Monday, December 24, 2012

Larry's Ramblings: Learn from each other

During a recent session in the gym and through a couple of conversations on Twitter, I posed a question to my friend Greg. Now I consider Greg one of the more astute observers of bodybuilding. He enjoys the sport while not being a competitor. Greg is also a semi-retired powerlifter. I posed the quandary of,

"With the advent of Mountain Dog Training and raw lifting becoming more and more popular and guys on the platform looking more and more like bodybuilders or just Hoss in general, is the line between bodybuilding and powerlifting blurred."

His answer is one that got me to thinking. Both sides have been guilty of going to extremes and putting people in a box. Training wise and diet wise. Now while I will say both have their own set of nuances that make them unique, there is more in common and in myself and Greg's opinions (as fans of both sports) there is a tremendous crossover there that is being missed by both sides.

What has powerlifting learned from bodybuilding

Here is something to think about. Raw lifting is coming on strong. Lets just cut the bullshit and admit it. It's going to take up a large part of powerlifting now and with raw lifting your muscles are your suit. It's what protects you. So what is happening? Guys are putting more hypertrophy based training in with their "power" training and becoming more muscular. And guess what? People are kicking ass. Brandon Lilly, Dan Green, Eric and Ernie Lillibridge are examples of what extra muscle can do for lifts. And none of these guys are fat. especially green.

What are powerlifters learning from bodybuilders? How important it is to have some variety so you aren't beat to shit. Yes, the main lifts are important and you do have to do them, but theres nothing with doing variations of lifts to get the desired effect, a bigger total.

Lots of lifters are doing sets of 10 and 20 plus. Brandon Lilly posted a video of him not to long ago handling 405 for 20. On of his trainees just hit a squat at 25 plus pounds above her bodyweight for 30 reps. When you do things like that, you aren't fat. I myself have used FST-7 when I want to get a bit more blood in the muscle. I've also used it as an active recovery tool.

For years lifters have been eating ho-ho's and other bullshit in an effort to get bigger for competing. Lo and behold that approach came with a myriad of health problems down the line. So what are lifters doing now? They are eating pretty big whole food meals and cutting down on their intake of crap. Nutritional ratios are not as strict as bodybuilding, but some structure is there now

Why bodybuilding is a bit behind in the learning curve

Now what can bodybuilders learn from powerlifters. For one, theres an opportunity to learn how to periodize your training. Why cant you have a block of time where you throw in power cleans or speed squats? Will that hurt you if NEVER TRIED IT? No one is asking you to have a high level of ability with the shit, but it never hurts to try.

I also think that most bodybuilders have missed the boat in trying lower rep ranges with a higher load but for more sets. Whats wrong with doing 80% of your one rep max for sets of 3 or 5? Is there a rule that says there won't be any growth from that. We all know that 8-12 reps seems to work best sometimes, but put some weight on the bar and do those low rep sets. Everywhere I go, I keep hearing "I don't train heavy. This is bodybuilding, not powerlifting."

That may be true, but most who train like shit in the gym, look like shit on stage.

Do some heavy pulling, and quit bouncing your rack pulls and deadlifts. Put a pause on it. Pull it from a dead stop. Thats how it's supposed to be done and if you load up the bar with a bunch of weight and it's at knee level, then you really should just drop the weight, quit being a pansy and pull from the floor for reps. Because you're getting nothing out of your "rack bounces"

I look at guys like Antoine Valliant and see the crossover. Besides Johnny Jackson (who I think is just a dead lift specialist) Valliant is paving the way for a guy who can get onstage and on a platform. He squats, benches and deadlifts. Uses bands and chains and has a killer physique that recently won him a pro card. So don't give me the line that you cant do this or that. If you're not injured, then learn how to warm up and pre-habilitate so you can do the things others aren't doing.


For years its been this dumb ass divide and people have profited off of it. Magazines have, supplement companies have and even to a point some coaches who will not have their clients do basic exercises and instead have them perform mostly machine training. Don't be stupid. Weed through the bull.

I have to hand it to guys like John Meadows who is bridging the gap between powerlfiting and bodybuilding. Just because we have different goals, doesn't mean we can't drink from the same water fountain.

So stop being elitest.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Bodybuilding Journalism

Bodybuilding Journalism

First off, I love the sport of bodybuilding. I think it’s a great endeavor that anyone can get in and it’s for sure had a positive effect on my life. 
Some who write for other sites and try to discredit one of the sports top professionals is kind of ridiculous in my opinion. I get that bodybuilding is a gossipy industry (thats another blog post all together) but to write a whole article based on assumption of an individual you only see on a limited basis is the very thing thing we need to avoid in the business.
If people like it or not, once you put words to paper (or screen) and it get puts out there, you become a journalist even if you didn’t have formal training for it, so all of us in the industry need to act accordingly.
1: No heresy  if you get a tip, follow up as best you can. If the tip doesn’t pan out or said pro or guru is tight lipped, then you really can’t break it as breaking news. And no anonymous  sources. Don’t even come to me with “ol boy heard this” or “Ol boy heard that”. I don’t get a name, I aint reporting it.
2: It ain’t about you, even in an editorial: I’m guilty of this but after I wrote one piece where I made it about me, I realized that it should’ve been more about the competitors. Seriously  it makes you look like a dick. 
3: Quit assuming what people do: We don’t know a persons mindset and what makes us qualified to do so?
4: Don’t assume, I cant say this enough.
The piece I read was sensationalism. Unless your’e a beat reporter, and with a person everyday and tracking their every move, then stay away from the sensationalistic and accusing pieces. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Musings of a late night gym rat/insomniac


It's going decent. Not bad for what will be an extended offseason. I knew going into the semester with me being on academic probation (more on that snafu), training was number two on my importance list. I only did what I needed or was able to do some days. Amazingly I kept up with it and even hit some pr's.


I's using the Juggernaut Method to get some size on and to get some reps in. Right now I'm in the 8's wave and about to enter the second week of it. Not sure what my training max is, but it's very conservative. I'd say about mid 300's. I'm getting better at staying tight and using my hamstrings and glutes and not my lower back to squat with.


I've been hitting a lot of incline presses and they've been paying off. Recently hit 315 for a few reps and that was good and I believe that was also a PR. I'm not sure. Rotating between incline DB, incline press and flat press. I used it during the summer and it went well. Hell, just this past Wednesday I hit a pr on incline db with 110 lb dumbbells for 15 reps, so i must be doing something right.


I usually love to pull.........for low reps, but now I'm doing sets of 5+ so my love affair with them is kind of closing up. Tough to pull for reps, but the shit puts muscle on. I've been doing double overhand strap deads, trap bar deads and now I'm trying to decide if I want my third exercise in the rotation should be sumo deads or deficit deads. I want to make it similar to my bench workouts in that I have my main movements and I rotate them, then follow up with assistance work.


I consider life is school right now. For those of you that don't know, this past Spring at UNL, I failed every class except for one, which was my reporting class, and I was left with a 1.3 GPA. Why? No idea........I fucked up like G-Money did in New Jack City. Is it important now? No. God's way of helping people is to give them a support system which they can draw strength from and be given advice straight, with no chaser after. And thats what i have. Now some of you may pass judgement and roll and your eyes and say "Oh, he should be doing well, he's older and blah, blah, blah", but I say this to you..............I don't really give two narrow shits what you think. I made my mistake, owned up to it, and made the corrections I need. Two more finals that I will pass and i'm off this shit and can move towards something that I havent done since elementary school. Make the honor roll. I'm better than what I have been doing and now it's time to turn shit up a notch.

