Sunday, May 27, 2012

Catchup. Bench(chest) and Deads(back)

Lets start with this past Wednesday's bench day





Banded Hammer strength Flat press: FST-7 style

75(each side)/12,12,12,10,8(dropped 50 lbs),10,10

The bands kicked my ass more than I thought. I should have been a bit more conservative.

Bench went well. 335 wasn't super heavy, but it was challenging and I feel positive about this upcoming bench cycle.

Saturday: Deadlifts

Missed Friday and was running around all day Saturday, so I was kinda beat



BW/10, 7, 9, 8

One arms rows:

80/12 (warmup)

120/7 (Both sets performed in a dead stop manner)

Hammer Strength Low Row (banded with black mini band)


Nautilus Pullover:

Was happy with yesterdays back day. Got in a lot of volume and felt strong on pulls.

I will deload next week. I dont want to, but my body is telling me different. I need to work on some mobility stuff anyway. Lots of foam rolling too.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lower Body session

Leg curls:


SSB Squats:


Leg Press: pps=plates per side

6pps/ 8,8,7

Hack squat (FST-7 style):

Bodyweight GHR: 10,10,10

This was a workout I'd give a pretty decent grade too. I was happy with the second single on the SSB squat. A solid PR, but I need to push harder though. I have a deload next week and the next week after I roll directly into meet prep for the APF Summerbash in Park Ridge. Trying to get a guy who did the the UPA meet with me two years ago to compete with me and so far it looks like he's in.

Sunday, May 20, 2012




Barbell Curls:


CG Pres:

Machine Curls-FST 7

Triceps dips: FST 7

Go to to find out more about the protocol of it

Not much here. It's arms.......

Videos coming back. Apparently Troy, Gregg and myself are revenue makers for Quads Gym. It's squat it should be some colorful commentary.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Past couple days training, how to make changes to the Metabolic Circuit and a NATO rant (clean)


Incline press: Worked up to 275 for five doubles

Dips: bw/10, +50/10, +70/6

Pressdowns:70/20, 100/20, 15

CG bench: worked up 275/6


Sumo deads: worked up to 475 for one rep

speed sumo pulls: 295 for 7 doubles

Farmers walk: heavy.

Farmers walks really kicked my ass and showed how much I have to build up ab and static strength in my upper back. My buddy Gregg pretty much beasted the damn handles. I held my own, but it wasnt that great to be honest. I was through after 3 trips and the weight was 175 I believe.

Didn't do the circuit after bench. I may do it on Saturday after a superset arms workout. I will be the heavy one so I can put everything into it.

NY Pro is this weekend and I'm super excited to see how everyone looks onstage. Lot of good competitors this year, and the JR.USA is the same weekend. Good luck to Chicago competitors Chaya Boone and Jackie Thomas. Both will be in two separate categories in figure.

Things are rolling along and shits about to get real. I am going to take a deload week next week and after that, shit is about to get real with prep for the APF Chicago Summerbash. I have numbers in my head and I'm about to reach out to someone that is going to help my bench immensely. I cant wait to get started on this journey.

I know i said a couple days ago about how I adjusted the metabolic circuit to fit in within the confines of a commercial gym. If you missed that blog post, here is the link for all the info on the circuit.

Metabolic circuit

And here are the adjustments

1: Do not, DO NOT try and do this during peak hours in a gym. You will fail. Miserably.

2: Be conservative in your poundage. My "heavy" day squats are simply 245, but with the short rest periods for a movement like squats, your fatigue will add up very quickly. Remember, this circuit has close to ten exercises with a minute rest in between each set.

3:Dont be afraid to push the poundage if you think you can handle it, but be real with yourself.

4: Rest is key, you cant do the circuit if you're getting wrecked in the bar or not getting enough sleep.

5: If your'e putting in extra work, do one circuit per week instead of twice per week. Preferably the heavy one since its once a week.

6: Have fun with it. Like I said before, despite a substandard diet, I find I have some decent body comp changes. Not earth shattering, but enough to notice a difference. I'm also getting a bit hungrier.

Nutrition changes:

I'm trying to stay consuming quality food and not crap. Me and Trader Joes are going to be friends during the summer and possibly rest of the year. Biggest change is adding in quinoa for some carbs instead of relying totally on rice for carbs. I'm not much of a potato fan (unless they are sweet).

