Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fridays deadlift training and Mondays Squat training

April 8th Deadlift training:

Combined deadlift with military press after

Deadlift:345/5, 405/5, 450/5

GHR: BW/10,6,10,8

Military Press: 120/5, 140/5, 160/5

Some assistance work.

April 11th Squat day

Squats:345/5, 390/3, 440/1, 495/1, 520/1

Reverse Hypers: 100/10, 150/10

Felt good putting that much weight on my back and handling it pretty well.

Program points:

Cardio on a more consistent basis

Better nutrition through more foods. That means getting my ass over a stove a get to cooking more

Dropped to 3 days a week right now for lifting. Took a clip out of a strong man competitors play book. Clint Darden from combines his overhead pressing after deadlifts. That way I can recover over two days and comeback fresh on Monday.

13 weeks.............

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