Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Squat, 10's wave realization 12-27-10

Squat: 135/5, 185/3, 210/5, 250/3, 290/1, 315/20 (pr)

Pullthroughs: 60/12, 80/10, 10, 10

Hanging Leg Raise: BW/8,10, 10

Reverse Hyper: some weight for some sets, it don't matter. The shit hurt regardless.

The squat is something I've been wanting to push myself in for the longest and I found that this was the perfect time to do it. So I decided the Saturday before the workout that i was going to hit 315 for 20. I started off simple enough, and hit a brief wall when I got to rep 7, pushed forward and got to rep 14. By that time my glutes were on fire, but 19 my legs started to burn, and 20 was a relief. They looked easy, but that was far from the truth.

Greg is doing good on his new program that was designed by Gary Hartwig. Greg has always been a strong guy, but it's scary to think of what could happen with a well known coach in his corner. Scary!

Bench tonight, along with video. We'll see what I got tonight.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Thats 90 on each side btw.

Floor Press: 135/10, 185/6, added 1 chain/6, 6

20 mins cardio

Felt strong today and feeling healthy. Glad this training week over so I can rest and eat for Monday's throwdown. I figure this will be a good opportunity to see how tough I am mentally to grind through 20 reps on the squat.

Well, Christmas is here and I'm counting my blessings and thanking God for the small things and victories and gifts I've had over the year. Being safe coming home at a sketchy hour on the CTA, passing my summer and fall classes, competing and doing well in powerlifting, having good friends and training partners, family, and roof over my etc. I dont get gifts from others, and the holidays havent been the same since my mother and grandfather died. I have great memories of Christmas though and those will stay with me forever.

At my age, just like my goals are always being refined and evaluated, Christmas does also. I definitely believe in the reason that it's celebrated but not the commercialism. If your'e hung up on the gift your'e getting and giving, then, just like I heard at a sermon a week ago, you are liable to miss Jesus. If you don't believe n Jesus, then you miss the point of the holiday.

Call me naive but I still believe in peace on Earth, good will towards men. Not the "Save 50% at Best Buy", which I won't lie is nice, but not the point of the holiday.

ATTN: The next two to five sentences take a spiritual tone. Don't like it? Too bad, just skip to the next paragraph!

The point of the holiday, and yes I'm going there, is to celebrate Christ's coming into the world. I am thankful that i have his grace and mercy everyday, even with the fact that I may say and do things that are displeasing. For me and other Christians who celebrate, thats the reasons. AND IT'S NOT X-MAS!!!!!!!!!!!

And if we really look at it, Christmas is a year round thing. You give to people an ear, encouragement, friendship, love and much more. You may get the same thing, but if you're caught up in the superficial and not thankful for the little things, you're going to have a very shallow life.

Well, off my soapbox. Time for some leftover food and a bit o videogames. MEEEEEERRRRRYYYYYY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!

ps. Uh, Santa........if you could leave a job and a subsequent trip to the Arnold Classic in March to see Branch Warren Win, I'd REALLY appreciate it. Thanks!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Deadlifts, 10's Intensification



Leg Curls:45/10, 90/10, 90/10
Abs: 3/20,20,20

Sorry, but that was about it. It's late and i have an early morning session because my gym is closing early tomorrow. I'll go in-depth and post the military workout. I will say this though, I now know why I dont train two days in a row for power anymore.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Bench- intensification, 10's wave

Ok, so in my grand wisdom, I forgot my log book yesterday, but I had a great session nonetheless. My last set for 3 x 10 was supposed to be 220 for three sets of ten but I ended up doing 250 for three sets of ten.


Incline DB press: 90/10,8 85/10

One arm rows: 75/10, 90/10, 10

Rolling Tricep Extensions: 35/10, 40/10, 50/5

Everything felt good and that 250 was manhandled. Kept in mind to keep my setup tight also and to stay tight during the set.

Tip: never forget your logbook. If you do, beat ass anyway.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Squat, 10's wave, Intensification, Juggernaut method



Leg Press: 3pl/10, 4pl/10, 5pl/10,10

GHR: BW/10,10 attached pink band 6,6
Kettlebell swings: 50/15, 60/15

Met up with my boy, Big Snookie Greg Sorrels and we hit squats together until I went upstairs for some leg press and glute ham raises. Greg was pretty amped as he got his program from Gary Hartwig, so I was pretty excited for him. Greg is very hard worker and has no problem following a program at all so I'm looking forward to see Greg nail some PR's.