I have no explanation for my academic performance other than I was just lazy.

Moving Forward:

I'm glad the semester is coming to a close as a lot of stress will be off me until school starts back up. I'm  glad I can catch up with some friends, some good food, and some good Chicago living. I love my city for all it's faults, but we really have to do better. There is so much potential and promise being taken away from us that it's crazy.

One thing thats been on my mind has been the post election banter. Team Obama was happy, Team Romney wasn't. My beef is this......what happened to making a better YOU regardless whose in office. I'm no fan of politics and I don't really trust people who dig themselves into and become elitist with their views and not realize there is a grey area. But I mean damn.....if you're a Romney supporter and you're still butthurt over the election, get over it. It's done. If your'e an Obama supporter, he's not the super lay of it.

Now with all that soul bearing, updating, and mini political rant that I'm sure no one will care about, it's time for some Christmas music. Listen to some motherfucking Bing Crosby!

I'll bring us some figgy pudding, I'll bring us some figgy pudding...................

What the fuck is figgy pudding?


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Arnold Classic Europe, Felix and other ramblings

Arnold Classic Europe happened in Madrid over the weekend. I'm not going to go into where everyone placed. Go to Flex Magazines Website to find out. I will touch on a couple things.

1: Shawn Rhoden is proof is not where you start, but where you finish. The guy we saw at the Arnold and the Flex Pro is not the same guy. Whatever he and Chris Aceto are doing is working, and he needs to keep doing it. I think he is the closet we currently have to Flex Wheeler. I know there a lot of others who aren't or wont give him that title, but I will. He still needs more time at the championship level, because now he's the hunted and not the hunter. I think he'll handle that role reversal well.

2: Roelly Winklaar in third is not a placing I agree with. He was smaller and softer. He needs the rest until next year. He has to find a way to keep the muscle he has without burning it off. He tries to get three percent better but comes back 20 percent worse. Sometimes it helps to just diet your ass off and go in as is. Don;t change anything. Chris Cormier did it a couple times and he's won plenty of pro shows including the Night of Champions (remember that show)

3: Toney Freeman at his worst, in a show like this, is NEVER a fifth place bodybuilder. He was no lower than second and made a push for first. Yes I'm looking at pictures, but those are some damn good pictures then. I don't know why he finished that low, but hopefully he keeps going until he's 50. I'm serious. I enjoy seeing him onstage.

Felix Baumgartner

The man basically jumped from space. What kind of thinking does that take? A special one. Is he a bit off? Quite possibly. But he sat down, saw something he wanted to break, and went after it. It wasn't overnight either. Time was spent planning, practicing and thinking about it. He may have burned a few relationships, but you know what? The people who see you have a goal will be with you no matter what. He was probably told "no, you're stupid" or "Why do you want to do that".

I guarantee those same people are in bars and at home while he accomplished history.

Blaze a trail. You have a dream that will leave you broke (initially, because profit is good) but only you can see it, go after it. We all die, just smash that shit.

Disclaimer: have a back up plan. May take you on a different path but will get you to your goal if you stick with it.

I mean lets really think about it. Half of you all worry about stuff you have no control over (I see you and your negative political timelines. You all humor me, and not in a good way). Imagine if you put the same energy into chasing something significant?


Just kind of going through the motions and grabbing great ones where I can. It will be like that until after this election when I pick things back up. I'm still trying to get my volume up and put muscle on. I'm excited for whats to come, but thats thinking too far forward. I need to handle now.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Travels, work, school, and other stuff.

I just posted a log over on my log at so I'm not gonna go into training too much. There just isn't anything going on right now for me on the competitive front, so theres no reason to constantly push the envelope in regards to training. You have to know when to push and when to back away, and with how busy I am with everything, I just drew back my training a bit. I will pick it up a bit after this weekend as I don't want to see another airplane for awhile.


So just a review for the year. I have been to Pittsburgh twice, Tampa, Dallas, Las Vegas and covered two shows in Chicago (special thanks to Chris San Juan for his help at the Jr.Nationals). To say this year, summer in particular, has been busy is an understatement. Add to that a Summer powerlifting meet and classes and you have a recipe for me staying sober. Traveling as part of Flex was unique. First, it is a lot of work. Enjoyable work though. I enjoy speaking with people who are dedicated to their craft. As flawed as the sport of bodybuilding is, I think its a great endeavor for anyone. I feel the same way about powerlifting, strongman and highland games.


Did a meet over the summer at Lances Gym and it went well. I didn't PR, but that was my third meet of the year and I have three 600+ lbs deadlifts, so that works for me. I ran a Westside style template and I'm not above running another one actually, I would make changes to it, but nothing crazy to be honest. Maybe some more full range movements but not an overhaul by any means.


It's going. I'm getting a bit flustered, but staying dedicated to the process of completing assignments. Other subjects are coming as long as i stay on top of them. I will not lose, but I do have my work cut out for me.


Phil Heath is a two time Mr.Olympia. Thats a testament to his hard work and I enjoyed seeing him win. What I really enjoyed the most was seeing a ward of the state of New York who never gave up on his dream of being a pro become second in the world of bodybuilding. You can spin it anyway, bring up his previous transgressions (or mistakes), harp on him trying to sound intelligent, but the bottom line is this.

Kai Greene is the American Dream. a little black boy from Brooklyn saw something he identified with and never let it go. And for that, he deserves props. Disagree? Don't really care.

Shawn Rhoden is the truth and Dexter Jackson is still one of the best bodybuilders on the face of the earth and a for sure HOF'er. I thought his and Rhoden should've been flip flopped with Dex in third. But thats life sometimes.

One placing I disagree with on every level is Toney Freeman outside of the top six. I do not see the love affair with Dennis Wolf. At all.

Branch Warren was Branch Warren. He could've been tighter, but thats something to look at in the future. Him and George Farah make a good duo.

Flex Lewis winning the 212 is a great decision and should've happened last year. He presented a new package and it looked great. I was also happy to see Dave Henry back onstage as well after a deployment. Welcome back Henry.

Thats it right now. Holla later

Thursday, September 20, 2012

My personal Mr.Olympia top ten

I'll be honest and say that I don't like writing these like I use to when I was in my twenties. Reason being is that you end up arguing your point with people who never listen anyway. And on top of that, you usually end up with a couple of expletives thrown around by various fan boys. I know, I use to be one (whatever happened to Melvin Anthony by the way?).

With that being said, since every other pundit is putting their two cents in, I may as well add mine. Is it a run down? No. I consider these more Op-Ed than anything. But it's mine and I'll stand by it. Besides. Nothing really matters until after the night show next Saturday.

1: Phil Heath: He has all the tools to repeat as champion this year. The question is can he be more improved this year. What can he improve on? I think he can be sharper and more conditioned. More mass on his back won't ever hurt. His legs are just bananas so I don't really see how he can improve there. Honestly, I just want to see him in such sick and disgusting condition he will be separated form the pack. I don't care if he has to lose a little bit in the muscle department to bring it also.

