Saturday, December 13, 2014

Show Plans and Training.

I haven't done a post in quite awhile. Mainly because I'm just lazy as all hell on the blogging tip. Mainly because of life changes.

Life changes like.......

-Graduating college
-Working a lot
-Working a lot

So what about training?

Well it's been good actually. I've made the transition back to bodybuilding from powerlifting. I got hurt during a USAPL meet here in town and just decided that I need to step back from the max poundage a bit. So since April I've been bodybuilding. I feel like I've started from ground zero and I've built something respectable. Now that I'm in the tail end of my offseason,  I feel like this is the best I've been in awhile.

I'm not super lean, but I'm not out of shape either. But you can tell I lift. I'm not a believer in being the most leanest guy in offseason. I don't believe in being fat either. So take it for what it's worth.

My current split for the past few weeks have been

Mon: Legs
Tuesday: Chest/shoulders/arm flush
Wed: off
Thurs: Back
Fri: Legs (secondary workout)
Sat: Chest/shoulders/ arm flush

The "arm flush" is just a quick superset to get some blood in the arms. Nothing crazy on that end. I drop back to once a week Legs and chest and Back and shoulders/arms twice a week for four weeks or so.

My main goal for show prep is just to be in shredded condition. Period. I have the size, I have the shape. I just need to bring the condition and the chips will fall where they may. Shows are in July and August. so I'll keep this up as much as possible until show time.

Lets get in on!!

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