Monday, October 17, 2011

Back at it.

Squat Mondays, because benching on Monday's unless it's a very weak lift means you have a small scrotum. 180/5 225/5 275/3 330/5 380/3 420/1 Romanan Deadlift: 135/12, 185/10, 225 x 4 sets x 10 reps Single leg curls: 50/12, 60/10(right leg) 12(left leg), 60/12 (both legs So I'm not in limbo in regards to what meet I will be doing next. I'm actually getting excited about it already. It is the XPC International Open in Columbus, Ohio. It will be the same weekend as the Arnold Classic but won't be in the same venue as the expo. Go to XPC is 3 different federations doing one meet. I expect some VERY heavy hitters in multiply and gear to show up and put on a show. Looking forward to it. I have numbers in my mind of what I want to hit at that meet at a new bodyweight of 220. Squat:650-700 Bench:405-425 Deadlift: 625-675 Last July's USPF Nationals was a shit show for me and I just didn't mentally have it once my knee went. Programming myself to keep the positivity flowing in each training session in that sessions may not go as well as I want, but it's all building blocks. Giving your all in a training session is better than not training at all. Bench on Wesnesday. I want 355 for 3........or more. LB

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