Friday, May 4, 2012

Past couple days training and my Beastie Boys tribute

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Lets get the training out the way first

Tuesday: Bench/metabolic circuit

Floor press:


Circuit: Light

Squats: 165/ 10, 10, 10
DB press: 60/10,10,10
Bent rows: 165/10, 10,10
Leg Curl: 80/ 10,10,10
Shoulder Machine Press: 130/10, 10,10
Seated row: 140/10, 10,10
Leg Ext: 110/10,10,10

Thursday: Sumo Deadlifts

365/1,2(started off with an alternate grip and it felt totally horrible. Regrouped and pulled overhand)

Circuit: Heavy: Same as the light one, just a bit heavier.

I almost puked on the heavy circuit. It was just totally ridiculous how I felt two exercises in.

 Note to self: on days that I do the heavy circuit: coffee is not water. COFFEE IS NOT WATER. WATER IS WATER.

First year at a University is over and I learned a lot in retrospect and during the year. Was it successful? Not as much as I had hoped, but that’s why second chances are sometimes made available to us. It’s because we can rectify problems and buckle down harder.

I have made some good people. I’d sit down and have a beer with most if not all. There were some complete asshats who I don’t even want to be in same damn interdimenional realm with, but I’m taking his class in the fall, so that cures that.

I have to give a big thanks to my buddy Malcolm Redd who put in a good word for me with the head strength and conditioning coach. I gained so much knowledge from working with baseball and track and field (on a very limited basis when I wasn’t sleep). Working with athletes and coaches was by far the most enjoyable experience for me. I also enjoyed being in the DJ club, dubbed Discotech(sp). I have been named treasurer and I have a few ideas of what I want to do. I also see that I have a craft to work on when I get home. I just hope my Numark is good when I get my baggage back.

Other projects I’m working on is some freelance work with Flex magazine and hustle my way back into a job or something.

That’s it for now. My next workout will be in Chicago and at Quads Gym…….22 INCH PYTHON SATURDAY!

RIP to MCA of the Beastie Boys. I thought he was in remission and doing well. So I'll share some of my fav Beastie Boys songs

 Sabotage was my SHIT in 1995

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