I had a good session today. I'm looking forward to what the realization phase is going to bring in all my lifts, but my squat especially. I want to squat 315 for 20, and not sure how long that will take, but I'll add that to my list of longstanding goals, one of which is to bench 500 raw.

I go to bed happy knowing that the Bears are in the playoffs. I hope they continue to steamroll the competition. Way to bounce back after a pounding by the patriots.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Deadlift and Military Press Training.

Deadlifts: Dec 17 2010


Pendlay Rows: 135/10, 135/10, 185/8

Leg Curls: 90/10, 10, 10

Military Press: Dec 18 2010

110/ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

Seated hammer low rows: 45/10, 90/10, 135/10, 180/6
(used pink mini bands)

Chest Supported Rows: 90/10, 135/ 10, 180/6

Close Grip Press: bar/10, 95/10, 135/8, 185/8
(used pink mini bands)
Shrugs and curls also

Never used the mini bands for any type of work on main or assistance exercises. Since my next meet is a bit far off, I've decided to go ahead and test the waters with them. Very different feeling on the bench thats for sure. I hope to experiment more with chains also. Gotta have fun, don't let your program be ran all the time by....well.....the program. Have fun a bit, especially if you're not training for anything at the time. The experimentation you do now, may be the one thing that shoots up your total.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Accumulation bench- 15 DEC 10

135/10, I have no idea why I did that many.

Incline DB Press: 70/15, 10, gritted out 13 on the last one
Pressdowns: enough to emasculate me because they were not tricep extension or a CG Bench

My first full week of the program is almost complete and looking forward to a back and hamstring workout tomorrow. Deadlifts, some rows and glute ham raises or leg curls. Since the deads aren't too heavy, I don't mind going heavy on the rows to get a big(ger) back.

My nutrition still blows.....that is all. I just eat when I'm hungry, but when I eat, I EAT! Speaking of, I need a rotisserie chicken, or chickens, for the weekend.

Little video to leave you guys with.

Keep on keeping on!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

First day of the Juggernaut method......

Well, I started training back serious on Monday, and I have a structured program in the form of the Juggernaut method(available at by Chad Smith, a shot putter turned athlete who did his first meet unequipped in CA. Here is a video to show you he can walk the walk.

As I've been following his log for awhile now, I was aware he was doing something but he never named it outright, so when he released the e-book, I jumped on the first chance I had to get it.

I started light on all my lifts, so I'm working with the following "working maxes:

Deadlift:475 (but this may be lowered a little bit)
Mil Press:185

Yesterdays workout broke down like this.



That shit was hard you ask?

Very hard. This illustrated how I need to be in good cardio shape to handle intense sessions. The rest of work went like this

Leg press: 3 plates per side/10, 5 plates/ 10, 10 ,10, 10

BW glute ham raise: 10,10,10,5

I was done after that. Going to do some cardio today too, just to get the blood moving.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Going on's.

Ok, so I did a meet before Thanksgiving, here are the results


I also got best lifter. Yay.

Sorry, I have some weird wiring with me as the effect of adding 100 lbs to my squat in a year as nothing. I'm already training for my next meet and I'm motivated to do more in my next meet. No time to focus on the next one.

Running 5/3/1 still, but working with the Juggernaut method after my little bit of BS training. Just training for nothing more than a pump is enjoyable, others be damned, being jacked and swole is AWESOME! If you lift weights and you look like poo, then what the fuck is the point.

Rant over.

Past couple days training.

Tuesday squat

135/12, 5

Bw Glute ham raise: BW:10,10,9

Leg Curl: 80 lbs done to failure. Done from a deadstop. My hams are cramping........thanks for the idea John Meadows.

Wednesday Bench

Floor Press(used fat gripz)

135/6, 5

Hammer one arm rows


Barbell Rows: 225/8, 8, 8

Rolling triceps extensions: 30/10, 40/10, 50/10

Some curls for the girls...................that aren't coming my way....the single me continues.......

Fuck it.

Monday, November 15, 2010

A bit of my writing.