2: Kai Greene: The only man, in my estimation, that can beat Phil in the mass department. Im not so convinced in the conditioning however. Shape can go either way. Kai poses in a way where he can hide his shortcoming shape wise. Kai has to be shredded to even be considered a possible winner.

3: Dennis Wolf: I'm not convinced he has made the improvements he needed to make between the Arnold and the Olympia. He still needs a thicker back and from the side he is a bit too "shallow" to me. He has phenomenal shape and thats always a good thing.

4:Branch Warren: He won the Arnold out of sheer will and fortitude. The Olympia is coined as a big mans show, but I don't think he will nail it enough to break the top three. It's hard to peak twice in a year at the pro level. Kai didn't do it last year and I don't think branch will do it this year. I could be wrong however. He is training with Johnny Jackson and they both have enlisted the help of Josh Bryant ( to make improvements for the show.

5: Dexter Jackson: Like it or not, he is a former Mr. Olympia, been in the top six for years now, and has never really been out of shape. He is a big guy now, so he has to be even more shredded than he's ever been. Is it hard to do at his age? I don't think so judging by what all these other over-40 bodybuilders are coming up with (Johnny Jackson, Toney Freeman). Jackson can be in the top six but he has to show something REALLY special to go higher.

6: Ben Pakulski: He's a thinking mans bodybuilder and that will work in his favor. His quads are excellent and he has an awesome front lat spread. But his back could stand a bit more beef and his arms could use a bit more muscle. He could be the guy that could win an Olympia in the future.

Other Factors:

I'm not dissing Evan Centopani is any way, shape or form. I just don't see him breaking top six this go round. He has to find a way to keep it all together during prejudging. I actually had him winning the Arnold after seeing him being compared to Wolf and Warren in the initial comparison, but as time went on, he started to look like two different bodybuilders. His shape is not the best and he loses that battle when put next to Heath, Greene and Wolf. His mas is great, but he is a couple years from breaking up there.

Shawn Rhoden can just blow everything I said up. He won the Pro Bodybuilding Weekly Championships and Dallas Europa in spectacular fashion. But those were late season shows. If it's hard to peak between early season and spring shows, then it may be near impossible to regroup after competing in August. But he doe's have Chris Aceto in his corner, so I could be wrong.

Toney Freeman is another guy who can blow my prediction up. When he nails it, he is one of the very best. When he doesn't, it's very apparent.It will be hard to get back to winning form after two late summer shows.

Roelly Winklaar is fighting a very uphill battle. He won the Nordic Pro, but that was after missing the mark two shows prior to that.

Could Hide be higher than 10th this year?

Where would Flex Lewis place in this lineup? Or Jose Raymond for that matter? With Brandon Curry not in the show, he could place top ten. I say jump in.

Will the 212 division hold a closer battle for first than the open?

Thats it for my opinion? You have one? Let me know! Onward to Vegas!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

You have power.

I had a chance to sit back and watch a couple of YouTube videos for about an hour a couple days ago. I don't know what drove me to as I usually just look at videos to reminisce about the days of yore when everything didn't hurt in the morning, I had a steady paycheck(even if it was shit pay) and the gym is what kept me moving.

I happened to just click on a couple of videos, but on that stood out to me the most was a Kai Greene video from last years prep for the Mr. Olympia.

Why can't we create something beautiful as people sometimes? We are our own worst enemy. WE let people tell us what we should and shouldn't do. WE let situations get the best of us and we hold our heads down.

You have a family? Create a beautiful family. You in school? Make your report card beautiful by fostering effective habits. Chasing God (or a more meaningful spiritual relationship) the things you need to do to make God first.

The point is that you have power in your hands to do better. Don't fall into the trap that you don't have any type of power. You have it. Use it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

To do list.

It's  2:25 in the morning working on things


Well one I was hungry and had some Musclegg to drink (shout out to Lamar Byrd) but that didn't do the trick. But some grass fed beef and rice hit the spot and I'm about to crash it up soon.

But the second reason I'm awake is because I was able to complete an article that I have been trying to finish for awhile. The article led to working on a "to do" list for the subsequent day. I have a full plate ahead of me.

1: La clase de espanol

2: Call Lancaster County GOP and Democratic Parties for possible interviews (I may just go by there)

3: Call or email people that were involved in a story last year that I penned for the Daily Nebraskan. Reason being is because it relates to a story I'm doing for Star City News.

4: Do some additional photography work.

4: Study spanish. (test next week)

5: Read and review psychology (test in a couple weeks)

6: Tie up loose ends.

I'll be eating somewhere in between all that somewhere. No napping. Day is just entirely too full to be bullshitting. Seems that caffeine will be my blood in a couple hours. Thank God the union has blode roast. It's the truth!

Well that and Gatorade.

I refuse to let this semester be disastrous. So a bit of pain and possibly some sleep deprivation will happen.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


I am sitting in a hotel in Pittsburgh right now helping cover the IFBB North Americans which begins this morning. I have to say that I'm very fortunate to be in the position I'm in with Flex Magazine. I never thought I would be here as press. Hell, I wanted (and still want) to be on a stage showing my wares.

But regardless, I get to stay connected to the sport and I've made some observations.

NOTE:These opinions are not reflective of Flex Magazine or America Media Inc.

1: Food is kings. Why? The biggest guys are the biggest eaters. Now I know that there has been research to refute what i say, but hell, even the research says you need to eat. So don't fear food for weight loss and especially for muscle gain.

2: Moderate to heavy weights are being used. Not so heavy or light that you just swing them around. This should be a given, but you'd be surprised at how many people don;t want to lighten up the load when they are hurt. And also don't load up the bar when needed. Heavy weights give that muscle a different look thats more dense, thick and hard. However you compete (natural or "enhanced) get some weight on the bar and work that shit

3: Consistency. Thats a whole other blog post. There is a saying on a wall at school. "Stay focused on the process. Compete everyday." Thats true. Building a quality physique take being focused on the process. Even if you aren't onstage, your'e competing everyday. Why? Because the offseason is where gains are made, but where most guys (and girls) fuck up. Do you work in the gym and at the table everyday.

4: There is no substitute for time. everything takes time. Period. If your'e not willing to train, eat, rest and take your time and do the right work, then you will screw yourself royally. Quit thinking it's a bottle, a protein or an amino acid will get you there. You'll get there, but it takes time.

I could go on and on but I think I got my point across. As Eric Fankhouser say's "Do your work son"

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Teh life of a collegz studnt

I misspelled it on purpose, so don't go crazy.

Settling in with my first week of classes in the books. I have a decent schedule I've set for myself right now, and will refine it and will be pretty honed in by the time week 3 hits. I gave myself 3 weeks as I have to travel this weekend. Will be covering the North Americans in Pittsburgh. Gary Udit always puts on a good show and I love going to Pitt, so its a win-win. Just will be super busy.

Training is going well right now. I'm still trying to get more volume into my training. I counted to reps that were in my leg workout recently and found that I was getting in around 221 repetitions. I perform 212 reps for my back. My theory is, and it's just a theory, is that I need to double, or even triple the amount of reps I do for my legs to put size on them. 

In laymen's terms, leg day will truly suck for awhile. So I better eat like I have a pair because this is not going to easy. I'll be ready for it though. 

Whats on tap today?


I will squeeze in some cartoons at some point. 

