Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fridays deadlift training and Mondays Squat training

April 8th Deadlift training:

Combined deadlift with military press after

Deadlift:345/5, 405/5, 450/5

GHR: BW/10,6,10,8

Military Press: 120/5, 140/5, 160/5

Some assistance work.

April 11th Squat day

Squats:345/5, 390/3, 440/1, 495/1, 520/1

Reverse Hypers: 100/10, 150/10

Felt good putting that much weight on my back and handling it pretty well.

Program points:

Cardio on a more consistent basis

Better nutrition through more foods. That means getting my ass over a stove a get to cooking more

Dropped to 3 days a week right now for lifting. Took a clip out of a strong man competitors play book. Clint Darden from combines his overhead pressing after deadlifts. That way I can recover over two days and comeback fresh on Monday.

13 weeks.............

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bench Training

Worked up to 280 for 5 reps. I really did 6 though. I took a wider grip on the bar and utilized my fat gripz also. Fat Gripz are attachements you can put on a dumbbell or barbell and it mimics the effect of a fat bar. Fat bars take stress off the elbows a bit (at least for me) and gives you a stronger grip over the long haul. I bought them after reading an article by Charles Poliquin on the the effects of using a fat bar. I'll be using these attachements on the regular as I am having elbow issues. And I'll also use them for arm exercises as you get more fiber recruitment using a fat bar with barbells and dumbbells.

It's nothing really heavy this week. I work up to 95% of my training max next week and I need my head in the game. Gonna get a nice bloat going for squats on Monday so I can work up to around 500.

This is a video of Dave Ricks. International level powerlifter. And he's over 55. Whats your excuse? Thats dont have one

Squat Monday

Worked up to 390 for 5. Used a belt and felt good and fast. Also bought some Rehband knee sleeves and took those for a ride today. The heavy knee sleeves I use from are illegal in competition or the federation I compete in.

No words can describe this video.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Bench Training from Wednesday

This was one of those things that started out as a good idea, but as things went on, things went a bit south. Not that it was a bad thing, but I'll get into that in a moment. But right now, lets break the workout down.

405/ two misses

This workout was still a success in my eyes in that it showed me I'm have a long way to go and made my weak points even more apparent.

Weakness one: Set up and technique are the things that come to my mind first. I lose tightness and fall out of the groove in the bench.I need to learn how to keep my shoulder girdle tighter also.

Weakness two: Weak triceps and some forearm and elbow pain have been getting lately. I will have these area worked on soon. I'm gonna go H.A.M on triceps training now. Close grip, board press, floor press, extensions. You name it, I'm doing it( except kickbacks because I'm positive that they serve no purpose at all for bodybuilding, powerlifting or general strength and fitness training and because they aren't manly)

Weakness three: Mental. I need to learn how to come back strong after a "defeat". My head wasnt right after that missed attempt and I let the first miss get to me in the head. This has even affected me in meets. I cant let it go on.

Onward. I'm only as strong as my weakest link and my weakest is my bench.