This is still a bit preliminary....but just a few more edits and it's good to go

The Goal?

We started in search of a goal. The goal was to find the goal. We didn't know how, we didn't know where, but we knew we had a goal to find. Everyone told us it would be nice and big and made of gold. People told us many things of what they thought the goal was.

"Success" said one man. "Go to school and get yo education man!! Then you'll be set" continued the man. However all we saw was debt and unemployment after pretending to be fake rich like so many other people did our age at the local bars. And then the roof of our parents basement while having sex with the next door neighbors daughters we thought use to look good crossed our minds. While we were all for good carnal action, we didn't want it so close.

Our trek took us all around until we happened on a church. People were outside clamoring to get inside. "This is it!! This is the goal!"We walked in the middle of a sermon with a red hot preacher.

"Your goal is to be able to walk just like Jesus!!" yelled the pastor to the congregation that filled the room with amen's, hand waving and head nobs in agreeance with the Pastor. Under the facade of faith, we saw backstabbers, wife beaters, adulterers and flat out meaness. We wanted to walk with God, so we stayed to listen. We left at offering time ten minutes later.

We went to grandmothers house. Actually, it wasn't our grandmothers house, it was actually some old ladies house down the street who gave us cookies in the summer time. And damn good cookies too.

"Hey y'all" she said with the prototypical old lady warmness. We spoke for a few with her and we told her what we were looking for.

"We have a goal we're looking for cept we don't know what it is." we told her. "Ohhhh silly boys, the goal is simple. To get married, have kids and live happily ever after!" she said with a brainwashed glowing smile. She reminded us of a zombie as she looked stargazed towards the street. We left as she was starting to scare us shitless.

We went downtown. Surely amid the big buildings, business types coupled with the hustle and bustle, we KNEW we would be able to find our goal. Sucess knows about success. How could they not. Bentleys and bitches, coupled with vodka and the occasional hit of coke. Partying with movers and shakers, and having more fast women filled our thoughts. We were fucking determined to find our goal.

"First guy we see, we stop and ask where is the goal and how can we get a piece!!" we told each other.

A business man in an expensive suit came by and we stopped him. "Whoa, well hello. What can I help you with?" quered the man. "What is the goal? Where is it at?" we asked.

"To find a good job, find a wife, reproduce and be happy" the man said while drinking his large cup of coffee that resembled motor oil. We bidded him farewell as he walked off very robotically towards the train to another town.

We went to a Globo gym in downtown. "The body is the goal. Big ass fucking arms!! Bitches love the arms, and niggas fear them!" we said. We went inside the gym and saw a plethora of spandex and aerodynamic gym wear that we thought Boeing made.

We went to the trainer there, the very inshape trainer and we asked where us the goal.

"Cable exercises, dumbbells and barbells are bad" said Mr. Cutupguy. We followed his advice. No such luck, so went against his advice and that's where we found the goal.

"We need to go against the grain and find our niche. All the advice is bullshit if we dont take what's good and discard the rest. Marriage is good, a career is good, but that's not the goal. The goal is internal, self defined" we said

We stripped the bullshit from our lives, we found out what worked eventually by trying out everything. We found out the fast women either burned out or found God, we found out that marriage is good if you find the right person, we found out a career is something you do for work and not what you do for a living, and we found that the goal is relative and it gets redefined every so often

From that point forward, two people became one, and I continue on my path today

Friday, November 12, 2010


I have to quit playing at the Apple Store in Lincoln Park.....the shit is bonafide dangerous for my little bitty wallet. All the purty little computers.....anyways.

Big Greg and Troy had their last squat workout today. Long story short

Greg: Finished with 430
Troy: Finished with 385
Me:Finished with a cup of Sleighbell Blend from Seattle's Best....mmmmm mmmmm bitch!!!

We are all feeling strong and awesome right now.....Greg has a low grade perm going, I have a "patches o houlihan" beard coming in, and Troy is looking thuggish ruggish. He even busts out freestyles in between sets of squats.


