I've been having a bitch of a time lately getting myself up for training and eating. A couple of things are contributing to this, but I'll just chalk it up under the huge umbrella of stress. It's not fun to deal with when you try to catch a break but you can't. However, I also understand, at the end of the day, you're responsible for you. So make sure you work hard enough to not put yourself in certain positions. And if you think you're working hard, guess what...you can do more.
With the stress, comes a bit of a downgrade in motivation to train. While I've been handling OK (at best) weight, I really have not felt like going to the gym. I do so, because my entire day will be off. It an addiction, but one that keeps me on the straight and narrow.
I'm honestly not even lifting for results per se' but more for just a cheap form of therapy. It helps me clear my mind when it becomes crowded with everyday shit. When I sat back and thought about it, it reminded me of what Dave Tate calls "Dust Mode"
Dust Mode is simply a point where training is not a priority, but you do the shit anyway. You may be post meet, post show, or trying to break a plateau. While you may not want to do it, this phase of training is paramount, because at some point you will bust out. Then that's when blast mode begins, but that's the subject of another post.
You can even hit a dust mode in life. No one is immune to it, some are just better at minimizing it. Right now I'm in dust in life and training. And it sucks. But I'm embracing it.
Personally, I've been in "dust" more times than I can count. I had a point a few years back where I was training for a meet and didn't want to go to Quads Gym to train. I thought of every excuse not to go. The commute sucked, I didn't feel like dragging all my shit and shit hurt everytime I trained....I had no car, blah, blah, blah. Fuck the danger of possibly being shot (oddly enough, never crossed my mind). But I was more concerned about "why am I going?
But inevitably, like clockwork, I would get up and get myself together to go and hop on the Red Line from 95th to Wrigleyville and make the six block walk to Quads.I hit all my numbers I was supposed to hit for the day, but training was rather uninspired.
I ended up hitting a pr on the squat, bench and dead and damn near went 9 for 9. So while working through a rough patch (that lasted for several weeks) I just went in, did what I needed to do and ended up winning the entire meet just 14 pounds away from a 1600 total at a "light" 242 (weighed in the 230's.
(Meet from 2010)
I will say this however, this is how it worked for ME. If you're in meet or show prep, you are BLAST MODE all the fucking way. Period.
Dust Mode is important. It sucks, it's not sexy and most people use it as an excuse to just be weak, but even in dust, you can push and make improvements. It's a snail pace, but it's its movement.
Keep banging in training and life.