Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Squat day and program re-evaluations

As normal Monday is squat day, but I did high bar olympic style squats to hit the quads more. Here is the breakdown.


Hack squat: 1pps(plate per side)/12, 2pps/6,6,6
Leg Press: 3pps/12, 4pps/10,12,10
Leg Curl: 80/12, 95/10, 125/10,7

Ideally I wanted to do more hamstring work, but I had a prior engagement that I need to take care of.

Okay........brand new programming parameters.

1: My main work will still consist of the 5/3/1 percentages, set and rep scheme however I'm thinking of just using weeks one and two for a little while. I havent decided what i'm going to do, but I'll decide before the end of the week.

2:The focus is now to build muscle. I'm doing it because I want more muscle and I wanted a different challenge. I wanted to bring up some weaknesses and go from there. Right now, quads are a weakness and I want to get them bigger. I have other stuff in mind, but it all points to gaining more muscle.

3: Assistance work is more bodybuilding focused. Slowly building up my volume as my endurance sucks cow dong right now.

3: No real bodyweight goals. If I can get to a halfway decent 250 then I'll be happy for right now.

No more prep for the International open. Just can swing it cost wise. I'll look to something in the summer or fall maybe.

Off to do homework.............ugh.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bench Training


Did face pulls, press downs and dips afterward. Nothing fancy. Just work. Going home next week and looking forward to some heavy pulling and getting stuff done.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Military Press and Squat Training

Military press on last Saturday


Plate Raises:25/15, 45/12,12
Chins: BW for three sets of max reps which weren't very much.
Facepull:60/20, 80/12,10
Bent Laterals:40/12,12,12

Squat Monday:


Hack Squats and leg presses were supersetted them to build up my massive quadricep dominance so I look good standing in underwear. I then went on to do leg curls for hamstrings and buns of chocolate steel goodness.

Actually I wanted to do Romanian deadlifts but ALL the squat racks were taken at that time. Guess everyone wanted to get big legs.......or not. I saw a guy use the pussy pad for 95 lbs.Not cool young man in Under Armour shirt. Not cool.

I also saw some of the most abysmal ass bench pressing on international bench day. This saddens the Larry.

Bench on Wednesday. Must build the pecs up.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Bitchin ass deadlifts

Deadlifts:225,270,350,405,460 were all done for sets of 5

Bent rows: 225/4 sets of ten


Felt real solid today overall going into overhead presses tomorrow. Wanna get some gun show in too.

Had an interesting conversation with a strength coach today and he brought up that no one knew who Joe Weider is. Back in the day EVERYONE knew who Joe Weider was.

Nowadays I see people not wanting to lift and be strong or big. Everyone wants to be "cut". You know what.......fuck you and your cuts.

I am hearing bodybuilders....GOOD bodybuilders wanting to do fucking crossfit? CMON MAN!!!! How do you expect to get better at your craft if you don't want to practice it. Sorry to sound off but this whole "I wanna lift and not be big and strong" shit is grating my last fucking nerve and I think it's fucking stupid. Women too.......quit being all danty and shit, put some muscle on and get sexy.

Now that this rant is over, I feel better.

Fighting skinny jeans one set of squats at a time.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bench day recap



Close grip speed bench press: 225:3,3,3,3,3,3
Tricep Pressdown: 90/15,15,15
Triceps Extensions: 40/10, 50/10, 60/6

Did a lot more triceps work than what i normally do and I needed it as it is a weak point in my bench and needs to come up. So I made sure I did a decent amount of volume for them. I also did them for speed so it was a bit of a different twist as I havent done speed work in quite a while.

Deads tomorrow. Should be good!

Here is a video to show why why I love deadlifts. It's the purest form of a brute strength lift. The word "Cock Strong" applies to it.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Had some lower back tightness and went in to get it done anyway. Meet prep starts in December and entry fee gets sent in also so I'm getting excited.


Romanian Deadlifts: 135/5, 225/5,5

Abs and sled pulls after.

I just need to do everything better. Better technique, better resting, better foam rolling, better eating. I could go on but you all get the drift.

RIP to Joe Frazier. 67 is too young and that "c-word" he had has no love lost with me. Hate it with a passion.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Military press training

Still not strong enough on the military and the Huskers lost .Oh well. Gonna have to pull down this training max also. Guess I'll do it next week or tough out this cycle. I'll decide soon.

Military Press:


Laterals and some face pulls after.

Nothing crazy but I still feel good and I'm gonna keep on pushing for quality gains. Keeping it rolling

Got something i want to experiment with also so I cant wait until next Monday!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Bench and Deadlift training

Brought my training max down for both lifts. 340 lbs for bench and 540 lbs for deadlifts

Bench: 135/5, 170/5, 205/3, 240/3, 275/3
Followed by dips and triceps extensions. Getting the triceps stronger will be a priority through out the rest of the offseason and throughout prep for the meet. This workout was done on Tuesday

Deadlifts: 225/5, 275/5, 325/3, 380/3, 430/3, 495/3

Followed by bent rows and pulldowns for some more lat work.

I hate deadlifting with iron grip plates. Thankfully there were some olympic style 45 lb bumper plates so it elevated the height a bit where the iron grip plates weren't that big of a deal, but I still felt thrown off a bit during the movement.

Bench went well and my setup is still evolving too. Like I said earlier I need, REALLY need, to address my triceps strength (or weakness) and have my bench shoot up. I cant be trying to get a 425 bench with 225 lb triceps strength.

All in all a good week! Cant wait to pull at Quads Gym in a couple weeks! And this is my new song for deadlift day.

The first verse pretty much reflects what i think of a lot.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sqaut Monday Training

455 training max


Good Mornings:135/10,10,10
Weighted abs: 70/20, 110/20, 110/15

Nothing crazy. Added in some extra sets of low reps with an easy weight for some extra volume. Felt pretty good and it did what they were supposed to do because my legs are pretty damn sore.

Bench later.