Cause we got it like that

Video coming soon

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Team Ironeaterz Training

I did not train yesterday, but the rest of the team trained bench. No videos, but Greg blew up 370 on the bench for three singles with a full pause. Troy also put up 275 for 2 single with a full pause. Keep in mind, that 275 was Troy's max at the push pull in August at Lances Gym Blazin Summer Push Pull. All in all, the team is ready to go. I'll be in the gym on Friday for some foam rolling, light stretching, and moderate upper body. I have some issues with my bicep and thats affecting my bench, but I'll still handle over 300. Not much, but still over.

Getting it done day by day.

YEAH BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

The nonsense that is Monday, and what my training will be in the future.

I am one sadistic dude.

I like Monday's. Yes I do! All that Monday's require.

Stank attitudes, un-happy corporate America types, and the general flow of obviously discombobulated traffic. But it's something in the air with other sick types like me. We grab our coffee and get rolling. You only get one chance at each week. Might as well make it good and solid!

Now, on to training.

I'm lightly debating jumping a weight class, thing is, I would be under the weight class limit, but I would be bigger and stronger(note I did NOT say fatter, theres a difference) than what I am now. However, would I be able to win or be best lifter in my class? That has yet to be seen.

I set out some raw goals a couple years ago, and it's approaching that I'm going to knock down at least one of those goals in two weeks. The other two which is to bench 500 raw and deadlift over 800 raw are at least a couple years off, and should I move up a class to do it.

If PR's are what we are talking about, then I'm going to consult with a couple other people to see what they think.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Random Friday musing before studying

I am amazed on a consistent basis by bodybuilding, powerlifting and strongman. A lot of the stuff I learn from lifting is what I learn comes from these sports. The carryover, so to speak, in real life from the gym is there. But there is one thing that rings true over EVERYTHING.

The hardest worker wins. Smart work is hard work, because the smart ones know that hard work is the key.

No shortcuts

No bullshit.

Just work.

Work on weakpoints is a necessary thing to do in life, school and the gym. Improving a weakpoint is hard, thats why it's weak. It wasn't worked hard enough before. I have to keep this in mind in my school, training and even finances. I'm not one for really sugercoating anything, if you're at a standstill in your life, you're doing something wrong and you're not trying to move forward.

Drop the fucking pity party around you, grab your ballsack and man up(my anthropology teacher hates that term......oh well)

This is a reality check for me included. 2011 is two months away......TWO! Are you going to start making your plans to do something great?

Everything great requires sacrifice, get after it.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Weekend plans

I have my last heavy session tomorrow and it's in the deadlift. I'm looking for at least a 570 opener, possibly heavier. Depends on how fast it moves off the floor.

My only issue is that my brachialis is taking a beating, I'll be lucky if I can get 320 the way my arms are feeling. I'll be doing plenty of icing and rest. It's a two week deload after this week and I cant wait.

Also going to try and push my weight up too. Hopefully go up to 265. Hello Mountain Dog or DC training.....getting swole!!!!


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Squat and Deadlift Training.

Monday was something I've been trying to pull off for a bit. I wanted us as a team to train so I could get a "compilation" so to speak. It went well, the rundown went like this

Greg: Greg put together a block format for his prep and was pulling singles at 95% for four singles on the deadlifts. He's on tap to be the strongest he's ever been and he's been fighting his way back to the platform for the past two years because of injuries. He use to be much bigger, but he drank a big ass cup of awesome, and he is dieting with the help of Nate Wolf.

Troy is just strong. Period. This will be his first full meet, so he is chomping at the bit to get it on at Lance's Gym on the 20th. He's handling his deadlift with ease, although me and Greg are still tweaking his form.

Me.......worked up to 550 for an opener on the squats.

Video.......of course!!!

Free style before the lifting courtesy of my man Troy.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010


No video, worked up to 360 for "1" the spot was questionable as he pulled it off my chest and then let me complete the last half of the movement.

Arms hurt.....

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


So I'm sitting here at a transfer/graduation seminar at my school. I'm looking over my sheet and having a meeting with an advisor as to what plan of action I need to take to graduate with my associates.........I have one class left. ONE.

And I really may not even need that one because I just had ten credits evaluated off my SMART(military transcript), and one of the courses listed on my transcript is a requirement. So the SMART credit takes care of that. I am still a long way off of where I need to be.....long way off. But I'm close....VERY CLOSE.

To some an associates means nothing. To me, this may mean more than a bachelors degree.

Let me explain.

