Thursday, January 20, 2011

8's wave, Bench, Intensification-19 Jan

Bench: 135/5, 185/3, 200/3, 225/3, 240/8,8,8

Dead stop one arm rows: 100/12, 110/12

And that was it as I had to get to class. I'm going to have to hit the gym around 2 pm instead of 3pm as my class starts at 5:30 pm and i have to allow time for commuting. It's not a long commute, but just a bit time consuming with walking to the tran, waiting on the train etc. I could take a bus that would drop me off across the street from the school, but it's much more hassle than what it's worth.

Tomorrow is deadlifting and I have to pull 350 for three sets of eight. That should be super fun. But I don't work tomorrow, so I'll be fine.

Off to study....

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