  Ain't got time for no bitchassness jive turkey

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Leg Training

Leg curl

135/6, 9

Leg press:


Not a good one. Have to find someway to get back nice and flexible so I can move forward in this and other lifts.

I also keep a log over on Train strength and Conditioning so follow that as well. 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Back training

In between shows here in Tampa, so heres Thursday's workout.

One arm barbell rows:


Meadows rows:


Lat Pulldowns


Had to do less than I expected because my back was aching BAD after I got off the train and I had to do a filming. In retrospect it was a bit dumb to train back with an achy back, but I said fuck it and just got it done. Its better to get in something than nothing at all. Give a fuck what people think about it also.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Past two days training at Quads.


Leg Curls:




Leg press:


Stiff Leg Deads:


Tuesday: Chest

Decline DB press:


Hammer Decline Press


Pec Minor Dips:


Bench (one second pause on chest)


Past couple days have been good from a training standpoint and it felt good to get some extra volume in. Squatting for reps will take some getting use to, but not long. The rep ranges were supposed to be a bit lower, but I still want to wait another week before I really push it and start building up momentum in my training.

Here is a video of pec minor dips by the way.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Shoulders and Arms Ironeaterz style

Was in the gym when "Big Snooki" Greg Sorrells and "Pastor" Troy Smith rolled in. I linked up with them and did shoulders and arms.

Overhead Press:

followed by a set of burnouts with 30 lbs on side laterals.

40/failure, 30/8, 20/8, 15/5 (All done in drop set fashion)
40/failure, 30/5, 20/55, 15/5

Seated Hammer Strength Laterals:


Upright rows:


An assload of gun stuff followed, which I dominated to the fullest.

Good bit of volume today and was a very welcome change. Our conversations are always "interesting".

Training going forward:

I will be using Mountain Dog training principles going forward. I have been reading what's online and actually asked John for some advice about what was out there in regards to his training program. Why am I doing it? Simple, because I used some of the principles and exercises getting ready for the meet and they worked pretty well for me, so I am eager to see what will happen when I go into the program full force. The weekly setup will look like

Monday: Legs
Tuesday: Chest, shoulders and triceps
Wednesday: Off
Friday: Light chest and shoulders (dependent on my recovery)
Saturday: Arms
Sunday: off

This split is not too far from what I have done before with squat on Monday, bench on Wednesday, deadlift on Friday. This closely resembles a powerlifting program with a bodybuilding twist.

To find out more on Mountain Dog hit up

and check out and search Mountain Dog training.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lower Body and dont block me on Facebook (music video)

Kettle Bell squats:


Leg Press:






Just a quick one. One more this week and then mountain dog starts on Monday.

One of my favorite songs right now. We know ya'll got some facebook hookups...........

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Back at it: Push/Pull at Quads Gym

First day back in the gym since the meet last Saturday. Nothing crazy with this workout. Just wanted to get a little weight in my hands is all and work some blood around

Incline press: 


I wanted to do sets of 8 until I couldn't go anymore. Needless to say that didn't happen

Meadows Rows:


Decline press:


Hammer Strength Pulldowns


Easy one today and legs are later tonight. Not really focused on any type of goal right now. Just training to train and catch a pump. Really using this as a phase to experiment with some "pseudo" carb-backloading. Although I'm of the thought process that if your eating is controlled then it really dont matter when you chow down, but what the fuck do I know?

As I hinted in another blog, I have some ideas about my training that I want to incorporate, but we'll see. I may stay on conjugate a bit longer but make some modifications.


Tampa for the Tampa Pro
Dallas for the Europa
Pittsburgh for the North Americans and hopefully the Olympia. Not sure yet.

School Plans:

I'm going back. I will admit a good deal of nervousness though. Mainly GPA purposes. I got a bit mixed up in the partying and drinking and I have to be a bit more (well, quite a bit more) focused than that. I'll go to some games, maybe have a beer or two, and then shut it down.

Meet Plans:

None as of this time.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lances Summer meet write up

Well, it's the after the meet and everything has settled in, here is what went down yesterday at Lances Gym.

Took the extended trip to the gym, so it was a bus ride to Starbucks because I refuse to do any lifting without coffee in my system. I mean, I can, but I just dont want to. So I pick up my customary blonde roast with a ton of splenda and and chocolate powder and I was ready to roll.

I get to Lances and the Quads South group was already there along with Ed Coan. The group had several lifters and a couple have actually seen my videos on YouTube. (C'mon up north sometimes fellas! We got titties and beer by Wrigley)

Lifting started around 10:30 and the squat was first. My first attempt was around 540 something. Went and handled that. Then I called for my next attempt at 567, which is a couple pounds down from my March meet. It went bad as I brought my grip in a little to try and make my upper back tighter. As soon as I unracked the weight, I remembered why I ditched that grip and my right shoulder got immediately pissed. I concentrated too much on that and flattened out on the bottom. I ended up taking the same attempt and had to grind it out. No biggie.

Bench was up next and with the way I was feeling I just KNEW that 400+ was going to fall today. I KNEW it. My warmups went super easy, my first attempt at 350 was a smokeshow as well as my second attempt at 370. I knew this was the day...........or so I thought.

I get on the bench, blood is boiling, I get my set up tight, grab the bar, take my breaths and signal for the help for a liftoff. It comes down easy, stays on my chest and flies UP............until just above the halfway point. I had it........and lost it in a split second. I even was yelling in my mind "GOTCHA BITCH", but I guess I didn't. To say I was EXTREMELY disappointed was an understatement. The wait for a 400 plus competition bench awaits.

Deadlifts went. I honestly checked out after the bench and my knee was fucking with me. So what ever I could do I did. I ended the day with 611 on the dead and passed on my third attempt. Thats three 600 plus pound deadlifts for the year. I'll take it as a small victory.

Won best lifter and my class and my total is up about 11 pounds. I didnt qualify for Raw Unity in Tampa next year unfortunately, but theres a next time. I'm not sure what my next move is. I do think I'm done for the year however.

So to recap the year......

February: Rick Hussey SPF Memorial Meet: 1548
March(4 weeks later): XPC International Open: 1540
Yesterday(July 28th) USPF Lances Gym Summer Meet: 1551

Not bad I guess. So I guess a beer is in order sometime this week.

Thanks to all who have supported me and my lifting this year. I by no means wanted to do this many meets, but the Iron Bug hits you.....and you just want to compete and train. Special thanks to Matt Ladewski and Brian Carroll. Brian took over my squat training for the SPF meet and the XPC Meet while Matt took over my training for the USPF meet. Both are great coaches and I highly suggest using them at some point if you dont know where you need to go in your programming.

Thanks to O'Mallyes liquor kitchen for being flexible enough to go without a doorman during a busy series on the weekend (Cubs vs Cardinals) so I could smash weights. Hopefully I can get some free shots out of doing well at this meet. No? I tried..........

Thanks to my sister for just being there :-) Love you Tracey

Last but not least, thanks to God for allowing me to do something I love. I dont have to be alive right now, but he sees fit to keep me around. And I'm glad to be on the ride He has laid out for me.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Future training and life stuff.


I have an idea of what i want to do and accomplish. I have basically have two templates that I am thinking about which I am still tweaking and will share. It's based off existing principles and things that I have been wanting to try. I have a couple of goals and I still need to streamline them so they dont conflict. One of the things I've been wanting to do is use bands more. I have a mountain dog band pack here and I'll be using it much after I get back to school.


