensification, Bench

Bench Press: 250/3,3,3,3,3

Suppersetted chest supported rows and neutral grip lat pulldowns. Hammered out some pressdowns and left. Bicep didn't hurt as much as last week while pressing so I think the warmup helped quite a bit.

Picked up the Metroflex Powerbuilding book of methods and there are ton's of routines inside of the book. Not one for the meek either. Big eating, big resting and big training is what the book is about. You can get the book at don't have to be a man to reap the benefits of the book. Please ladies, quit going for a lot of gimmicks. Fellas included.

Other than that. Not much. Keep Japan and everyone else that is effected by the earthquake in your prayers. Not a very good time right now. We often forget how blessed we are. Never forget people, at all.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Training and life update

I have not made a substantial post in a little bit so I figured I would make one today. Honestly, there just hasn't been much going on. I'm finishing up the Juggernaut program and I will not lie, it is a rough program. You have to be in shape to do this program. If you come into the program extremely out of shape, your'e screwed.

I'm in my intensification wave of the 3's phase which is the last phase of the program.

Monday: Squats:370 with seven sets of three.

I bench later in the afternoon before class today.

School is going although I do have to focus harder. I graduate May 11th and it's already March. 9th, so I have about 8 weeks. Not a long time, but enough to make improvements in Business Law and Spanish. I'll have a better idea of Spanish after today as we get our second exams back.

Applied to the University of Nebraska and Iowa last week and will be sending off transcripts to them today. So hopefully I 'll hear something soon.

Bench workout later today.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Deadlift training, a Military Press fiasco and plans for competition

Deadlifts took place this past Friday and it was a decent session.

Top Set: 410/10

Leg press: 3pl/12, 4pl/12, 6pl/6,6

(pl stands for plates per side) Finished off with some cardio and called it a day.

On Saturday I threw the rule book out the window for military press and wanted to go all Mortal Kombat and "Test my Might" on it. If you've ever played the Original mortal Kombat you know what I mean.

Lets just say I'm glad I wasn't breaking digital 2x4's as it was nasty. I got it on my second set but lost balance and had to step forward a little bit to get it up. It also felt like my head was going to explode a bit. I'm glad I was able to grab some heavier weights and push a bit. I'll be throwing the rule book out the window also and pushing up weight again.

I also plan on going into the UPA nationals in April. I will use Juggernaut until the meet and after the meet, take a week "off" and then roll into some Westside style training and have even more fun. I've been wanting to go back to a Westside style program for awhile and this is a great opportunity to do so.

The 1600 raw barrier will be SMASHED at BOTH meets. The UPA Nationals and the USPF nationals. I'll stay in the 242's until I total elite USPF style while being gear deficient. USPF style is feet flat on the floor while benching and walk your squats out and single ply gear.

So thats that. i got a paper to write and a piece for my creative writing club and plenty of reading to do. Deload and stuff this week too so plenty of rest and ice.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bench Training-Realization Phase- 16 Feb 2011

Did some bench after class on Wednesday and longstory short, the top set went like this


The one thing I did with this new program is that I underestimated my training max quite a bit for bench and overhead presses. That will be addressed after I test my one rep maxes here in a few weeks. Hell, I may do a meet (UPA Nationals) and just see what I can do. I'm not afraid to rumble on the platform for more than once a year. I feel good, and everything is going right, so why not, however, I don't want to just compete to compete. I want to make statements when I get under the bar and I want people to say that "Hey, thats Larry Brown. He aint no joke!" So I'll see whats what here in a few and talk with some people. If I feel I'm ready to go, I'll pull the trigger. If I feel I can't do it, then it is what it is.

Also cleaning up my eating.


For all inclusive purposes, It's good. I've decided to take the typical meathead job and go back to bouncing at a bar during baseball season. Thankfully the management thought well enough of me for me to come back. And no summer school means extra hours I hope since I dont have to go to school.

