I like Monday's. Yes I do! All that Monday's require.
Stank attitudes, un-happy corporate America types, and the general flow of obviously discombobulated traffic. But it's something in the air with other sick types like me. We grab our coffee and get rolling. You only get one chance at each week. Might as well make it good and solid!
Now, on to training.
I'm lightly debating jumping a weight class, thing is, I would be under the weight class limit, but I would be bigger and stronger(note I did NOT say fatter, theres a difference) than what I am now. However, would I be able to win or be best lifter in my class? That has yet to be seen.
I set out some raw goals a couple years ago, and it's approaching that I'm going to knock down at least one of those goals in two weeks. The other two which is to bench 500 raw and deadlift over 800 raw are at least a couple years off, and should I move up a class to do it.
If PR's are what we are talking about, then I'm going to consult with a couple other people to see what they think.
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