Not bad. Been working a lot and school is always an issue. Paying for next spring and fall is on my mind, and I'm working on a plan of attack for that (basically work). I have no doubt that I'l graduate from UNL. Just will take a bit longer than expected is all.

More training:

I feel good going into saturday. I want to give a big thanks to Matt Ladewski for helping me set up a template. Sometimes it wasn't easy to get all the work in, but I did it. There were some days that I could only get the max effort in, but I got use to that strain with heavy weights and in my weakest position for each lift. There's gonna be some strong lifting on Saturday so not only do I look forward to competing, I look forward to watching.


Friday, July 20, 2012

DE Bench

Bench: 205/3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3


DB Press

Working hard and hardly working. Meet is next week. Ready to smash.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Max effort bench

Floor Press: worked up to 385 for 1.

Bradford presses: 3 sets with 95 lbs

Tate presses
Chest supported rows
Face Pulls.

Not putting a ton of volume into assistance work. I just want to keep things healthy and it makes no sense to perform a ton of work. All my assistance work is three sets and I basically keep myself healthy with it. Not trying to pr on that shit anyway.

The meet is on the 28th at Lances Gym ( so come on out and support local lifters if you can. Should be a good time.

Busy week ahead too. Helping move stuff today, pulling heavy this afternoon/evening and I still have lots of work to do. I have fallen behind a little and I need to sit the fuck down and get caught up. I think I'll make today that day. If not today then definitely tomorrow. I can't be falling behind now, too critical.

Max effort lower is today and I'm filming that. A video of this workout will be posted time to cook chicken.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Speed squat day

Squat : 305 for eight sets of 2 with 60 seconds rest between each set

Speed dead: 8 singles with 30 seconds rest between each set

Leg Curls
Back Raise

Speed squats felt ok, but the speed deads felt great and moved pretty damn easy. Feeling good, but having a slight issue with elbow pain so that means working it out with a lacrosse(lax) ball.

Not a lot of info in these posts lately, so if there is something you want to see or hear, let me know

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Dynamic Effort Bench

Suffering from a bit of insomnia so I decided to post.

Speed bench: 205 bar weight w/ one set of chain: 9 sets of 3. 1 minute rest between sets.

DB Press on low incline:

Lat Pulldown: 3 sets of 12

Meadows rear delt destroyer: Who cares, it fucking sucked.

Bench moved good and fast. Pleased with it going into basically my final week of prep for the meet. I have been uber busy, but I have tried to keep training as consistent as possible and I've done that for the most part. Nutrition has been pretty decent too. Don't get me wrong, I've consumed my share of fine and high quality anabolics (Pizza, Italian beefs, Epic Burger) but it hasn't been like in years past, or even last year. I actually cut down my eating a little because it's been hotter than the Debils anus here the past few days. I'll eat up some more, but maybe drop the carbs back a little bit.

Spanish is going well. I need to expose myself the the material more than once a week. I think I didn't do too well on this prior exam, but it's ok as the lowest grade gets dropped and I'm sitting at a B for a midterm grade. I will take Spanish 102 in the fall again back in Lincoln. I just din't want a huge gap of time where I didn't use any Spanish at all. That would not have been good. The usual suspects though are tripping me up (vocabulary and verb conjugation)

Masters Nationals is coming up in Pittsburgh. This is a show that will show rising stars in the sport and Pittsburgh is a great city, so it will be cool to go and holler at some people. Maybe I'll be able to catch a workout as I have to train my deadlift next Friday. We'll see.

Good luck to Tommy Harrison as he and Team Gladiators powerlifting will be smashing it up in Minnesota. I'm sure the team will hit plenty of PR's. Here is the video I did on Tommy for not too long ago.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Max Effort Bench and Max Effort Lower

Not done on the same day obviously, so here goes.

Max Effort Bench:

Worked up to 365 close grip bench for 2 singles. Yes, that is a PR for close grip bench. My triceps strength is not the best in the world, so this was great to hit and relatively easy.

Max Effort Lower:

Done on 2 inch pads:


Front Squats: 3 sets

GHR: 4 sets of ten

Reverse Hypers: 3 sets of 10


I was pleased with how the deads turned out. I did something funky though on the way down with 405 and might have strained something a bit but it was no biggie. Throw some Icy Hot on it and keep on rolling.

I feel pretty good overall. The heat went back down to a manageable level and I'm able to eat like I want to without sweating like a hog. Not looking to get over 242 right now. I need to dial in the nutrition a bit more, but the crap foods hasn't been consumed as much as in years past. I remember pulling a Palumbo a couple years ago and just smashing double cheeseburgers like they were going out of style. Those days are long gone thank God.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Dynamic Effort squats

Squats: 315 /2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2

Deadlifts: 405/ 8 singles with 30 secs rest in between

Assistance work.

Got shit done before heading out to Rosemont, IL to help cover the Wings of Strength Chicago Pro thats promoted by Tim Gardner. 76 IFBB pros make this the biggest IFBB pro show to date this year. Lots of heavy hitters in this show and hopefully the amateurs do the same here. On my muscle hustle here in Chi-Town.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Max Effort Lower and Dynamic Effort Bench

Max Effort Lower:

SSB Squats: worked up to 405 for a single

Front squats: 3 sets of 5

Tate presses: 5 sets of 12

GHR: 3 set of 8.


Dynamic Effort Bench:

Bench: Bar weight was 205 with 2 sets of chain for 9 sets of 3.

DB press: 110 for 3 sets of 6

Lat Pulldowns: 6 sets

Meadows rear delt destroyers: lots of reps and they hurt


Bar moved nice and fast this week. Looking for a repeat performance next week.

Chicago pro show this weekend too. Should be a good show with lots of thick guys and gals! Cant wait.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Max Effort Bench

Incline press


Bradford Press:

Tate Presses:


Chest supported rows:


Face Pulls: I did these for the length of a song with 65 lbs. It sucked.


Was glad to be done with the deload and have some weight back in my hands. The rest paid off I set out to do a good bit of volume today. Recorded a monster in the form of Kevin Jordan today for so I was inspired a bit, so thanks Kevin.

Everything is rolling along for July 28th. For those that don't know I'm doing a USPF meet instead of the APF Summerbash. There were a couple of factors but the biggest one is distance. With the APF Summerbash, its in the 'burbs which would require me to get up super early, catch a bus, catch a metra and then catch a cab to the venue. With the USPF meet at Lance's Gym, I catch a train, bus and walk a block (if that) and I'm there. No extra crap or money spent trying to get to the venue. Plus there will be some quality competition there, so thats extra incentive to come in and smash even though my primary goal is to qualify for Raw Unity 6.

I have to set aside time for me and family. I have to be honest, I have not been the best relative since I have been back. I really dont have any excuses to not visit or spend time with people. I have been busy, but I can make time for those that I love. I love my fam just as much as training. I've been busy with work, and my internship so I need to be busy with family.