Speaking of school, it's not too bad. I have an interest in international relations and I enjoyed my Social Science 102 class last year. i'm also enjoying ethics class too. I'm starting to wonder, is a political science class or some politics related next at my next school? I don't know, but I will say this, I think for one to understand the current state of politics and the international arena with as minimal slant as possible(there are teachers who will slant it however) then if you can, a class with a historical emphasis will help you understand a bit better, but certainly not all the way. I have a genuine interest in my classes that has to deal with some form of thought in the realm of politics and social issues.


Verizon gets the iphone. Okay, so what.

Heres the thing, is ATT a shitty network? Yes it is.

Is it the best network as far as being able to multitask on a handheld device? Yes it is. And please keep your tired ass Androids and Blackberrys. Iphone owns all, and when iphone 5 comes out you'll hate on that and wish you had it.

In other tech stuff, the new Mortal Kombat is coming soon. Trust when I say that it will be a site to behold!

Thats it on my end. I'll holla

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Training and life update

Training update:

I am in my realization phase of the Juggernaut Method and see it was a mistake to go straight into another phase with no deload. But I squatted on Monday alone and miscalculated the weights I was supposed to do. Long story short, I did 405 for 4. That was not supposed to be what I squatted it. It was supposed to 380. Only a few pounds off, but off nonetheless. I will only be hitting the gym on Wednesday and Thursday this week, so i can rest up on the weekend and roll into my deload. I'm also getting a bit sick, and that is a sign of overtraining.

Life Update:

Going back to bouncing so I can get a paycheck. Thats about it.

Posting squat and bench vids tommorow.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Flex pro rundown.

Fouad Abiad: Fouad is making his way back to the stage after a lengthy and productive offseason. Obvious improvements to his back and thighs during that the offseason will be seen onstage. Whats so good about Fouad is that he can carry a lot of good, conditioned muscle. He has a great structure to pull off power poses such as a most muscular, but is shapely enough to pull off more artistic poses. Teaming up with Hany has helped immensely as Hany is ridiculous taskmaster that demands a lot from his clients. One thing Fouad needs to watch for is keeping his waist tight. Hopefully his arms have filled out a bit more also.

Grigori Atoyan: Winner of his pro-card at the 2009 USA's in the super heavyweight class. This man carries a lot of muscle. On the unfortunate side, he's not very conditioned. Even though he netted a 6th place at the 2010 Europa Pro show in Dallas last year, that field was not as strong as this field. He will need to come in his BEST condition to date to even have a hope of qualifying for the Olympia here. Grigori has pretty even development across the board with no glaring weakspots. Unless he comes in condition, he wont make any noise.

Robert Belisle: Our second Canadian competitor is a 202 competitor and with the field of big boys that are competing, I'm afraid he'll get lost in the lineup. He has great condition though, but jumping from a 10th place finish in the 202's in 2009 to the open class in 2011 may not bode well for him.

Evan Centopani: Throwing his hat into the show is the winner of the 2009 New York Pro and MD athlete. From the videos that have been posted, he appears to have made big improvements to his chest and arms which was also apparent in the 2 week out picture that was posted in his gym. I still would like to know if he made width and thickness improvements to his back and if he has filled out his legs a bit more. I do believe that taking prep into his own hands will help him more than hinder him.

Stan Efferding: "Worlds Strongest Bodybuilder" winner will have his work cut out for him. He carries a lot of mass up top, but the same can's be said for his lower body. He loses a bit when he turns around because his just aren't even with his upper body. He's also a pretty blocky bodybuilder. I don't see him getting a qualifying spot here, but you never know.

Wendell Floyd: Another 202 competitor throwing his hat into the open ring. He looks good, but he's just small, and in the front lat spread, his wast is a bit on the thick side. Another competitor, much like Robert Belisle who should concentrate on making a splash in the 202 class before moving up to an open class where they will be out weighed and out muscled.

Dan Hill: Ok, the good is that he has an INCREDIBLE frame that can carry a LOT of muscle. The bad is that he doen't carry the muscle nor does he display the conditioning to compliment such a frame. In his back double bicep he still has a way to go and his side chest has a LONG way to go. You can see the potential in his side tricep, front lat spread and front double bicep. Other than that, he's out his league here. He has to get big and thicker all over if he hopes to do anything at this level.

