Thursday, April 11, 2013

Some notes about training

I dont have my log in front of me so I don't have exact numbers on every exercise, but I do for the main ones.

Monday: Bench
Worked up to 350

315/ 8 sets of 2
Worked up to 560 in the dead

This has been a LONG prep and the light is at the end of the tunnel now. A 16 week prep is a longer prep than anticipated and I'm pretty beat and slightly irritable. Meet training goes that way sometimes I guess. I will say I feel pretty strong going into Nationals. The Illinois State Bodybuilding Championships are that same day. So as soon as I kick some ass, I'm going to see some up and comers and watch the guest poser Mr. James "Flex" Lewis rock the house at the Gateway theatre.

After the meet is get lean time. I've already kind of started with doing cardio, switching carbs carbs around, etc and I'm coming down some. We'll see where this little experiment takes me in terms of body comp. I will include a before pic and current pic post nationals.

On that note, it's time for lunch!

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