Monday, January 24, 2011

Mil press training-8's wave-Intensification-22 Jan 11

Mil press- 90/3, 100/13, 105/888

Laterals-30/12, 40/10, 45/9,8

Neutral Grip pulldowns-120/12, 12, 170/12

Machine Rows- 160/12, 220/12, 12

Pressdowns-80/15, 100/15, 130/10


I did a bit more arm training than I normally do and it felt pretty good to say the least. Arms are still a showcase of strength and power. Plus the girls like them so I did them.

I still havent really wrote my training manifesto. Basically what I want from my training. There are several things though

1:Be Healthy!


3:Get Bigger (It's going slow, but it will come!)

4: Get explosive and fast. Looking forward to some outdoor sprints.

There is more and my goals in the weightroom are always tied to life. I learn a lot in the gym from myself and people, thats why I love it so much.

Videos are coming this week for the realization phase. I get to take 350 for a ride on the squat tomorrow!

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