Thursday, December 19, 2013

Don't wait

You know what time it is, or at least will be soon.

The "New Year". An amalgam of "I'm doing this" not "that", going the spiritual route by "naming it and claiming it" (who made that up anyway) and getting the people out of your life that don't mean anything.

Well, I ask why didn't you do any of that last year? Oh, of course......the shit would've required you to look in the mirror and possibly say "You know, I don't think I'm measuring up to my own standards. Let me change something."

We shouldn't find ourselves in the exact same spot we were in at the beginning of the year. We all should have grown in some form or fashion and not necessarily in a financial sense. Maybe a physical sense, maybe a spiritual sense, possibly intellectual. The bottom line is that growth needs to occur in order to move forward.

If you have resolutions every year, I'm going to help you by streamlining it. Stop biting off big chunks of what you want to do in the new year. Make a commitment to something now. The new year means dick if you don't take the steps to clean up some shit now. If you have the goal to write a book, sit down TODAY and type the first page.

Want to eat better? Make a commitment to shopping the outsides of the grocery store today and not messing with the chips, crackers what have you.

Want to be a better lifter?

Then take eating better and combine that with consistency in all aspects of the iron game. Make sure your technique is on point. Make sure you get a good amount of rest. Don't bog your life with bullshit and people who don't help you become a better lifter.

I have my goals, and they extend beyond the new year. I won't share (maybe a few in the future) because I don't need people shitting on them, but know they will be accomplished.

Take stock of what you did during the year now and make corrections now. That way, when January 1st does come, you are a couple steps ahead.

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