Thursday, August 28, 2008

Borderline Fall

Can you smell it? Ahhh yes, Fall is coming, and in Chicago it menas football season, leaves changing, possible playoffs for the Cubs and Sox, and school. Yes, I have started school and it' a pretty cool enviroment. Sans having no books, but thats okay. I will not strss about it nor will I get angry anymore. I just have to manage.

My training is decent and my diet sucks. I have been giving in to the evil that is white flower. Honey Buns and things of that nature have been ruling my psyche for the past couple of weeks. But my waistline is a bit bigger than what I want, so I am going on a mini-diet. It wont be drastic or any crap like that, just back to baiscs. Protein, clean carbs and healthy fats. Hopefully, I can increase my portions as I go along in this diet. I have to look good because now I have a date where I have to look my best. My High Schools last homecoming.

Anyway, I'll post a workout of two in the near future....probarbly tommarow, but for right London broil calls.

Lift heavy, lift hard, have sex harder......

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The world is not perfect.....and it pisses me off

I could go into my entire crappy week, but seeing as that it just makes me angry, I wont even go into the nuts and bolts. Just know that I will be starting school with no books on Monday. Thats right, no books. And with that, I will just have to adapt and overcome. I am more pissed off that I had a faculty that showed their inabailty to get anything done in regards to this situation, and better yet, offer no alternatives. Ugh.

The lines for financial aid was long, and as I look around, I see people who are going into a situation that they feel compelled to go into. Not neccesarily the one that they want to. I hear the smae thing over and over. I want to be a nurse, some other coporate america bullshit ass job, but I hear no one say I am following my dream, or I am letting the wind take me. We have been programmed to be machines in the workforce ladies and gentlemen. Make no mistake about, soo, a 12 hour workday will be the norm, and there is nothing you can do about it, unless you realize that you can put yourself in a situation where you can.

I think my mindset comes in part from I just refuse to live a normal life. It's almost like I want chaos, but I dont. Not sure where that comes from, but I dont push it away.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The return

Useless bitching is now deleted