Monday, April 30, 2012

things I've learned in lifting and life here at UNL

Lower body training:

Reciprocal single leg curls:4 sets each leg

SSB squats: Finished with 315 for a triple (I dont feel like calculating, but i count the bar as 45 lbs

High Bar Squats: 3 sets finishing with 315 for 2 singles

RDL's: 2 sets

I was happy with the safety bar squats today. Still trying to beast it up without a belt. Squats with 315 is difficult, but it exposes a weakness that will get fixed. I was told that if I can get my beltless squat up to where 405-450 feels like a piece of cake, I should be able to smash 600 easy. The belt does make a difference.

Things I have found out, and somewhat the hardway, while here at UNL

1: I'm not that great at multitasking. Do I need to get better? Maybe, but I'm not sure how I feel about doing four things at a mediocre level when I can do two things at an extraordinary level. May sound like a copout, but I would like to be known as a go to guy for something in particular. With that being said, I'm not going to deny that I need a working knowledge of some aspects of the journalism business.

2: I have to get better at time management. I'm a complete shit show right now in regards to this. I'll let the entire day get away from me and then look stupid after wondering where it went.

3: My instruction/self learning journey into the world of strength training for athletes is going well. It can go better, but guess what I need to do. I need to read not only about sport training (which is not as complicated as it may seem. Just dont run the piss out of guys if they do bad) but about getting stronger myself. I think reaching out to people who know more than me will be what I need to do.

4: This ties into number 4 also, but experiment with various things. Not only sets, reps and nutrition, but also ways to make me a better (i.e. more efficient) learner. Just research somethings that may help, and then make it habit.

5: Eating enough and eating clean is a constant thing with me, so I just need to buckle down and do it.

I'll be back in Nebraska for fall and beyond. Theres no way I was getting out of here in two years with the requirements, so Fall 2013 is when I want to be out of here.

Thats about it. for right now. Times a winding down and I'm ready for it...............only to take summer classes.

Well hello HWC, how nice to meet you again.

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Short and sweet on saturday.

Pressdown: 3 sets of 20

CG bench:

DB curls:

Like I said in a previous blog, I'm trying to get into the gym everyday just to see how it goes for a couple weeks. So far I feel pretty good, but I'm sure once work starts I will probably back off a day, but I'm going to try and stay the course.

All these small session are not meant to bust down the barn door either. Just get some blood circulating and promote recovery. Seems to be working a bit as I feel better overall.

This video is by Monster Garage Gym in Gurnee, IL. Pretty accurate from my experience in powerlifting so far.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Friday Deadlift/Metabolic Circuit

Foam Rolling and postural warmup

Deficit Deads:


Metabolic Circuit/Heavy Day

Squat: 225/10,10,10
Leg Curl:95/10,10,10
Machine Shoulder press:110/10, 130/10,10
Seated Row:130/10,10,10

This circuit went much better. Once again, all sets were done with a minute rest in between. I went a bit slower between exercises, but only because I had to set up equipment, load and unload weights, etc.

The light day let me a little winded because, well, it was light. This heavy day was a different monster altogether. I was definitely pushed on the squat as me and high reps do not get along. With that, I may need them because I definitely feel they have exposed a weakness. More mental than physical to be honest.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bench training and current plan(at least for six weeks)

Postural warmup.

Incline press:


So today I pulled the trigger on something I've been wanting to do for awhile. I decided to add in some circuit training and leave it in before I start prep for the APF summer bash in Park Forest on July 29th.


Mainly because I feel circuit training is good gateway to some new gains after beating my body with "heavy as I can go weights" for awhile. Plus, I wanted to up the volume. REALLY up the volume, so here's what went down

Leg press, machine press, pulldown, leg curl, db press, pressdown, bicep curl

All those exercises were done for 3 sets of ten with a minute rest in between each set. The football team use to do this and I've been curious about how to combine the program called the "Metabolic Circuit" with my current "Westside infused" training. Nothing wrong with experimenting. I'm not even doing it during meet prep which kicks off in June, so its cool to screw around with and see what happens. I'm going to be doing this twice a week with Bench and deads(or arms) after my main movement.

Sitting at 244 right now, feeling good and adding in some postural stuff to get my hips and pelvis shifted where it should be. Until next time

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lower Body, training experiments and aggravation.

Leg Curls:


Box Squat: parallel box

365/3(Not a 3 rep max, but was pressed for time)

Leg press: heavy for 4 sets of 10-15 reps

Taking summer classes back home at Harold Washington. I would say more, but theres honestly no point as it crosses into the realm of needless bitching.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Gun show



Hammer strength curls: 65/20, 19,12

Close grip bench press(w/fat gripz)
135/12. 12

Alternate Barbell Curls:




Left elbow is giving me issues so I just warmed up a bit more slowly, pushed the reps up and made it very controlled. Especially on the cg press. Gonna ice, chill, eat ice cream and work on some homework and projects.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Back day and slowly getting back into pulling.

