Sunday, June 26, 2011

Wednesday Bench: 135/10,5, 225/3, 290/3,3,3, 275/3, 315/2,2, 345/2,1

Hammer Strength One Arm rows: 75/12, 100/12, 115/2

Just wanted some extra volume on the main lift and one assistance exercise. Assistance work at this point (at least to me) should just be there to balance out the main work

Friday: Deadlifts (at Powerhouse Gym in Downtown Tampa)

Was in Tampa for the the Pro Bodybuilding Weekly Championships and got in my last heavy deadlift session at Powerhouse Gym in Downtown Tampa. A phenomenal gym that is now home to IFBB Pro Ben Pakulski.

Deads: 135/10, 5, 185/5, 225/3, 275/3, 315/3, 365/3, 405/1, 495/1, 550/1

Some back assistance work.

Felt strong on these and enjoyed getting in my last workout. I feel confident as I am in the final two weeks. Light work this and next week. Lots of foam rolling and stretching. Cant wait for this to go down!

Here is the video from Friday.

Working with Muscular Development Magazine over the weekend was once again a phenomenal experience and I was glad to be apart of it. There is just too much to type so I'll list highlights.

-Working with Shawn Ray who is someone I looked up to for the longest.

-Meeting with 1982 and 1983 Mr.Olympia Chris Dickerson and Samir Bannout

-Meeting Lee Labrada.

-Working with George Farah

-Seeing Al Auguste bring home a win in his Pro Debut in his home state.

-Seeing Marius Dohne win and bring home a victory to South Africa. Home of the Legendary Bodybuilder Reg Park.

There were more, but this was only the tip of the iceberg!

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