Sunday, August 26, 2012

Teh life of a collegz studnt

I misspelled it on purpose, so don't go crazy.

Settling in with my first week of classes in the books. I have a decent schedule I've set for myself right now, and will refine it and will be pretty honed in by the time week 3 hits. I gave myself 3 weeks as I have to travel this weekend. Will be covering the North Americans in Pittsburgh. Gary Udit always puts on a good show and I love going to Pitt, so its a win-win. Just will be super busy.

Training is going well right now. I'm still trying to get more volume into my training. I counted to reps that were in my leg workout recently and found that I was getting in around 221 repetitions. I perform 212 reps for my back. My theory is, and it's just a theory, is that I need to double, or even triple the amount of reps I do for my legs to put size on them. 

In laymen's terms, leg day will truly suck for awhile. So I better eat like I have a pair because this is not going to easy. I'll be ready for it though. 

Whats on tap today?


I will squeeze in some cartoons at some point. 

  Ain't got time for no bitchassness jive turkey

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