NATO weekend here. So rest assured I will be away from downtown and you damn hippies better stay away from me. And instead of protesting, how about you help some people at food depots and homeless shelters. Help some local planning events. Help rehab an abandoned building on the South and West sides. Volunteer for a non profit. All 40 billion of you or how many ever shouldn't be protesting. Help people. Because all of you bitching loudly wont help the cause. We need some people out here to be positive.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Lower Body Training

Leg Curl: six sets, heaviest being 6 reps with 135 on the strive plate loaded machine

Below parallel box squats: Heaviest set was 365 for 2 reps. Took it again and did one

Leg press: warmup set of 10, 3 sets of 8 with 6 plates per side and a drop to 4 plates per side for two sets of 12 reps

RDL'S: Went to 275 for a set of 5

Glute ham raise: 3sets of 8

Wanted some extra volume and got it. Training went well and the box squats were ridiculous.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Deadlifts, arms, metabolic circuit and NPC IL State

Friday: Deadlifts

Deficit pulls: Worked up to 455 for 3 reps

Metabolic circuit: Heavy

Saturday: Arms

Hulk Hogans and The Rocks secret workout combined with Mariuz Pudzianowski confidence.

Went to the NPC IL State and it's always good catching up with people who I havent seen in awhile. Caught up with a couple of national level competitors and saw some good up and comers. Perfect show to warm up for the beasts that will be descending into Chicago for the Junior Nationals in June.

So here is what I have been using as my full body circuit after bench and deadlift days. I won't go into much as all he info are in the papers. It's an ass kicker for sure, so be prepared.

Special thanks to Mike Arthur who gave me permission to share these.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Bench(kind of) and circuit and two of my favorite blogs

DB Bench: Worked up to 125 lbs for a set of 11(PR)

Circuit was done for light weight.

Sorry I'm not too in-depth, but there wasn't much to this workout. I just got bored with floor press and incline press, so I just went in and smashed something I had not done heavy for about a year. Felt good to do and I was glad I hit a PR with it.

I'm entering my 4th week with this metabolic circuit and I can tell a bit of difference in body comp despite a less than optimal diet. It is an ass kicker for sure and I may share it on Friday.

Registered for summer classes. I have to make this Spanish stuff real to me (thats the only thing I learned from my previous spanish teacher), so expect a lot bitching and random postings in spanish on facebook and twitter. And possibly a lewd joke or two. Or many.

If you have not read these two blogs, you MUST (if youre into lifting, macho shit, and just general stuff about life. Not safe for work at all........and possibly will offend women) by Paul Carter by Jaime Lewis

Trust me.......if you are not easily offended, you will enjoy. If you have any prude in you, dont go.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mondays lower body training

Leg Curls:

45/15, 12

Front Squats:

Leg press: pps= plates per side


Romanian Deadlifts:


Getting a  bit stronger. I'm working out in my head of when I want to try for a one rep max on the traditional movements, if at all. I don't like to blow my wad during training, and I'd rather save it for the meet. However I will see if I can handle a 405-450 lbs squat without a belt.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Past couple days training and my Beastie Boys tribute

Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000218 EndHTML:0000006645 StartFragment:0000002408 EndFragment:0000006609 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users/larrybrown/Documents/Lets%20get%20the%20training%20out%20the%20way%20first.doc
Lets get the training out the way first

Tuesday: Bench/metabolic circuit

Floor press:


Circuit: Light

Squats: 165/ 10, 10, 10
DB press: 60/10,10,10
Bent rows: 165/10, 10,10
Leg Curl: 80/ 10,10,10
Shoulder Machine Press: 130/10, 10,10
Seated row: 140/10, 10,10
Leg Ext: 110/10,10,10

Thursday: Sumo Deadlifts

365/1,2(started off with an alternate grip and it felt totally horrible. Regrouped and pulled overhand)

Circuit: Heavy: Same as the light one, just a bit heavier.

I almost puked on the heavy circuit. It was just totally ridiculous how I felt two exercises in.

 Note to self: on days that I do the heavy circuit: coffee is not water. COFFEE IS NOT WATER. WATER IS WATER.

First year at a University is over and I learned a lot in retrospect and during the year. Was it successful? Not as much as I had hoped, but that’s why second chances are sometimes made available to us. It’s because we can rectify problems and buckle down harder.

I have made some good people. I’d sit down and have a beer with most if not all. There were some complete asshats who I don’t even want to be in same damn interdimenional realm with, but I’m taking his class in the fall, so that cures that.

I have to give a big thanks to my buddy Malcolm Redd who put in a good word for me with the head strength and conditioning coach. I gained so much knowledge from working with baseball and track and field (on a very limited basis when I wasn’t sleep). Working with athletes and coaches was by far the most enjoyable experience for me. I also enjoyed being in the DJ club, dubbed Discotech(sp). I have been named treasurer and I have a few ideas of what I want to do. I also see that I have a craft to work on when I get home. I just hope my Numark is good when I get my baggage back.

Other projects I’m working on is some freelance work with Flex magazine and hustle my way back into a job or something.

That’s it for now. My next workout will be in Chicago and at Quads Gym…….22 INCH PYTHON SATURDAY!

RIP to MCA of the Beastie Boys. I thought he was in remission and doing well. So I'll share some of my fav Beastie Boys songs

 Sabotage was my SHIT in 1995