Chins: Did sets of six until I reached 30, and then did 5 more

Sumo Deadlifts:
335/2 (video may say different, I was half asleep while editing it.)

Bent rows:


One arm rows

3 sets of 10 with 100 lbs.

Woking on my sumo. I suck at it so I'm going to do more. I also need to get my chinning performance. My numbers as of now are ok.............

Getting it done

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Squat and bench and awesomeness...........

Monday: Lowerbody SSB Squats: All sets done without a belt Bar/10, 115/10 155/10 205/6 245/5 265/5 295/3 Did the leg press laying down and it was a bad idea. It was a different setup and I dont like it. So I'm not going to post sets and reps because quite frankly it's embarrassing. Hamstrings: Done in the PM Only did leg curls and romanian deadlifts. My lower back was pretty toast as I'm doing all my training without a belt right now in an attempt to....well.....just get stronger without a belt. I refuse to train without knee sleeves though. That would just be stupid, especially as you get older. Chest: Wednesday The fucking bro convention was convening by the time I walked in. Everyone talks about how the Arnold reeks of people ever been to a collegiate rec center? No? Then you have no idea of the bro fest that ensues. Incline Bench: all sets done with Fat Gripz until 245 lbs Bar/20 135/10 155/10 185/10 225/5 245/5 Dips:BW for 3 sets of 12 Standing DB Press: 40/12 50/12,10 60/5 Laterals: 3 sets Switching out my main chest exercise so it looks like I'll be doing flat db press for reps and heavy for a 3 week cycle and see how that goes. I want to get 125 for a set of 20 eventually. Its back to front squats next week, zerchers the week after and then some safety bar squats the third week. I feel these will give me direct carryover to my low bar squat. I'll also be doing high bar squats for reps as an assistance exercise to build mass. Cant have small legs trying to squat the world.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The gun show

Pressdowns:80/25, 25, 25
Nautilus curls:50/20, 65/15, 15
CG Incline press: 135/10, 185/10,(cluster) 5, 3,3
Alternate Curls w/ grip4force: 30/10, 40/10, 10

Could only manage 5 reps with the 40's so I did it with half grip4force and the other have without them. Very good training tool.

Sunday is a rest day and Monday begins lower body. I'm goons do what I tried to do last week with safety bar squats and some other stuff and cap the day off with farmers walk. Sounds like a grand old time as I already feel my legs and grip saying screw off.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Back, what a C grade back workout looks like and some confessions

Chins:BW:10,7,7,7,8(underhand) One Arm Rows: 80/10, 100/10,10, 120/8 Experimental exercise Dead stop barbell rows(on hyperextension bench) 135/10, 185/4,4 CG Pulldowns:3 sets of 12 I did the "experiment" because I've done it before a long time ago. I liked it with lighter weight, but with 185 it was very tough. No leg movement at all and it may help as long as I make some type of steady progress on it. It hits the back hard as long as you stay strict. So....confession time. This semester totally kicked my ass and I am paying for it. My grades are not good and I'm trying to play catch up. No excuses......I went south of vag and it showed. I have no internship as of right now and not even sure if I'll be getting one and just a lot of shit on my mind. Good thing is that I didn't wait until the last minute and there are people in my corner who want me to succeed. So I'm feeling good on that note. The take away lesson for me is to stop f*cking up. Period. This has by far been the WORST semester for me since I've been back in school and I'm paying for it. Why share this......hell, cause I felt like and wanted to get it off my chest. I came here with the notion in my mind that failure is not an option.......and I almost failed myself. I have to stop letting myself down.....damn everyone else. Back to the grind.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Chest day, bench day or percolatin pec

Bar/25 95/12 135/10 185/6 185/6 225/5 245/3 315/hahahahaha DB Press 75/21 95/12, 8 Pressdowns:2 sets Wanted to do more, but I got into the gym really late and was pretty much on the clock as soon as I walked into the gym. Pump felt good though.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Lower Body Training

Leg Curls:

Zercher Squats:

Hack Squats: 3 sets
DB stiff legs:3 sets

Zerchers were hard on Sunday. Have to get use to pressure on my elbows and biceps. I've seen a picture of Greg Panora doing zerchers with 405 pounds. I don't care if it was possibly for one rep. Thats a lot of damn weight.

Semester is meh. Just going through the motions right now. Ready to be done......oh wait, I may be possibly taking summer classes in Chicago.

Yay me :-/

How I'm feeling right about now. The chorus rings pretty true now, I don't