Saturday, September 7, 2013

Back Training: Back to Deadlifting, a Low Budget Students Diet, and Get Rid of Bullshit

Deads: (beltless)

Seated rows:

Bent Rows:

3 sets

Felt good to get some weight in my hands for some pulling and heavy lat work. Really working on getting stronger without a belt. Added in some type of ab work a couple times a week.

On the nutrition front, my main sources of food right now is ground beef (85-93% lean depending on what I can afford), turkey, chicken and sweet potato, white potato, protein powder and oatmeal. I eat around five times a day and strive to get in my protein at 8-10 oz and the five times I eat, I include protein powder as a meal (I combine it with Oatmeal and shake that bitch up.) Fats come from coconut oil, peanut butter, fat in the meats I eat and almonds. Staying more consistent with my nutrition has been paying off. My weakness is still Chipotle and Dicky's BBQ (specifically) the brisket

Supplements being used right now:
Mutant protein powder (Shout out to Gabe Moen on this one with the Husker Power hookup!)
Aminos (various brands)

Simple stack. My pre-workout? Coffee.

I've learned something that is really helping now. When I was at a standstill during my prep, the biggest thing I did was to break down what I really needed and what I really didn't need to put the package together that I wanted. I still needed barbells and dumbbells, so that became the brunt of my workout. I didn't need a pre-workout drink that cost 30 plus dollars when I had a Starbucks card. There is more, but most of you get the point. I took what I needed and discarded the rest.

Me and Paul Carter (author over at Lift-Run-Bang) were talking on Facebook about how people don't really need as much as they think in terms of lifting. You can translate this to life as well. We don't need half the bull that bogs us down. Find out what you don't need and get rid of it.

Enough of me is on.

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