Sunday, January 1, 2017

The List: Strength and Fitness Resources for 2017

So, It's officially 2017...and you're wanting to get in shape, tighten up, gain some discipline and all that.

But you have zero idea of where to start. That's fine, I have your back.

These are some of the resources that have helped me get better over the years.

This is possibly the best resource I have ever come across for strength training. While you may say to yourself "I don't want to be strong," your goal will require the use of some strength. Because getting a tight ass wont work with just a bar honey.

Coaching logs, videos, exercise name it, they got it.


Paul Carter has spent a good bit of time under the bar, and has helped trained the normal everyday person, to competitive bodybuilders/powerlifters all the way up to IFBB Pro's.  He recently teamed up with strength coach Christian Thib to release the Maximum Muscle Bible. He touches on more than just training as well.

Ashman Strength Systems

Jay Ashman is another strength coach with considerable time under the bar. Another trainer who's worked with a variety of folks across the spectrum.  He has an ebook on his site as well, which is available for purchase.

Jim Wendler-Creator of 5/3/1

This is the program that took me to a 600 lb squat. Jim lay's out the program simple and easy to understand. It's very basic. So if you're looking for bells and whistles....forget it.

While he doesn't have a website, Brandon Lilly is the creator of the Cube Method. It's helped me experience success in powerlifting after I stopped using 5/3/1. You can get the Cube Method at Juggernaut Strength Systems.

These are just some of the BASIC resources I advise people look up. Yes, a lot are powerlifting based...but your workouts have not been working more than likely, so step outside your comfort zone and try something new.

And no won't turn into a man if you get stronger.

Good luck.