Saturday comes and that means day 2 of the learn to train seminar and without a doubt this was where the action took place. We were put into groups based on strength so I was with the beefy crew who resembled washed up NFL defensemen. First station was the Q/A table with Matt Ladewski, Julia Ladewski and Landon Evans. There was a wealth of information there and i wasted no time in picking their brains about programming and nutrtion. Landon Evans said something that most people will not agree with. That meal frequency does not matter. There is more to it, but he believes in the leans gains approach. You can find out more at
After the q/a table, it was on to the squat station with Brian Caroll coaching us on squats. Brian is a beast on squats and hit I believe a 1030 squat that morning before coaching us, so not a bad guy to learn from. Made some tweaks and I'm confident I'll hit what I want to hit in July. Yes Greg, I know you told me first.
Next was the assessment station with Mike Robertson and Dr. Ryan Smith. It was rough, I hated it, hardest station of all, but I needed to see how my mobility was. It stinks like donkey ass is the short answer. It will get better though with time and patience.
After the assessment was the Bench Press station coached by Joey Smith, Jeremy Frey and Steve Diel. Biggest thing that was affected was my arch and grip on the bar. I caught a hard cramp during my first set because I honestly do not remember my set up being THAT tight. I was out of breath with just the bar. But Joey Smith said that none of this is supposed to feel good so get that shit out your mind.
Bench was done and my group went on to the deadlift which was coached by powerlifter/bodybuilder Matt Kroc. He explained the differences between sumo and conventional and we worked up to 405. I didn't want to go heavier because I had strongman next but we talked a bit about nutrition, how bodybuilding and powerlifting training are pretty well close in terms of training, and his future plans in bodybuilding.
The strongman station was next and Steve Pulcinella and Andy Deck had that station. I was throwing around the idea of doing a strongman meet in my mind, but after this station of log press, axle press and farmers walks, I decided against that. I will say that it will be useful in my training, The over head pressing also showed me how weak my triceps are and how that cannot be tolerated in the grand scope of things.
I have to say that it was a great weekend. I will try and make the next one and hopefully learn even more on my quest for elite status.
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