Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Squat Training

Went into a new training phase. Decided against truly max out, but getting close to 90% and above in my poundages.

Squat: Top sets were 420/3, 460/1

The 460 felt really good and fast despite a messed up setup and even i was surprised a bit I would've went up to 500, but I decided to shut it down. Next time I'll make an attempt hopefully. I wasn't at my best because I was dealing with some stress and had a pounding headache and was moving a bit slower throughout the workout. I didn't make excuses though and decided to squat hard and roll out the gym.

I am of the realization now that I have to get to the gym earlier so I'm not late for class. I can see the finish line here and I don't want to mess up any chances i have of getting into either Iowa or Nebraska.

Come to think of it, i have a pretty focused schedule going on that won't allow for much BS'ing like last summer. Even though I had summer school and work, that ended pretty quickly. I have the Nationals in July, I graduate in May, and I start back work on Friday. And when Nationals is over, I have to get ready to go wherever I'm going. And saving money is a must, so the late nights will come, but i have to afford it in my budget first. Plus I have an idea for another training cycle after Nationals, and i still don't know what type of gym I'm dealing with when I get to my University. But the primary goal of the next training cycle is to put on some solid size and obviously gain more strength.

Here is a link to the program I'm following. It's a variation of 5/3/1 that has weeks 2 and week 1 switched around. it's called "5/3/1 for Powerlifters" in the article.

Me and my training partner Mike made tremendous progress with the original 5/3/1 which is available here......

Thats it from me. Going to try for a 405 bench. I need to get to that big weight, and I havent had to press 405 in awhile, so lets see where it goes.

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