Saturday, August 4, 2012

Shoulders and Arms Ironeaterz style

Was in the gym when "Big Snooki" Greg Sorrells and "Pastor" Troy Smith rolled in. I linked up with them and did shoulders and arms.

Overhead Press:

followed by a set of burnouts with 30 lbs on side laterals.

40/failure, 30/8, 20/8, 15/5 (All done in drop set fashion)
40/failure, 30/5, 20/55, 15/5

Seated Hammer Strength Laterals:


Upright rows:


An assload of gun stuff followed, which I dominated to the fullest.

Good bit of volume today and was a very welcome change. Our conversations are always "interesting".

Training going forward:

I will be using Mountain Dog training principles going forward. I have been reading what's online and actually asked John for some advice about what was out there in regards to his training program. Why am I doing it? Simple, because I used some of the principles and exercises getting ready for the meet and they worked pretty well for me, so I am eager to see what will happen when I go into the program full force. The weekly setup will look like

Monday: Legs
Tuesday: Chest, shoulders and triceps
Wednesday: Off
Friday: Light chest and shoulders (dependent on my recovery)
Saturday: Arms
Sunday: off

This split is not too far from what I have done before with squat on Monday, bench on Wednesday, deadlift on Friday. This closely resembles a powerlifting program with a bodybuilding twist.

To find out more on Mountain Dog hit up

and check out and search Mountain Dog training.

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