Max effort lower tomorrow. Time to eat!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Dynamic Effort Squattius






2 sets of 25 reps

Reverse hypers:

3 sets of ten

I used the roller attachment on the reverse hypers and it was was heavier than expected, so it didn't turn out to be too much fun.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Training and other stuff


It started off very craptatsic after Junior Nationals weekend, but picked up on Wednesday for speed bench. max effort upper and lower body blew ass chunks so I'm thinking as long as I stay hydrated (this heat is a motherfucker and I have no AC at home) and eat, I'll be able to smash dynamic effort lower. I don't have tons of time before the summer bash, so I need to be anal about how I go about the rest of this prep. Ive added in more carbs for their ability to hold water and lightened up on the protein consumption just a little. I cant eat massive amounts in the summer, so I have to adjust accordingly and not make excuses.

Rest is a constant issue. My sleep patterns are all fucked up so I'm trying to fix it.


I got a C and was very close to a B on my spanish exam. Conjugation of verbs continue to murder me and I have to have a better grasp of the vocabulary. I honestly wasn't too worried because I just came off of a bombed Spanish class in Lincoln. I just wanted to move in the right direction. I've decided to retake the Spanish 102 in Lincoln again and get an A or a B in that (fuck C's). I really need to raise my GPA so I can do the things I want to do and also for myself. Interviewed someone and something really hit home for me. Why don't I put my all into school? I just need to do it and quit talking about it.

Professional Stuff:

My internship is going well with Flex and it's only going to get better. I will be covering the Masters and hopefully Tampa also. Have to thank Mike Salazar for the opportunity and all his help in my career, powerlifting and life in general. Appreciate the help Mike.

I was worried about getting an internship all year and I got one, and it's in an industry I love. The pay is ok, but it's money and there are many working for free so I can't complain.

Going Forward: 

Watch the blog, Flex and my twitter (my twitter is somewhat NSFW)

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Dominator Gene

I got this from Steve Pulcinella from and found it extremely interesting. Some have this gene, some dont. Read and find out what he's talking about.

Aleksandr Karelin. Steven Hawking. What do these men have in common? At first glance, absolutely nothing. Aleksandr Karelin is a giant, who's very appearance is enough to inspire fear in the average man. He is also possibly the most dominant wrestler to ever take the mat. Steven Hawking is a bag of smashed assholes strapped into an electric chair. He has also completely dominated the world of nerdy smart shit for decades. So, the common factor in these two men, who could not be more different in body and personality, is the dominator gene.

The dominator gene is not so much a physical attribute, but an element of will. And it exists, to some degree, in all of us. But, and it's a big but, the degree to which it exists is the key. The "X Factor", if you will. The dominator gene will lay dormant unless it is activated by the will. And, wether it is the will to annihilate and terrify every elite wrestler at your weight on the planet for nearly 20yrs, or the will to stare at a chalk board full of numbers until you figure out things that would make most people's brains explode, it is the same act of will that makes both possible.

Take a group of five high school kids who join a gym together. At first, all five will basically do the same things and spend the same amount of time lifting each week. Now, fast forward one year. There are now three kids left of the original five and one is about to fade into mediocrity because his girlfriend wants him to work at Applebee's with her so they can spend more time together. And then there were two. Lifter A is a hard worker and really enjoys lifting. He will continue to workout hard for the rest of his life and make good gains. He will never win anything. He will never even be the strongest guy in most gyms he walks into. His dominator gene will never be activated to its fullest potential. And, he's fine with that. Now take lifter B. From the beginning, it has been obvious that lifter B is different from the others. First, he is naturally much stronger than the other four. He also goes at his workouts with ten times the intensity. While the others look at the powerlifters and strongmen in the gym with awe and respect, lifter B feels only hate and shame. Every day that he is unable to do what those men do, he becomes more furious and focused. And, he has a belief that is not necessarily based on anything he can prove that he can and will out do all of them. He knows. And, the thought has not entered his mind, as it has with the other four, that what he wants might not be possible. And that is where he unknowingly unlocked his dominator gene.
Lifting, wrestling, space math shit, NASCAR driving, Real Estate, Televangelism. It doesn't matter. The profession usually finds the individual. But, the individual has to unlock the dominator gene. And, the dominator gene is not unlocked by talking or dreaming. It is unlocked by doing. John Rambo did not dominate most of Southeast Asia and part of Afghanastan by talking. Vin Diesel did not dominate the world of dramatic acting by dreaming. It is done by a head first rush that ends in death and failure or total dominance. It happens every day, all over the world. It happens in a thousand small endeavors that are not all as glorious and defeating the Russian army with nothing but a quiver full of exploding arrows and some blue glow sticks. It is purely a talker/doer scenario and without the attitude and force of will required to unlock the dominator potential, the dominator gene will lay dormant and wither like a priest's ball bag. Like Aleksandr Karelin said, "I have trained harder every day of my life than anyone else has ever trained on his best day". And like Steven Hawking said, "I am so fucking smart you would shit your pants and go insane if you could look into my brain for one second". Of course, I am paraphrasing that last one
Now I don't feel bad for wanting to set people who beat me on fire and saying "fuck you". I want to win...........PERIOD.

Dynamic Effort Bench.

Bench: 225/(3,3,3,3) (3,3,3,3) (3,3,3,3)

Lat pulldowns:
Triceps Extensions:

Lateral death.

Weight on the bench moved fast, but my elbow was catching it a bit. Par for the course. I really need to learn how to use leg drive to make benching a full body movement and not just a chest/back thing.

Working this weekend for the Juniors Nationals but will find a way to make it happen as I have one more workout for the week. It's speed squat day i.e. death by squats.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Past couple of workouts:ME Upper and ME lower

Highlights are:

375 floor press for one
510 deadlift with 2 inches of mat under the plates

Assistance was done after each respective day.

Busy week this week, so gonna eat and get some rest.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Dynamic Effort squats

Squats: 315/2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, (60 seconds or so rest between each set)

Stiff leg deadlifts:


Pullthroughs: 2 sets of 25

Didn't have time for reverse hypers as I had to be grown up babysitter by Wrigley Field. I felt alright going into work, but will all the standing around, my back stiffened up a little bit. Hips a bit tight too. I'm not a close stance squatter, but I'm not "multi-ply wide" either. Somewhere in between.

315 started a bit slow, but as the sets progressed and I stayed more conscious of my form, it ended up moving pretty decent. I just have to warm up more, but I was under the gun to get this workout done.

Black Music Month videos of the day goes back to a little bit of New jack Swing

 "Whatever You Want" by Tony! Toni! Tone!

"I'm Dreamin" by Christopher Williams

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Dynamic Effort Upper

DE Bench:
225/(3,3,3,3) (3,3,3,3) (3,3,3,3) (3,3,3,3)

Lat pulldowns

Triceps ext:

Shoulder Complex:

25/20 rear flyes, laterals, front raises without putting the weight down.

The parenthesis represents clusters with a rest period of 15 second between each "set" of 3 reps. And a minute rest between each cluster. It was a killer and just when I thought the pain was over, I had a shoulder complex that absolutely sucked. Not bad for being up since 2:30 am and still going.

I just found out today that I hold the record for the 242 raw American mens deadlift record at 606 and there has been a pretty cool development in something else that I will keep under wraps fro right now, so I'm feeling good about that.

Now who wants to help buy a brotha groceries?

Black Music Month continues............Sheila E, Glamourous Life

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Max Effort Lower or Beatdown at Quads Gym

Deficit deads (off two inches of padding)

585/ too big of a jump and just mentally crashed)

SSB Good Mornings: 115/10,10,10,10

45 degree back raise: +35lbs/8, 45lbs/8,8,8

Short strap reverse hypers: 90/10,10,10

I wanted to do at least 4-5 sets for everything but due to time constraints, I had to cut it a bit short. This is a session I'm really feeling as of right now in the low back and hamstrings but it's work that I need.

