Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Training and stuffs

I'm sorry for the lack of updates on my prep. I havent turned on my computer since the last blog post and to be honest, I'm not sorry about it. I've just been focused on the task at hand and making sure I come in the best possible shape. On top of that, I just havent had a whole lot to say. I will strike on some things I'm doing right now.

- Volume has been pushed up. I'm keeping a running tab of how many reps I'm doing and I'm trying to beat that number each workout. I realize though as the rep count gets higher, the more exercises or sets I'l have to do. Thats fine by me. I'd rather lift more and do the same amount of cardio.

- Speaking of cardio, make no mistakes about it, I'm still doing it. Just not a shit ton like I did back in my 20's. Lets just say my knowledge base has increased a bit and tons of the shit is not needed.

- Switched my protein sources around and I'm eating chicken and tilapia quite a bit more. Salmon and grass fed beef is still in there. Usually in the morning due to the fat content kinda helping me get through the day. And well I also like beef in the morning. So there.

- Supps are Aminolast, Glycofuse, Vasotropin and Detonate by Gaspari, EVP by Evogen, Cell Dynamic and casein hydroslate by  Each one serves a purpose. I'm still trying to "volumize" and use the "pump enhancers" to help do that along with the volume training. If they don't work, hell, pacebo effect is a motherfucker. Straight broscience, I know.

- Mindset is improving each day. I take each day as it comes and don't too much worry about tomorrow. For those that don't know, I take a slight detour to get to the gym now. But it honestly saves me about ten minutes off my commute. So no biggie.

- Lastly me and a good friend are collaborating on dialing my training in more. We have been speaking about incorporating time under tension (TUT), eccentrics(negatives) and other things. Yes I'm sweating, yes I'm moving a lot of iron, but I'm not afraid to experiment. I'm in this thing to learn as well. Expect more on that in bigger post in the future. Hell, maybe even an article.

Thats it for right now. Things are moving forward and I'm feeling good overall. Onward.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Training and the New Challenge

Monday: Back

Lat Pulldowns:

Trap Bar Rows:

One Arm Rows:

T-Bar Rows:

Seated Rows:

FST-7 Lat Pulldown

Tuesday: Chest till I couldn't chest no more.

First couple of days of bodybuilding style training for my prep is officially in the books. Feeling pretty good overall even with increased cardio. As you can see, I've pushed up the volume pretty good and I'm really feeling that DEEP muscle soreness. I have to admit, I totally forgot how much of an all consuming effort contest prep really is (in addition to being pricey). I wake up and basically go from one side of town to the other and put my cardio time in. Roll back home and i'm only there for a couple hours. Enough time to cook and take a nap. Get up, go back and train. Go home and by that time it's almost 10:30 or 11 and it begins early in the morning again.

This schedule will soon have summer classes injected into it and I'll account for that later, but right now, this is how it's going down. I'm not super strong on reps right now. At least not in the 10-12 range, which is what I'm trying to do. My main thing is bringing my waist in and showing up in good condition to be competitive. I'm doing what I can and the judges will do the rest. I have a picture of how I want to look and I'm pushing for that look.

My diet hasn't been painful yet. I have switched to fish and chicken and reduced my red meat consumption a bit. Carbs are low but they fluctuate based on what I'm training. I hit legs tomorrow with a buddy, so I will take in some to get through the workout.

I'm going to write a New York Pro assessment  but only AFTER the competitor list comes out and I will have it here. I may submit it, but I'm not sure.  

Time To smash legs. Keep banging                            

Monday, May 13, 2013

USPF Nationals and my next step

Well Nationals has come and gone. Been preparing for it for quite awhile and was elated to get it on in Rosemont with a lot of other great lifters.

Unfortunately that was not meant to be, at least not totally. For those of you that follow me on social media, you know I did a cut to be in the 220 lb class. It was more of an inadvertent cut. I was doing cardio and eating more controlled because during my prep I put on a few pounds and was close to 250. Not sloppy or anything, but definitely didn't want to be fighting to stay in the 242's which was supposed to be the original class I was staying in. Fast forward to last Monday, I decided to cut to 220 since I was on nine pounds off.  Drank a couple gallons of distilled water on Tuesday and Wednesday along with not eating on Thursday for a Friday Morning weigh in. I hit 219.8 and began my Pedialyte and creatine ingestion. Ran into Paul Carter and had breakfast with him and his wonderful family and basically chilled and ate carbs and other yummy things the rest of the day.

I felt good Friday night and slept great. Woke up on Saturday and had some leftover pizza from last night and was ready to rumble. Warmed up for squat with some mobility and felt fine.Warmups in the warmup area went well. I knew my opener was light, so that wasn't an issue. Got to the platform for 501 and it went smooth. Needed to speed it up a little, but the strength was there. Went to 539 and nailed it 2-1. Took an american record attempt of 566 and got stapled at the bottom. I had NO reversal power out of the hole with it.

After missing the squat attempt, I was happy with a PR of 539 at 220 lbs. With that I went and got a BLT and some chips to bloat up a bit more for the bench. The sammich was good, chips were great and the warmups went great as well. Best I felt in weeks and was opening with 369 lbs. I hit 365 and above in training numerous times.

Opening attempt: No good

Second attempt: No good

Third Attempt: No good.

Triceps couldn't finish, wasn't tight enough, blah, blah, blah. Bottom line. I bombed the fuck out and I'm pissed. There are a myriad of things I'm fixing going forward but as of right now that will be on the back burner. There is no blame except my own.

No time for pity parties. No time for woe is me. That shit is over.

I do have some notes about the meet overall though:

-The USPF is a legit fed in my eyes and I won't argue this with anyone. It's rebuilding and a long term goal of mine is to bring it to Nebraska if I kick my career of there.

-Lance Karabel gives a lot to the sport in the Chicago area. Solid guy all around!

-Scott Smith and Chris Papillion are beasts. The size of Scott Smith's legs can rival any in shape pro bodybuilders.

-Having a legend like Ed Coan tell you what your faults are is very humbling. But for him to take time out and talk to you and give advice is golden. His words have been heeded.

-Brandon Lilly is a big dude. I didn't go to his seminar yesterday but I will be going to the Juggernaut Seminar at Chicago Crossfit in june.

-Paul Carter is a big ass dude. But someone who knows training and how to pick smart attempts. I know he will be at Worlds. Cant wait to lift with him again. His daughter, Hannah Carter is getting strong at 14 years old and setting American Records

-Ellen Stein is over 60 and squatting over 300 lbs with textbook form. Your age and excuse for why you cant perform at an age is invalid. Quit putting pressure on a number and do some epic fucking work.

-It was good to catch up with people I don't normally see more than once a year. Guys from Michigan and over the Chicagoland area.

Went to a bodybuilding show that night, the Illinois State Bodybuilding Championships and saw some good people! Kevin Jordan, Tommy Busch,  Jerome Cheatham, Eric Posejpal and others. Which now leads me to something......

I'll be on the stepmill by the time most of you read this today, and my skinny ass will be getting ready for the NPC Tim Gardner Chicago Extravaganza. I'm going to tell you is I'm doing this for me. I havent been onstage in 7 years and I want to see if I am still halfway decent. No, I'm not having my prep done by anybody. Why? Because I feel (and it's my personal opinion) you should be able to do some stuff on your own. Yes, I will consult with some people, but I like having the drivers seat. Back to work, because no one will do it for me.

Here are some pics from last Monday before I started my weight cut for Nationals. I was 229 before cardio. Funny. I know

This last eight weeks may be a self imposed version of Hell and I'm sure these will circulate around the interwebz.

                                                            Sexy back? Or sexy Fat?