Monday, May 21, 2018

Another Free Program!!: Tenacity Strength Hypertrophy

It's been a rough couple weeks, but that's all by the wayside now. And in a good way!

Right now, I'm very excited! I finally bit the bullet and put out something I've been working on during my free time.

Some may not agree with me doing this. Some may even say "What shows have you won and blah blah blah." To that I say, I respect your opinion, but I feel I have enough knowledge to make people better.

I got into programming back when I was a senior at UNL and I've written workouts here and there. So without further ado......dive in!!!!!

Teancity Strength Hypertrophy

1 comment:

CadenzaSB said...

Found your program through Dave Tate's instagram. Gonna give it a bash soon, just wanted to clarify one thing. Are arms supposed to be trained on their own day or are they to be trained on the same day as back?

Thanks for the free program :)