Dexter Jackson: Former Mr. Olympia and Arnold Classic winner is no stranger to competing out here as he won the now defunct Ironman pro. What is not to say about this guy. He is pretty complete from head to toe and has density that just comes from years of being in the sport and killer genetics. If he can come in sharper than he did at the Olympia, then the show is his. Even though he is giving up pounds, this is Dexter Jackson and a tight, dense and hard Dexter puts this field to bed.

Ben Pakulski: Pak Man is coming hard. After taking more time off after the NY Pro last year, it can be pretty well speculated that he is coming in guns blazing. Just like Fouad he is a Rambod disciple and like I said before, Hany doe's not play when it comes to prep. The obvious with Ben is that he's bottom heavy and his upper body, while great, could use more filling out around the chest area along with a bit more back width. He's like Grigori in that he has no real weaknesses. A solid competitor that doesn't have to travel far as he is living and training in Cali.

Ben White: Ben White has what it takes to upset a lot of applecarts in the sport. He just comes in way to small for his frame. He's a big man, and while I am a fan of being in condition, you also have to have the mass to go along with it. I feel like been gives up too much muscle while dieting and instead of coming in full, he comes in tight, sharp and just flat. Could he win this show? Absolutely, but only if he nails the right combo of size and condition.

Dennis Wolf:The Wolfman is roaring on all cylinders! Bottom line is that he has to contend with Evan and Dex for the top spot. Me personally, I think he needs bigger hamstrings as they seem to disappear from the side and i hope he improves the presentation of his side chest. A thick and wide back are among the weapons he has in his arsenal and a long torso than can hold even more muscle. I would like to see him tighter though.

Now this is a GREAT lineup and an excellent way to kick off the pro season that a lot of us have been waiting for. If I were a betting man (and I'm not so don't ask) I'd say the final placings go like this

1: Dex
2: Evan
3: Dennis
4: Fouad
5: Pak Man
6: Ben White

Now 1-3 can go a myriad of ways, but I think 4th-6th is pretty solid.

Well, thnaks for letting me ramble and giving out my picks (awaiting nasty grams in his private message inbox declaring "Hey man, why you got me that placing?!")

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Training highlights for 8's realization phase

Squat- 350/10

Bench- 270/10


I'm in the 5's wave now, just started the accumulation phase on Monday, so the load is pretty low. I'l be posting a video of today's workout later but I will not be following the Juggernaut method for military press this phase or the next one which is the 3's.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Training update.

I am way behind in updates. I basically didn't update the last half of my training from the intensification phase and none of the realization phase. I posted them up on my youtube page, so just type in bblb1234 and the videos will show up from last week.

We had a big snowstorm here in Chicago and I have to say that in my most sarcastic voice ever that it was a great time!. Lake Shore Drive looked like a winter scene from the walking dead and a lot of people were STRANDED ON AN EXPRESSWAY. Hopefully all those people got home. The city is towing cars that were stuck on the expressway for free of charge so thats a good thing.

Greg is doing well on his new program. I'll hold final judgement for the Juggernaut Method after our test day, week or however it gets tested. I will say this, I feel stronger than I ever have. I do however need to bring down the fat a bit, so I wil be adding in more cardio. It's just that the stuff is boring. My dietary changes will be quite simple.

Less pop and more water. I fall off the wagon sometimes in regards to the happy liquid and indulge in carbonated goodness a bit too much. Oh and donuts also......they must go I guess.

Job situation.........It s what it is. Greg gave me a solid piece of advice in saying "A watched pot never boils" So in that, I'll handle my business, but I'll also just do something I can do pretty well. Stay calm and see the forest for the trees. I'm Just thankful to God I have people who believe in me and help me along the way, Family as well as friends

Oh yeah, almost forgot. My wonderful sister took me to a Bulls game last Saturday. This was signifigant for two reasons. It was my first Bulls game, and I havent been to the United Center since Shawn Michaels was intercontenetal champion (1995) so it was really fun. I have to say I enjoy basketball much more in person.