Cardio session today of about 30-40 minutes will help recovery some.

Since it's Black Music Month, I'm going to be posting a music video every blog for the month of June (if I remember, if I don't, let me know).

One of my favorite songs from Rick James!

Monday, June 4, 2012

A return to the Westside system: Max Effort Bench

A lot of people don't know that my original style of training in powerlifting was the Westside Barbell system other wise known as the Conjugate System. For those that don't know Westside Barbell is home to some of the worlds strongest lifters. They compete in gear, but can handle my maxes like candy raw.

The system uses a couple different schemes to make a complete all around lifter.

Max Effort: Training at or above 90 percent your one rep max

Dynamic Effort: Lifting a submax weight at the fastest speed possible

Repetition Effort: Lifting a submax weight close or to failure.

Max effort exercises are variations of the classic lifts (squat, bench, deadlift) and are rotated on a weekly basis to prevent stagnation. Now that we have all that out the way, lets get to what I did for Max Effort Bench.

Incline press:


Overhead press: 140/5,5,5

Triceps Dips:

DB Rows:

DB Shrugs: done with a 3 second hold at the top


Some arm stuff

The shrugs absolutely sucked. There was no other way to describe it.

In retrospect, I should have put in 2-3 more sets on the incline press and stayed at 295-300. I did not want to miss any lifts, but the max effort work also teaches you how to "strain" or produce time under tension under a max or near max load. Will push it farther next week and have a bit more food in my system.

The person I'm working with has given me free reign (for the most part) on controlling the supplemental work. Since putting on muscle is almost always apart of any training plan I throw myself into, expect some repetition work.

Other than that, not much to it. The way this is constructed is that this first cycle is 3 weeks long, deload, 2 weeks, deload, 2 weeks, deload, and meet day since I'm only on about an eight week prep time.

Monday is max effort lower and I'll be working the triples hard. Time to get rolling

Saturday, June 2, 2012


I couldn't think of any witty, smart or funny title to go along with this blog so I went with stuff. Because it truly is stuff.

1: The cycle is set (with the help of Matt Ladewski) and it's time to roll to the Summerbash. I feel good, I feel strong and ready to set some PR's

2: Class starts Monday. I will be quite honest and say that I really dont want to do it, but I have to. For this I will remember that I need to be consistent. Small things done perfect (or as close to perfect as possible) daily. Now i realize that not everyday will be perfect and thats fine, but I need to stay the course.

3: For those that don't know, last semester sucked. In fact it was absolutely abysmal. However, I am plotting my return to Lincoln. Am I looking forward to it now? Not really. Will I look forward to it in August? Quite possibly?

4: I am enjoying my internship. It 's in a industry I enjoy very much (for all of it's faults) and will allow me to be able to play around with things I've learned (or at least remember vaguely) at school

5: I really have not been craving much junk food. I'm serious.

Not much else. If you were looking for something training related, then here it is.

I was in a deload week and only trained twice last week.


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Catchup. Bench(chest) and Deads(back)

Lets start with this past Wednesday's bench day





Banded Hammer strength Flat press: FST-7 style

75(each side)/12,12,12,10,8(dropped 50 lbs),10,10

The bands kicked my ass more than I thought. I should have been a bit more conservative.

Bench went well. 335 wasn't super heavy, but it was challenging and I feel positive about this upcoming bench cycle.

Saturday: Deadlifts

Missed Friday and was running around all day Saturday, so I was kinda beat



BW/10, 7, 9, 8

One arms rows:

80/12 (warmup)

120/7 (Both sets performed in a dead stop manner)

Hammer Strength Low Row (banded with black mini band)


Nautilus Pullover:

Was happy with yesterdays back day. Got in a lot of volume and felt strong on pulls.

I will deload next week. I dont want to, but my body is telling me different. I need to work on some mobility stuff anyway. Lots of foam rolling too.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lower Body session

Leg curls:


SSB Squats:


Leg Press: pps=plates per side

6pps/ 8,8,7

Hack squat (FST-7 style):

Bodyweight GHR: 10,10,10

This was a workout I'd give a pretty decent grade too. I was happy with the second single on the SSB squat. A solid PR, but I need to push harder though. I have a deload next week and the next week after I roll directly into meet prep for the APF Summerbash in Park Ridge. Trying to get a guy who did the the UPA meet with me two years ago to compete with me and so far it looks like he's in.

Sunday, May 20, 2012




Barbell Curls:


CG Pres:

Machine Curls-FST 7

Triceps dips: FST 7

Go to to find out more about the protocol of it

Not much here. It's arms.......

Videos coming back. Apparently Troy, Gregg and myself are revenue makers for Quads Gym. It's squat it should be some colorful commentary.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Past couple days training, how to make changes to the Metabolic Circuit and a NATO rant (clean)


Incline press: Worked up to 275 for five doubles

Dips: bw/10, +50/10, +70/6

Pressdowns:70/20, 100/20, 15

CG bench: worked up 275/6


Sumo deads: worked up to 475 for one rep

speed sumo pulls: 295 for 7 doubles

Farmers walk: heavy.

Farmers walks really kicked my ass and showed how much I have to build up ab and static strength in my upper back. My buddy Gregg pretty much beasted the damn handles. I held my own, but it wasnt that great to be honest. I was through after 3 trips and the weight was 175 I believe.

Didn't do the circuit after bench. I may do it on Saturday after a superset arms workout. I will be the heavy one so I can put everything into it.

NY Pro is this weekend and I'm super excited to see how everyone looks onstage. Lot of good competitors this year, and the JR.USA is the same weekend. Good luck to Chicago competitors Chaya Boone and Jackie Thomas. Both will be in two separate categories in figure.

Things are rolling along and shits about to get real. I am going to take a deload week next week and after that, shit is about to get real with prep for the APF Chicago Summerbash. I have numbers in my head and I'm about to reach out to someone that is going to help my bench immensely. I cant wait to get started on this journey.

I know i said a couple days ago about how I adjusted the metabolic circuit to fit in within the confines of a commercial gym. If you missed that blog post, here is the link for all the info on the circuit.

Metabolic circuit

And here are the adjustments

1: Do not, DO NOT try and do this during peak hours in a gym. You will fail. Miserably.

2: Be conservative in your poundage. My "heavy" day squats are simply 245, but with the short rest periods for a movement like squats, your fatigue will add up very quickly. Remember, this circuit has close to ten exercises with a minute rest in between each set.

3:Dont be afraid to push the poundage if you think you can handle it, but be real with yourself.

4: Rest is key, you cant do the circuit if you're getting wrecked in the bar or not getting enough sleep.

5: If your'e putting in extra work, do one circuit per week instead of twice per week. Preferably the heavy one since its once a week.

6: Have fun with it. Like I said before, despite a substandard diet, I find I have some decent body comp changes. Not earth shattering, but enough to notice a difference. I'm also getting a bit hungrier.

Nutrition changes:

I'm trying to stay consuming quality food and not crap. Me and Trader Joes are going to be friends during the summer and possibly rest of the year. Biggest change is adding in quinoa for some carbs instead of relying totally on rice for carbs. I'm not much of a potato fan (unless they are sweet).