All things(well, almost all) things happen for a reason. Me and my wife separated a week before Thanksgiving in 2007. I lost my job that August, my car engine got screwed up and caught fire on the expressway a month before I was laid off. Basically the position I was in, I was NOT supposed to be in. There were reasons for me staying in it, but shit happens(and I know a certain person will read this, it's not anyones fault, although you can call and at least let me know how they are doing instead of not responding to my calls....rant over)

I moved in with family, that didn't work initially. Shit happens, and no ones fault once again, but I swear that God(I really don't care what you believe in, he's MY Lord and Saviour) put me in a position for me to get to know my father before he passed.

I was named after him. His was Larry Basil Brown, and mine was Larry Rassan. No, I don't go by Rassan.

Once again, I was working and at a standstill during the summer of 2008. I was mad, confused, angry. What did I need to do. I went the course I wanted to do for awhile. I went to school in the fall of 2008. Initially, it was fine, but the shit became a grind....a hard grind. Then it hit the fan last fall when my dad had an asthma attack and that proved to be his last one. But that last year and a half with him, I would NOT trade for the world. Bears football every Sunday with pizza, me calling him a cripple(he had arthritis in his back) and him calling me a meathead. Him giving me life lessons, and him motivating me to stay in school(he pressured me for the LONGEST, maybe thats the main reason I went into the military. I didn't want his advice among other things) When I got the call that he passed, it hurt a bit, but he was ready to go. He could breathe, I could breathe not worrying if I was going to get a phone call from him in the middle of the night of him crying because his back went out.

at this point I'm going to tell people with family members on prednisone to make sure they are the right dosage and do they really need to be on it. Question these doctors, because most are full of shit.

But it was hard last fall in school because I was dealing with his death, it got easier the subsequent spring, and now I sit here one class away from an associates. I went through shit emotionally, and academically to get here. I will go through more of the same when I get to Ohio State(and I WILL get there) but I'll be better prepared.

The road to personal goals are long and hard, consider it part of the journey, and relish it. You will get knocked on your ass, and you will cry. But you keep crying and keep getting coddled, you will not move forward in anything. We all have our moments when we are weak and vulnerable, but they are just that.

Moments. Discard the painful one, keep the joyous ones and the ones that you can learn from. If you can only learn from the painful be it, but don't swim in them.

Training post later tonight......I think I've let you into my psyche enough for today.

Dedicated to: Countless people, you know who you are.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Squat day

440 for 3 reps with knee wraps. Getting use to having them on. So once is enough, I know how much rebound to expect, and the groove for them, so they stay in the gym bag until the meet. Fell out of groove on my last rep so thats why I racked it. Work continues for Nov 20th

Dropping some PR'S on the bench. Doing an extended warmup that day.

Im on twitter: @badbadleroyb

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fridays training


Seriously though, we all put in some good work today. I was in a bit late(thanks CTA!) and I couldn't get all of Greggs squats on camera. I got one set of one rep.

My production skills are amazing.

However, as promised, I finally have Troy on camera. He was in a "Boyz in the Hood" mood, except he was drinking 40 oz of Sizeon from Gaspari Nutrition. He's cutting his squats a bit high, so some extra technique work is in order. It's the little things that's going to make him a big champion.

Myself, 450/3, 505/3 on the deadlift. Followed that up with some leg press, leg curls and reverse hypers. I took a shower after with Axe Dark Temptation and now the chocolate overfloweth.

Congrats to Jay Cutler on making the cover of the new MD hitting newsstands soon.

Military press tomorrow.......until then!

Oh, enjoy the monolift rant

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ironeaterz bench training.

Did some bench training on Wednesday. Went good for my training partner and team member, I had a shitty day on the other hand.

Work sets: Bench Press: 260/3, 300/3, 345/ 1,1

I was going to do three singles but I had a pain in my left forearm, and then in my right elbow after the session. Did some lat pulldowns after benching and called it a day. For me, it simply came down to not warming up enough. I have to realize that I need to take my time and get the blood moving around everywhere before whatever session I'm going to do.

Greg on the other hand had a great day, He pushed 345 for 4 easy singles, and each one was fast and strong. He's on track to have a great meet. Video of Troy is coming soon. He works a weird time at work, so we'll let him get adjusted and then get some video up of him soon!

