Saturday, June 17, 2017

Halfway Point: Where Do You Stand?

If you have not noticed by the decreased bitching about the cold and snow, summer is here. For some reason Mother Nature completely skips spring, which I'm fine with.....damn allergies.

But since it's June, it really got me to thinking the other's the halfway point of 2017. Where do I sit in terms of personal and professional development? Am I better? Am I worse or regressing? Floundering?

While I'm not going to reveal where I am (my closest friends know), I will say that if you are are not alone. I know for a fact because I've been there. But take it from gets better, just takes work.

One thing I see is people just putting things off to a later time. I cannot stress how much of a mistake that is. Time is your friend and an enemy at the same time. Attack each day and task with some sort of urgency. Tough to do, but can be done.

Another thing is to rid your life of useless clutter. For example, I have cable that I don't even look at. When I do watch it, I look at Law & Order SVU and Criminal Minds marathons. Not bad shows, but honestly, if I have cable for may be time to get rid of it. Although it's not harming me, it's not really adding. If something is not enhancing your life, then my friend, it must go.

Also, and this may be the most important point, is to not beat yourself up if you are behind. The shit happens. What really matters is the work you put in and if it's moving you forward.

Get to Work and Be Great

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