Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Free Program!!!! Que Strength: Phase 3


Well hopefully you have been challenged with Que Strength phase 1&2, and hopefully you've made big time changes. This is the last phase to hammer your body even more. The weather is warm, so lets turn up the heat.

Phase one and Phase two here.

Day 1: Back
Day 2: chest/shoulders
Day 3:off
Day 4: Legs
Day 5: Upper Body Flush

Notes: I want you to buy a notebook. It will serve as a logbook for your workouts. In it you’ll record the exercise, sets, reps. This will serve as sort of a map. The goal is to increase weight (or even reps) a bit each week. This won’t always happen, but you should push for it. 

Day 1: Back

Chins: 3 sets of 10. We’ll keep these in, but lower the volume a bit. But the volume goes up for another back exercise

Bent over Barbell rows: 4 sets of 12, with two warm-up sets

This week its done at a 45 degree angle, this way you can use a bit more heavier weight. However, I want the barbell to touch your abdomen on each rep. Make sure you pull the elbows back and not out. 

One arm dumbbell Rows: 3 sets of 10

When you do rows make sure you’re also completely bent over at the waist. Again, pull the elbow on the rowing arm back. Almost like you’re starting a lawn mower.

Reverse Grip Lat Pulldowns: 3 sets of 12

Last cycle these were done with an overhand grip, but this cycle I want you to use a reverse grip. Pull the elbows back and squeeze the lats hard. 

Seated cable row: 3 sets of 12

Make sure you get some what of a stretch on this. Nothing crazy, just enough to make a slight pull in your lats. 

Day 2: Chest/shoulders: 

Machine flye: 3 sets of 12

Do these with a HARD squeeze at the top of the movement and a good stretch. 

Incline press with a pause : 3 sets of 8

I want these as heavy as you can go for a set of 8. But touch the bar to your chest, hold it there for a second a explode up. These are tough. If you have shoulder issues, just hold it slightly above your chest and explode up. 

Dips: bodyweight for 3 sets of 12. Only 60 seconds rest between sets. 


Laterals: 3 sets of 10

Military press: 3 sets of 10

Nothing special here. Don’t even go real heavy as the previous pressing has you a bit worn out.

Rear laterals: 3 sets of 15

Do these on a free weight incline bench at a 30-45 degree angle.

Triceps: Pressdown, 3 sets of 12, seated dips: 3 sets of 12

Day 3: Rest, that means REST. Not go run a mile, play volleyball, play basketball or anything like that. Because tomorrow is a HAZE!

Day 4: Legs

10 minute warm-up on the bike. I want this moderately intense to where you’re not tired, but break a sweat. DO NOT SUBSTITUTE THIS WITH A RUN OR JOGGING!

Leg Curl (seated or lying): 3 sets of 12:

Rotate seated and lying leg curls by the week, so if you start off this week with lying leg curls, start up with seated leg curls next week. I want these with a hard squeeze at the bottom (or top) of the movement.

Squats: 4 sets of 8

These should feel good after leg curls. Take as many sets as you need to warm up and then dive into your work sets. Notice I dropped the reps. That means the weight goes higher.

Leg Press: 3 sets of 20

Put your feet narrow and low on the platform with your knees straight as you lower the weight. I want these to beat the shit out of your teardrop and quads. Keep the weight moderate and rest periods low. Around 60 seconds. Push hard on these. 

Stiff Leg Deadlifts: 3 sets of 12

Good stretch at the bottom: DO NOT ROUND YOUR BACK!

Day 5: Upper Body Flush Pump

This is a pump day, think of this as active recovery. This will be done in giant set format

Lat Pulldowns

right into

Machine press

right into


right into

Bicep Curls

Right into

Tricep Pressdown

4 rounds: 10 reps each, 2 minutes between each round. This is not meant to be a very difficult workout, but to push nutrient rich blood into the muscle to help recovery. Adjust weight accordingly


If you notice, the workout stays same for the most part, but I want increased weight. on the exercises. 

After you finish this phase, I want you take a week where you lower the volume significantly. You can do phase 1 over again, but drop all the sets by 2. This is meant as active rest. You may be pretty beat up by the time this program is over, so you’ll need the rest.

Going forward, there are options you can do. You can repeat the program in full or you can restart phase two, then phase 3, then drop back to phase 2 or just repeat phase 3.

Meaning it would like this:

Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 2


Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 3

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