Saturday, January 17, 2015

Brick by Brick: A Life and Lifting Philosphy

Growing up, I wasn't necessarily good at anything. I remember my parents trying to put me in a school for "gifted" kids, I remember trying my hand at basketball and wrestling. I didn't excel at either. I thought I'd become a black Mr. Perfect, but that didn't turn out the way I wanted.

But it was something about gripping a barbell that felt right. Something about bodybuilding that felt right. I never was physically impressive, so not only did it help my ego, but it also helped me turn into something that I only saw in the comic books.

The deeper I get into lifting, the more I discovered it was a microcosm of life. You have to make gains slowly and steady to create a perfect lift with awesome technique, or to create a work of art onstage. It takes a lot of work. For years. It's literally like building a house and expanding on it. Sometimes the construction of it stinks.

Think of construction workers. You think they want to be outside building shit? For a paycheck, yes. But just on GP? I'd venture to say they'd rather be in Cabo with a triple-d supermodel and a cold pack of beer. But no, they're working. I rain, sleet and shine.

Brick by brick, the job gets accomplished.

Even in college, from my days in community college all the way up to the University level, I had to keep building. Classes were passed, classes were failed. I was academically dismissed a couple of times, but I just knew if I kept going, kept piecing things together, I'd succeed.

 My rallying cry for my lifting and life philosophy has been Brick by Brick.

There will be rain, there will be shine. Setbacks in the construction of your life and physical work is going to happen, but you have to keep building. The work will continue. It has to really. You have no other choice.

I remember Kai Greene saying in a magazine one time that as long as you have life and breath, you have opportunity. I know that won't take for some, but for me, that hit me to my core.

So whatever it is you're doing. Brand building, college course work, competitor........keep building. Persevere.

Do whatever Brick by Brick.

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