Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Squat and bench and awesomeness...........

Monday: Lowerbody SSB Squats: All sets done without a belt Bar/10, 115/10 155/10 205/6 245/5 265/5 295/3 Did the leg press laying down and it was a bad idea. It was a different setup and I dont like it. So I'm not going to post sets and reps because quite frankly it's embarrassing. Hamstrings: Done in the PM Only did leg curls and romanian deadlifts. My lower back was pretty toast as I'm doing all my training without a belt right now in an attempt to....well.....just get stronger without a belt. I refuse to train without knee sleeves though. That would just be stupid, especially as you get older. Chest: Wednesday The fucking bro convention was convening by the time I walked in. Everyone talks about how the Arnold reeks of people ever been to a collegiate rec center? No? Then you have no idea of the bro fest that ensues. Incline Bench: all sets done with Fat Gripz until 245 lbs Bar/20 135/10 155/10 185/10 225/5 245/5 Dips:BW for 3 sets of 12 Standing DB Press: 40/12 50/12,10 60/5 Laterals: 3 sets Switching out my main chest exercise so it looks like I'll be doing flat db press for reps and heavy for a 3 week cycle and see how that goes. I want to get 125 for a set of 20 eventually. Its back to front squats next week, zerchers the week after and then some safety bar squats the third week. I feel these will give me direct carryover to my low bar squat. I'll also be doing high bar squats for reps as an assistance exercise to build mass. Cant have small legs trying to squat the world.

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