Greg with 345 for 2 singles. Shot with Imovie on my Iphone......great product!

Meet is still on at Lances Gym on November 20th! So if you have nothing to do, come support some good local lifters!!!!

Information is a

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Squat training and a Ironeaterz video

Second week of new wave

320/3, 370/3, 415/3

After this I did some holds with some heavy weight to get use to feeling of having that much weight on my back and keeping my core tight and stable during my setup.

455/ 10 sec
495/10 sec
520/10 sec
550/10 sec

I had never done these before and I felt it! Band leg curls followed and Mr. Gregg Sorrels(part of Team Ironeaterz, THE urban raw powerlfiting team) and they hurt. A freaking rubber band hurt. It's all good though. It equates to big lifts.

A video of Greg pulling some big weight. He did it for five singles, although I only recorded two, thank you Iphone and Imovie!

Video of another team member will be coming soon.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Deadlift and assistance work


Top sets listed only:

Ghr/ bw/10,10,10, added 25 lb/5
Leg Press: 4pl/13, 6pl/12,10, 8 pl/6
Leg Curls: 100/ 10,10,10

Assistance work: Bunch of upper body stuff. Rows, laterals curls and dumbbell military presses.

Shoulder has been bothering me when it comes to military presses, so I switched to dumbbell military presses and it felt no different, so I'll just stick with the normal military press.

Food intake was complete shit at best, all I can say is that I'm working on it.

My teammates, Greg Sorrells and Troy Smith, are doing really well in their training. I sense a big November. I'm even staying away from beer(BLAST YOU GOOSE ISLAND!!!!!)

I'm on twitter: @badbadleroyb

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bench and Squat training.

This weeks training. New wave, for all inclusive purposes we'll call this wave 2 week 1.

Monday: Squat

300/5, 345/5, 390/5

Leg Press: 4pl/12, 5pl/10, 10

Leg Curl: 70/12, 100/10, 120/6

Wednesday: Bench

240/5, 280/5, 320/5

Chest Supported Rows: 90/10, 135/10, 180/6,6

Seated Rows: 75/10, 90/10, 7

Pressdown: 60, 15,15,15

Swiss bar CG press: 135/10, 185/10, failure.

Put in some good work so far this week, eating is getting back on track. I have openers in my mind for what I want to accomplish so I'm very excited. The meet is November 20th at Lances Gym on the South Side. Info is at

Hope to see a lot of you guys there

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Going Ons

Taking a deload week, then I start back regular training on Monday in prep for my meet on November 20th at Lances Gym. I totaled 1477 at a UPA meet in July in Batavia, IL so I'm looking to total 1500 or more over a three lift(squat, bench, deadlift)meet. I'm still using 5/3/1 as my base program(I doubt that will change) but I will start incorporating things from other programs, mainly block periodization. Videos are going to slow down a bit as I've been updating a lot with video, however I will only record my "max" week where I'm trying to set PR's and push up my strength and bodyweight more(yay squats!).

On twitter:@badbadleroybrown

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ok, I'm back...and this will be my on of my two logs

Ok, so I have still been training, and I did a meet in July in Batavia, Il for the UPA. It went well with a 495 squat, 370 bench and a pr of 611 on the deadlift. I'm still using 5/3/1 which is available from I'm switching over to more of a block periodiztion format. The article for that is also on elite and is here.......

I have a twitter also.....@badbadleroyb. Follow me and laugh.

This will be a log that I will keeping here. Fun times.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Keeping all my updates here now

More content coming soon(basically a really long post and a re-introduction)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Holy update

It's a late night here in Chicago, and I've decided I wanted to blog about training and what I'm doing now on that front. I have been using 5/3/1 with great results. It gave me PR's in two meets which were done raw(no powerlifting suits) and numerous outstanding workouts for me and my training partner. However, since I'm making my way back into the competitive bodybuilding arena, there are some things that I need to change up.

1: Lowering my squat poundage and build it back up.

2: Add in more work for lower body and try to get everything bigger.

3: Increase work capacity.

While 1 and 2 work together, 3 is a totally different monster. I have to get into better shape to tolerate heavy weightroom workouts. Not sure if I'm being a total wuss when it comes to that, but hey......I need progress.

Here is a video from todays deadlift session.......enjoy