Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bench and Squat training.

This weeks training. New wave, for all inclusive purposes we'll call this wave 2 week 1.

Monday: Squat

300/5, 345/5, 390/5

Leg Press: 4pl/12, 5pl/10, 10

Leg Curl: 70/12, 100/10, 120/6

Wednesday: Bench

240/5, 280/5, 320/5

Chest Supported Rows: 90/10, 135/10, 180/6,6

Seated Rows: 75/10, 90/10, 7

Pressdown: 60, 15,15,15

Swiss bar CG press: 135/10, 185/10, failure.

Put in some good work so far this week, eating is getting back on track. I have openers in my mind for what I want to accomplish so I'm very excited. The meet is November 20th at Lances Gym on the South Side. Info is at

Hope to see a lot of you guys there

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