Saturday, February 24, 2018

You Are what You Follow: Social Media Profiles on Instagram I read

Let's face media is a HUGE part of our lives these days. Often we wake up and the first thing we check are our social media profiles. I hate that (even though I do it), but it is what it is.

That being said, social media is still media at its core. And like food, you are what you consume (and absorb). That being said, a lot of what I follow on social media is meant to improve my life in some form or fashion. So the profiles I follow on Instagram (my preferred form of SM) tend to be those in the field of lifting, life improvement or just short form "education" that I wouldn't get anywhere else.

(*short form education is usually something I will read about on a subject I have limited or no knowledge about. Often times leading me to research a topic more.)

With that being said, here are some IG profiles I follow.

The Free Roots: @thefree_roots:

I don't know the brother personally, but what I do know is that he's a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc and a very knowledgeable and opinionated bruh. His profile is mainly dealing with Black History, Black Culture, and his own analysis on things. Not everything you will agree with (I don't) but as long as it gets you thinking and engaging in MEANINGFUL discussion about anything black, they're a good account to follow. Plus, they're starting a literary campaign. Doing it big in 2018.

John Meadows: @mountaindog1

If you're involved in bodybuilding and don't know who John Meadows is, shame on you. Easily one of the most knowledgeable in what could be considered an industry full of dumbasses. John has been ramping up his use of YouTube and IG and has been putting out solid information lately. Add in that he's been doing collaborations with others in bodybuilding shows that he's dedicated to bringing quality information to the masses.

Eugene Teo: @CoachEugeneTeo

Coach Teo is another knowledgeable guy on the scene. He gives a lot of seminars in his native Australia on body mechanics, moving pain free, nutrition, and how all that ties into building solid muscle. He explains videos in clear, easy to understand terms as well.

Jordan Peters: @trainedbyJP

I'm a fan of British bodybuilders and Jordan is one of the hardest training guys on the scene today. He's all of five foot nothing but just a powerhouse in and out. I came across JP's profile about a year and a half ago, and then that lead me to Luke Sandoes (@lukesandoe), Sas Herati (@sas_herati) and James Hollingshead (@hollingshead89), and they all pretty much prescribe to the progressive overload and pushing the food to get thick and strong much like JP. And like many other coaches, he's learning and evolving as well.

Charles Glass: @theCharlesGlass

Who can forget "The Godfather of Bodybuilding." I have watched how he's trained many a champion (oftentimes watching on a VHS tape). A warning for newbies that may start following him. His techniques are advanced and not generally for beginners, so beware of what you start to emulate from him.

Matt Jansen (@mattjansen8) 

I've followed Matt for a while now. Essentially damn near ten years. I remember him being a college student, simply grinding it out because of his love of bodybuilding. Real deal LOVE of the game. I was semi-notable in the industry and simply trying to get journalism by-lines and I happened to be good on a microphone. No I'm the nobody and he's the big time prep coach. But in all seriousness, Matt is one of the most genuine dudes I know. His knowledge base only expands and he continues to get better as a coach and as an athlete.

Nick Langer (@babyrhno89)

I don't include Nick because he's my training partner, but because he is a rising coach and athlete as well. Did I mention a businessman too. He's on the list because, mark my words, he will be in demand. And note, you will work hard and be in shape if you get him as a coach.

Chris Cavallini (@ChrisCavallini)

Warning, he is not your typical motivator. He is very much an in your face, "fuck you and your feelings because I'm here to make you better" type of person. Abrasive as all hell, but will give you a needed kick in the ass. He also owns a food prep company called Nutrition Solutions which services many in the bodybuilding industry including WWE Superstars. While his style is no nonsense, if you take a step back, you'll see the advice is golden. If you aren't sensitive, give him a try.

Andy Frisella (@andyfrisella)

The CEO of First Phorm is much Chris Cavallini. A straight to the point, in your face person. But also he wants to get you better. His podcast the MFCEO Project has good points about entrepreneurship and life building. Again, not for the faint of heart.

The Film Bruh (@thefilmbruh)

Aloysis Ballard is a filmmaker out of Mississippi and he is constantly evolving in his skills as a filmmaker. He's up and coming so watch him grow.

Omega Psi Fraternity, Inc (@officialOPPF) & Omaha Ques (@OmahaQues)

The greatest Fraternity known to man. Period. Follow them as well as Omaha Ques.

This is not meant to be an all encompassing list, just ones that are notable to me and who I try to look at on the daily. There are several others that didn't make the list, because frankly if they did, I'd be typing all day. Gary Vee is great to look at, I like Mike Israetel and Marisa Inda's are good too. I enjoy certain celebs IG pages, but usually I stick with the wheelhouse of bodybuilders and entrepreneurs.

So it's a winter Saturday and the weather sucks, invest in cleaning up who you follow and do a reset. Look at where you want to be and follow like minded individuals.

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