Thursday, April 25, 2013

Wednesday Training- Speed squats

260/5 sets of 2

Speed Deads
430/6 sets of 1

Banded good mornings/ 100 (spread out over 2 sets of 50)

I really, really, REALLY did not want to train last night. Gym closes at midnight, I packed my bag and left to train at about 10 pm. With finals, projects and makeup homework, I was not a happy camper. Add to that my carbs are pretty low right now and you have one lazy sumbitch.

The workout went smooth and stuff felt fast. I wasn't focusing on lots of bar speed (or bar rape as Paul Carter likes to say), but to reinforce technique. Mine always needs tweaking, so it's good to get these days in.

Weight is about 235 right now. I was asked if I was a powerlifter in the rec by a guy who is pretty strong and was told " Damn, you're lean for powerlifter". So I guess I'm doing something right on the diet and cardio side.

Moving forward.

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