Monday, February 12, 2018

No Cable? Who Cares: My Reading List at the Start of 2018

One of my goals for 2018 is to read. I mean really read something everyday. And also work my way through more podcasts. The reason is twofold.

A: Cable tv is ridiculously priced for the most wack bullshit you'll ever see. How many times do you have to watch a reality show?

B: Listening to podcasts is actually better. I can do things in the background and get work done and get educated, motivated, inspired....whatever.

So I'm working my way through SEVERAL books. Getting a Barnes & Noble membership is a wonderful thing. Saves me money and keeps me in pages. iTunes is a wonderful tool for podcasts as well as Stitcher.

Tools of Titans and Tribe of Mentors:

I'm a Tim Ferris fan ever since the 4 Hour Workweek. Tools of Titans is just how people at the top of their business. The book is separated into three sections, (Healthy, Wealthy and Wise). It's good "outside the box" thinking and just a peek into the mind of the worlds best.

Tribe of Mentors is less of a how to, but more of advice from various people from a myriad of different fields. I'm still making my way through both because they are both pretty dense reads. Around 400 plus each. And the chapters are not meant to be read in order (according to Ferris). I rarely read books in page order anyway now, so this is right up my alley.

Discipline Equals Freedom:

Jocko Willink is one of the authors behind the book Extreme Ownership and a former Navy Seal. In this one he talks about how remaining disciplined is essentially the key to unlocking the things you want in life. Obviously it's not rocket science in the least bit, but sometimes you need a reminder, a good kick in the ass to see if you're on the right track. This book does that. It's text is like the message. Short and to the point. And while it's a pretty sizable self help book, it doesn't overwhelm you with fancy text or catchy phrases. It's straight and to the point.

Extreme Ownership:
This is a gem that I discovered while on Instagram looking at the profile of Chris Cavallini. It's basically a leadership book and how good leaders become that by taking ownership of things. One chapter in and I like it so far.

This is just a snippet of what I have my eyes on right now. 2018 will be a year of change. As much as you need action, you need knowledge too.

Be Great!

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