NATO weekend here. So rest assured I will be away from downtown and you damn hippies better stay away from me. And instead of protesting, how about you help some people at food depots and homeless shelters. Help some local planning events. Help rehab an abandoned building on the South and West sides. Volunteer for a non profit. All 40 billion of you or how many ever shouldn't be protesting. Help people. Because all of you bitching loudly wont help the cause. We need some people out here to be positive.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Lower Body Training

Leg Curl: six sets, heaviest being 6 reps with 135 on the strive plate loaded machine

Below parallel box squats: Heaviest set was 365 for 2 reps. Took it again and did one

Leg press: warmup set of 10, 3 sets of 8 with 6 plates per side and a drop to 4 plates per side for two sets of 12 reps

RDL'S: Went to 275 for a set of 5

Glute ham raise: 3sets of 8

Wanted some extra volume and got it. Training went well and the box squats were ridiculous.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Deadlifts, arms, metabolic circuit and NPC IL State

Friday: Deadlifts

Deficit pulls: Worked up to 455 for 3 reps

Metabolic circuit: Heavy

Saturday: Arms

Hulk Hogans and The Rocks secret workout combined with Mariuz Pudzianowski confidence.

Went to the NPC IL State and it's always good catching up with people who I havent seen in awhile. Caught up with a couple of national level competitors and saw some good up and comers. Perfect show to warm up for the beasts that will be descending into Chicago for the Junior Nationals in June.

So here is what I have been using as my full body circuit after bench and deadlift days. I won't go into much as all he info are in the papers. It's an ass kicker for sure, so be prepared.

Special thanks to Mike Arthur who gave me permission to share these.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Bench(kind of) and circuit and two of my favorite blogs

DB Bench: Worked up to 125 lbs for a set of 11(PR)

Circuit was done for light weight.

Sorry I'm not too in-depth, but there wasn't much to this workout. I just got bored with floor press and incline press, so I just went in and smashed something I had not done heavy for about a year. Felt good to do and I was glad I hit a PR with it.

I'm entering my 4th week with this metabolic circuit and I can tell a bit of difference in body comp despite a less than optimal diet. It is an ass kicker for sure and I may share it on Friday.

Registered for summer classes. I have to make this Spanish stuff real to me (thats the only thing I learned from my previous spanish teacher), so expect a lot bitching and random postings in spanish on facebook and twitter. And possibly a lewd joke or two. Or many.

If you have not read these two blogs, you MUST (if youre into lifting, macho shit, and just general stuff about life. Not safe for work at all........and possibly will offend women) by Paul Carter by Jaime Lewis

Trust me.......if you are not easily offended, you will enjoy. If you have any prude in you, dont go.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mondays lower body training

Leg Curls:

45/15, 12

Front Squats:

Leg press: pps= plates per side


Romanian Deadlifts:


Getting a  bit stronger. I'm working out in my head of when I want to try for a one rep max on the traditional movements, if at all. I don't like to blow my wad during training, and I'd rather save it for the meet. However I will see if I can handle a 405-450 lbs squat without a belt.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Past couple days training and my Beastie Boys tribute

Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000218 EndHTML:0000006645 StartFragment:0000002408 EndFragment:0000006609 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users/larrybrown/Documents/Lets%20get%20the%20training%20out%20the%20way%20first.doc
Lets get the training out the way first

Tuesday: Bench/metabolic circuit

Floor press:


Circuit: Light

Squats: 165/ 10, 10, 10
DB press: 60/10,10,10
Bent rows: 165/10, 10,10
Leg Curl: 80/ 10,10,10
Shoulder Machine Press: 130/10, 10,10
Seated row: 140/10, 10,10
Leg Ext: 110/10,10,10

Thursday: Sumo Deadlifts

365/1,2(started off with an alternate grip and it felt totally horrible. Regrouped and pulled overhand)

Circuit: Heavy: Same as the light one, just a bit heavier.

I almost puked on the heavy circuit. It was just totally ridiculous how I felt two exercises in.

 Note to self: on days that I do the heavy circuit: coffee is not water. COFFEE IS NOT WATER. WATER IS WATER.

First year at a University is over and I learned a lot in retrospect and during the year. Was it successful? Not as much as I had hoped, but that’s why second chances are sometimes made available to us. It’s because we can rectify problems and buckle down harder.

I have made some good people. I’d sit down and have a beer with most if not all. There were some complete asshats who I don’t even want to be in same damn interdimenional realm with, but I’m taking his class in the fall, so that cures that.

I have to give a big thanks to my buddy Malcolm Redd who put in a good word for me with the head strength and conditioning coach. I gained so much knowledge from working with baseball and track and field (on a very limited basis when I wasn’t sleep). Working with athletes and coaches was by far the most enjoyable experience for me. I also enjoyed being in the DJ club, dubbed Discotech(sp). I have been named treasurer and I have a few ideas of what I want to do. I also see that I have a craft to work on when I get home. I just hope my Numark is good when I get my baggage back.

Other projects I’m working on is some freelance work with Flex magazine and hustle my way back into a job or something.

That’s it for now. My next workout will be in Chicago and at Quads Gym…….22 INCH PYTHON SATURDAY!

RIP to MCA of the Beastie Boys. I thought he was in remission and doing well. So I'll share some of my fav Beastie Boys songs

 Sabotage was my SHIT in 1995

Monday, April 30, 2012

things I've learned in lifting and life here at UNL

Lower body training:

Reciprocal single leg curls:4 sets each leg

SSB squats: Finished with 315 for a triple (I dont feel like calculating, but i count the bar as 45 lbs

High Bar Squats: 3 sets finishing with 315 for 2 singles

RDL's: 2 sets

I was happy with the safety bar squats today. Still trying to beast it up without a belt. Squats with 315 is difficult, but it exposes a weakness that will get fixed. I was told that if I can get my beltless squat up to where 405-450 feels like a piece of cake, I should be able to smash 600 easy. The belt does make a difference.

Things I have found out, and somewhat the hardway, while here at UNL

1: I'm not that great at multitasking. Do I need to get better? Maybe, but I'm not sure how I feel about doing four things at a mediocre level when I can do two things at an extraordinary level. May sound like a copout, but I would like to be known as a go to guy for something in particular. With that being said, I'm not going to deny that I need a working knowledge of some aspects of the journalism business.

2: I have to get better at time management. I'm a complete shit show right now in regards to this. I'll let the entire day get away from me and then look stupid after wondering where it went.

3: My instruction/self learning journey into the world of strength training for athletes is going well. It can go better, but guess what I need to do. I need to read not only about sport training (which is not as complicated as it may seem. Just dont run the piss out of guys if they do bad) but about getting stronger myself. I think reaching out to people who know more than me will be what I need to do.

4: This ties into number 4 also, but experiment with various things. Not only sets, reps and nutrition, but also ways to make me a better (i.e. more efficient) learner. Just research somethings that may help, and then make it habit.

5: Eating enough and eating clean is a constant thing with me, so I just need to buckle down and do it.

I'll be back in Nebraska for fall and beyond. Theres no way I was getting out of here in two years with the requirements, so Fall 2013 is when I want to be out of here.

Thats about it. for right now. Times a winding down and I'm ready for it...............only to take summer classes.

Well hello HWC, how nice to meet you again.