Asst work:
RDL:3 sets
Leg Press: 3 sets
I know people say that 500 looked good when I posted it. But it felt slow to me. Gotta get faster out the hole. Sore all over today as well. Glad I have off work on Wednesday so I can recover a little bit more.
Raw Unity:
I've been trying to get qualified for this meet for the past two years. I was actually invited to come even though I didn't hit the total, but I declined because the timetable didn't match up with school. So I passed. So my goal for this year is to qualify for Raw Unity 2015. I need a 1703 total. Not impossible, but will take some work and discipline. I made a promise to myself to do everything to get into next years RUM, and I meant it. My last name may not be Lillibridge, Lilly or any other bigger stronger lifters, but I will let my own total do the talking. First step is this USAPL Nebraska State meet coming up in a couple weeks. I have been training for that and I haven't really looked past that meet. If I don't hit the total there, there will be other meets. So we'll see how it goes.
I'm no stranger to this iron game. I've been around a bit. One thing that is irking me is the amount of "coaches" there is now. I won't harp on do and don'ts, but there should be some guidelines for picking one.
-Who have they coached?
-What have they accomplished?
I realize there are exceptions. Not everyone needs to be superstar stellar to be a good coach (they usually make the worst ones) but they should have a steady track record for helping people hit their goals and also should have walked the walk themselves at some point. I don't care of its bodybuilding or powerlifting. Quit giving your money to "wack-a-mole" trainers and coaches who promise you the world. I won't go into who are some of the more credible coaches are, but if you look, read and think, you KNOW who knows their shit.
The role of a client:
Do the work that you paid to get. Period. Your coach is not a mind reader, therefore you have to *gasp*, open up your mouth and talk to them when you have concerns or something is legitimately not going right. Also, if you have a coach, odds are you have a decent amount of cash (blanket statement, but having a coach is a LUXURY), so eat the food you need to eat and get the supplements you need. The work you do will show onstage, and with so many getting coaches nowadays, lots of them will not hesitate to fire you as a client if they feel you'll bring discredit to their name.