Last note.........thank you Bears for a season of ups and downs and although you didn't win the NFC, you proved a lot of people wrong. Work begins now. Don't rely on genetics, this is the time to get more explosive, bigger, faster, stronger.



Monday, January 24, 2011

Mil press training-8's wave-Intensification-22 Jan 11

Mil press- 90/3, 100/13, 105/888

Laterals-30/12, 40/10, 45/9,8

Neutral Grip pulldowns-120/12, 12, 170/12

Machine Rows- 160/12, 220/12, 12

Pressdowns-80/15, 100/15, 130/10


I did a bit more arm training than I normally do and it felt pretty good to say the least. Arms are still a showcase of strength and power. Plus the girls like them so I did them.

I still havent really wrote my training manifesto. Basically what I want from my training. There are several things though

1:Be Healthy!


3:Get Bigger (It's going slow, but it will come!)

4: Get explosive and fast. Looking forward to some outdoor sprints.

There is more and my goals in the weightroom are always tied to life. I learn a lot in the gym from myself and people, thats why I love it so much.

Videos are coming this week for the realization phase. I get to take 350 for a ride on the squat tomorrow!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

8's wave, Bench, Intensification-19 Jan

Bench: 135/5, 185/3, 200/3, 225/3, 240/8,8,8

Dead stop one arm rows: 100/12, 110/12

And that was it as I had to get to class. I'm going to have to hit the gym around 2 pm instead of 3pm as my class starts at 5:30 pm and i have to allow time for commuting. It's not a long commute, but just a bit time consuming with walking to the tran, waiting on the train etc. I could take a bus that would drop me off across the street from the school, but it's much more hassle than what it's worth.

Tomorrow is deadlifting and I have to pull 350 for three sets of eight. That should be super fun. But I don't work tomorrow, so I'll be fine.

Off to study....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

8's wave- Accumulation- Week of Jan 10-15 2011

Monday: Squats: 135/5, 185/5, 225/3, 290/8,8,8,8,8
Pullthroughs: 130/10,10,10

Wednesday: Bench: 135/5, 185/5, 220/8,8,8,8,8
Incline Press: 135/10, 185/8, 226, 6
Chins: BW for sets of 5,30 total reps
Hammer Strength Rows: 90/10, 135/8,9
Pressdowns: 80/15, 100/12

Friday: Deadlift: 135/5, 185/5, 225/3, 275/1, 310/8,8,8,8,8
GHR- BW/ 10,10,10,10,10
Cable Abs- sets of 15

Saturday: Military Press: 95/8,8,8,8,8
Laterals: 30/12, 40, 10, 50/6,6
One Arm Rows-80/10,100/10, 120/10
Neutral Grip Pulldowns: 120/12, 150/12,12
Curlzzzzzzzzzzz wit da FAT GRIPZZZZZZZZZZZ: a bunch for max pumpitude

January 17th training: First day of the intensification week of the 8's wave

Squats:275/1, 300/1, 320/8,8,8 (There was more warming up involved, but it was just warmups)
Leg Curls:70/12, 90/8,8
Abs: Hanging leg raise.

All of the sessions were strong with the exceptions of last Mondays training. I ate once, had a cold and generally felt like a bag of crap. But I pushed through and got the main work done. I havent done any type of real rep work since I started powerlifting so I get worn out in the accumulation phase with squats.

I'm going to add in more strongman training. No real particular reason as to why, just that I want to do more with it again. I havent handled log presses in awhile or farmers walks. May as well use the equipment thats there for fun.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Catch up. Realization Deadlift and Military press

Realization Dead: Hit 355 for 12 reps

Realization Military Press: Hit 140 for 13 reps

Liking the new program thus far, just waiting for 5/3/1 for powerlifting to come out also.

Deloading this week, so not much to report.

This guy lost his command why?!