It's going decent. Not bad for what will be an extended offseason. I knew going into the semester with me being on academic probation (more on that snafu), training was number two on my importance list. I only did what I needed or was able to do some days. Amazingly I kept up with it and even hit some pr's.
I's using the Juggernaut Method to get some size on and to get some reps in. Right now I'm in the 8's wave and about to enter the second week of it. Not sure what my training max is, but it's very conservative. I'd say about mid 300's. I'm getting better at staying tight and using my hamstrings and glutes and not my lower back to squat with.
I've been hitting a lot of incline presses and they've been paying off. Recently hit 315 for a few reps and that was good and I believe that was also a PR. I'm not sure. Rotating between incline DB, incline press and flat press. I used it during the summer and it went well. Hell, just this past Wednesday I hit a pr on incline db with 110 lb dumbbells for 15 reps, so i must be doing something right.
I usually love to pull.........for low reps, but now I'm doing sets of 5+ so my love affair with them is kind of closing up. Tough to pull for reps, but the shit puts muscle on. I've been doing double overhand strap deads, trap bar deads and now I'm trying to decide if I want my third exercise in the rotation should be sumo deads or deficit deads. I want to make it similar to my bench workouts in that I have my main movements and I rotate them, then follow up with assistance work.
I consider life is school right now. For those of you that don't know, this past Spring at UNL, I failed every class except for one, which was my reporting class, and I was left with a 1.3 GPA. Why? No idea........I fucked up like G-Money did in New Jack City. Is it important now? No. God's way of helping people is to give them a support system which they can draw strength from and be given advice straight, with no chaser after. And thats what i have. Now some of you may pass judgement and roll and your eyes and say "Oh, he should be doing well, he's older and blah, blah, blah", but I say this to you..............I don't really give two narrow shits what you think. I made my mistake, owned up to it, and made the corrections I need. Two more finals that I will pass and i'm off this shit and can move towards something that I havent done since elementary school. Make the honor roll. I'm better than what I have been doing and now it's time to turn shit up a notch.
I have no explanation for my academic performance other than I was just lazy.
Moving Forward:
I'm glad the semester is coming to a close as a lot of stress will be off me until school starts back up. I'm glad I can catch up with some friends, some good food, and some good Chicago living. I love my city for all it's faults, but we really have to do better. There is so much potential and promise being taken away from us that it's crazy.
One thing thats been on my mind has been the post election banter. Team Obama was happy, Team Romney wasn't. My beef is this......what happened to making a better YOU regardless whose in office. I'm no fan of politics and I don't really trust people who dig themselves into and become elitist with their views and not realize there is a grey area. But I mean damn.....if you're a Romney supporter and you're still butthurt over the election, get over it. It's done. If your'e an Obama supporter, he's not the super lay of it.
Now with all that soul bearing, updating, and mini political rant that I'm sure no one will care about, it's time for some Christmas music. Listen to some motherfucking Bing Crosby!
I'll bring us some figgy pudding, I'll bring us some figgy pudding...................
What the fuck is figgy pudding?
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